Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
photos from the Jumper show
Monday, November 29, 2010
The public relations department of a beauty products company asked its customers to send pictures along with brief letters, describing the most beautiful women they knew. Thousands of letters came in. One caught the attention of the employees and was passed on to the president. It was written by a boy from a broken home who lived in a run-down neighbourhood. With lots of spelling errors, an excerpt from his letter read: 'A beautiful woman lives down the street from me. I visit her every day. She makes me feel like the most important kid in the world. We play checkers and she listens to my problems. She understands me. When I leave she always yells out the door that she's proud of me.' The boy ended his letter saying, 'This picture shows you that she is the most beautiful woman in the world, and one day I hope to have a wife as pretty as her.' Intrigued, the president asked to see the woman's picture. His secretary handed him a photograph of a smiling, toothless woman, well advanced in years, sitting in a wheelchair. Sparse grey hair was pulled back in a bun. The wrinkles that formed deep furrows on her face were somehow diminished by the twinkle in her eyes. 'We can't use this woman,' said the president, smiling. 'She would show the world that our products aren't necessary to be beautiful.'
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Serra Valley Jumper Show!!!
Congrats to Katie C, Alison C, Ameriah, Brianna C, Hunter F, Sam, Hannah, Julia, and last but CERTAINLY not least, Piper! You guys cleaned up!
Katherine Rizzo (who is working on getting her course designing license) designed the courses, and they were AWESOME!
She and her students all had a successful day as well!
Alison B did awesome with Mikey!
All of Red Hawkes other friends rocked it out as well!
We love all the feed back we got, and can't wait to make these shows just the way that the competitors want them!
Feel free to email me ... with any suggestions or questions that you may have. We are planning the next show date and are thinking of either Dec 18 or a "Holiday show" on a weekday before New Years but after Christmas. What do you guys think?
I was so proud to see all my students out there today. As usual, I got a bit teary eyed as I was so happy!
Good old Dave did the scoring, and kept me company all day. I chugged coffee and talked a million miles a minute much to his ever increasing delight. Dave is my Bestie and I sure do love him! Go Dave!
My sis and brother in law watched the Magsters so she could have a break from the weekend ritual of horse shows. She clucks now whenever she sees a picture of anything that even remotely resembles a horse. This was very entertaining at Thanksgiving. Eeyore, giraffes, elephants, all in books and hung on the walls would prompt a clucking noise from wherever Maggie was, followed by "howrse?"
Back to the subject of this post....
The food was great at the Serra Valley show, thanks to Dawn and her crew.
All in all a real success!
The leg work was done by Alison aka pork chop, Laney (who is incredible, and wait til she makes her showing debut on Patsy her paint mare!!!) me and Dave. Of course, like I said, the Fab courses were designed by the ever amazing Katherine! If I am forgetting anyone I will be sure to add them in.
Thanks all, can't wait to do it again! :-* (That's a smooch if you don't know texting faces)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Busy Week!!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Fw: Darenth Dressage show!
-----Original Message-----
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 00:54:44
To: <>
Subject: Darenth Dressage show!
What a blast!!! The Fabrys cleaned up with both Hunter and Piper getting blue ribbons!
Pipes got a 27 on her intro a test, and Hunter got a 30 on his Beg. Novice test!!!
Everyone rode so well, and for lots, this was there first show!
Jane rode Buckshot to a red ribbon victory, and little Brianna won her first dressage show on Hayleys little mare, Lila!
Of course, Maggie won her class of 1. She did a walk down center line and had amazing form!
Everyone did great!
Good job Mary,Grace,Allison,Annie,Piper,Hunter,Megan,Jane,Brianna!!!!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Fw: Loch moy short course!!!
-----Original Message-----
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 01:11:12
To: <>
Subject: Loch moy short course!!!
What a GREAT day!
Alexis won ending on her awesome dressage score! Julia got a white ribbon at her first show with Darenth Farms Millie!!!
We had such a great day with beautiful weather.
Millie was a little worried when we first arrived, but settled in beautifully as the day progressed. Millie jumped with confidence and clean and careful, to finish on her dressage score of 37!
Alexis and Packer were in it to win it from the get go. After a perfect jumping/XC, she won, ending on her dressage score of 33!
Go team Red Hawke! The program and all the hard work has paid off.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Rubicon and other things
Cross country schooling!!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Waredaca unrecognized