It's Tuesday after my first Fair Hill CCI experience.
It is a day of rest. .....For my three year old daughter. I keep trying to sleep but I notice dust bunnies, laundry, and various other chores that have been neglected. Neglected not just in the last week, but the last few weeks as I madly prepped for Fair Hill. Also a certain someone keeps asking me to "cuddaly buggaly". How could you say no to that!
Yesterday I drove from my home near Waredaca up to Fair Hill to retrieve the camper I stayed in while there. Somehow I ended in Philadelphia PA briefly. This added 2 hours to my journey.
Today I find my self filled with moments of blankness, bits of memories flooding back to me.
I wish I could remember the experience more clearly. It was like a file so big it is still trying to store.
I had an amazing support team. My friends are honestly the most amazing people on the planet. They took care of everything that needed to be taken care of.
I had such a cool experience witnessing the professionals that I strive to be like every day. It is always the same at every big show. There are a lot of " big names" that are just there to ride, which is fine....
But there are a lot of pro's there who go above and beyond and are friendly as can be.
Boyd Martin. Always cheerful, friendly, and often walking his own horses. He clearly is a superior horsemen.
Sharon White. She just makes me want to hug her (which is weird since she kicks my rear in lessons!) Sharon has the perfect cross country color in the color orange. She is a breath of fresh air and always willing to help and put things in perspective!
Ashley Macvaugh. This was the first time I have met her. What a delightful person!!!!!
Mara DePuy. I can't say enough about her. She is graceful and kind. But if she says half halt, she doesn't' mean in five strides :). Mara goes above and beyond and is such an amazing role model. This lady is a wealth of knowledge and I am fortunate to have had her share some with me.
Jimmy Wofford. The name says it all. This man needs no explanation.
Colleen Rutledge. All though this woman is tough as nails, she is always trying to help and is clearly a hard matter how often her success gets looked over.
Colleen would be a chestnut mare.
Of course there is the wonderful Mr. Stephen Bradley. Just seeing him from a far reminds me to wait with my shoulders and press my heels down. (All though those damn body parts don't always listen). I also feel a little safer when he is around. Stephen is my home base.
The dynamic duo that always brings me delight is Laney and Val Ashker. They do not know me, but that never stops them from giving me an encouraging word or a big bright smile. I admire those ladies.
I really think it is cool to go to a huge show like Fair Hill and see how hard some of these people work.
I survived my first Fair Hill experience in a large part from all of these people I named. A random smile from someone you know or don't know can go such a long way.
When I see people upon returning from the event, they ask "did you have fun?"
I don't really know what to say.
From what I remember, no I didn't have fun.
I lived.
I lived a life so full of input. I had all of my senses over loaded. Every texture, every feeling, every sound, was amplified. I learned more then I could have imagined one could learn in one week.
I became hungry.
I don't think it will ever be "fun". I think it almost becomes necessary. Does that make sense?
My horse is incredible. I am looking forward to a second shot at having a better outcome with my score.
While my mare may never be in the top ten in dressage, with all of her chestnutness three day fit. There is no reason she can't have a top ten finish. She is FAST, she is BRAVE, and she deserves the rider that I have become partially because of the mistakes I made at Fair Hill.
I am so proud to have completed Fair Hill in a way I can be proud of. But there is a fire in my belly to do better. I will not have rails because Jimmy helps me get my horse jumping so well I can't stay with her!
I have a few months now to kick it into high gear and be a slave to all my amazing students that stood by me as I have traveled.
I am so truly blessed to have lived the life I have lived the last few years. I have the best husband on the planet. He won't even notice we are eating ramen and hot dogs for the next month to pay off a piece of the Fair Hill experience.
He is just a happy person who is always there to say the right thing and I love him.
I could write for ever about all the awesome people in my life and the eventing world. I am so proud to be a part of this community.
We truly
live every day