Rocking our shirts
Rocking our shoesSo it all started at 8, Alexa did a SJ school before Waredaca this weekend. Emily followed with an XC school, both rode at the beautiful Serra Valley.
Then, my girls surprised me with yellow polo shirts, personalized with puffy paint and glitter!!!!!!
Off we went to Waredaca, to help set up the SJ for both the jumper show, and the event this weekend.
We helped Kathy White, and my girls were wonderful! Everyone complimented them on how great of a job they did! Maggie supervised from the side lines, after trying on Kathy's shoes.
After we were done with the show jump course, we hustled back, got Beast, Callie, Brighten, Knick, Buckshot, and Ernie, and went back to Waredaca!
My little mares were rock stars for their dressage! All 7's! This was Callie's first time at a show, and she made me feel like a million dollars! I love this horse! So much talent! The judge, Peggy Parisso, loved both my mares!
Brighten was a superhero in his dressage, he knows he's hot stuff!
My girls all did well, especially considering I wasn't able to warm them up!
Buckshot was honest and eager, always adding up, even if there was pilot error aboard.
Knick was his normal drama mama self, but looked like a million dollars with Kari aboard.
Lexi sorted it out in the warm up ring afterward.
Hannah did a great job with Buck, esp. at the end, keeping it together despite them both being exhausted!
It was a blast to have Sam with us. I hope she continues to come on our little outings.
SHOUT OUT to the Youngblood girls! BEST HELPERS EVER!!!!!!
I'm so proud to have this group of kids with me at any of the places I go! AND they are pretty good shirt makers too!