Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy holidays!

Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season!

I am so happy and lucky to have such wonderful friends and family surrounding me this season.

Maggie has been ridiculously spoiled by santa and all those close.
All the competition horses are doing wonderful! :)
Beasty gets picked up from the amazing Mara Depuys on Friday.

I can't express how incredible it had been for me to have Beast at Maras. I have watched them work together (which makes me want to vomit a little with how incredible beast looks) and taken a few lessons.
Don't get me wrong, I will always love and ride with Jimmy and Sharon....but for specifically Beasty and I, I had to narrow it down especially for my time in Aiken and Jersey Fresh.
Stephen of course will always be one of my main trainers!

While Beasty preps for another two star and the move up to advanced, I need a plan.
I'm not naturally a level ,clear, organized meticulous person. I have to set a lot of structure to live in order. I generally do not react calmly if my order gets interrupted or change occurs that I have not chosen.
I am very good at planning for other people or the babies through prelim,  intermediate horse trials. I feel solid in knowing when to back down, push forward, admit success, admit a mistake.

It all goes out the window when it comes to my little Beasty. I just want someone who is going to keep me and Beast as safe as possible, as confident as possible, and learning as much as possible.

I can't believe how much making the choice to get focused with Mara this month has helped me. I feel like I really am at the best place I have ever been, or ever hoped to be for the spring of 2013.

I have a much clearer understanding of things and myself. This year is going to be about confident horses moving forward and doing the best that their abilities allow.
I can't wait to get started!

For now I'm going to enjoy some down time, while I still have it ;)

Mary Mack

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

When your feeling blue, or a little sick.....

Cover your self with soft fluffy things and all will be well!

I had the best day riding my mares with Vanessa!!!!!
Beast is being a perfect girl down at Mara De Puys. I got a glowing report today!
I'm going to take my other little mommas down on Fri and spend the first part of the day there. I can not wait for her to meet Ava!

Mary Mack

Saturday, December 8, 2012

What emily and maggie do when me and dave go out

Only a computer science major and a three year old.
Mary Mack

Saturday, December 1, 2012

for my friend

The slow ache
The sharp cut
The warm release of past
The memory, the spotted mind
The spotted shoulder of shadowed time.

I dont know how or when or not
Or if indeed it ever was
I wish the past was a tangible place
To be revisited

It's not nothing, it never was
It's not for anyone but for them.
A cry for dawn , for sunsets past

For memories that sting

Sting like salt from the oceans tide
The oceans waves that wash away
They smooth the rock and collect the sky. They reflect the golds and hues of pink. They blend yesterday into now.

The waves they wash but they never dull
They just come. Relentless, persistent, unaware.
Real only to me
They just reapproach. Disorganized, heavy, but quick.

I do not walk by the sea.
I do not hold my breath.
But the waves they find me.

I am still And I will wait.

Monday, November 19, 2012

A great weekend!!!!!

What a really great weekend!!!!!
Everyone had such a great school at loch moy.

I just can't believe how awesome little ava was. She did everything perfectly, on the first try, in perfect form. She also loves water.

Emily did a great job with the horse she is trying out. She rode him at South winds in Damascus.
I recommend it if anyone is looking for a good relaxed but efficient atmosphere to get their horses out.

Dave and I had an awesome date. We had the best food ever at Lucky Corner (as always).
We did a little christmas shopping, all while Maggie raged with Elizabeth.  I think Mags is going through a growth spurt. She has been a bit nutty lately!!!!

Looking forward to this week of thanks with friends and family!!!!

Mary Mack

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

Who else

Owns a dog that gets stuck like this. Ten minutes.

Mary Mack

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I realize the last photo made it look like I bought a pony due to the high fencing.
Ava, is a 16.1 hand tb mare, 2006.
She continues to amaze me. She was an absolute angel today. I genuinely look forward to riding her every day and have to pace myself not to over due it as she is green and not fit.

Beasty is still on vacay and I think she is over it.

Callie has come back to work from her vacay and is giving me some amazing work!

Summer has been a little star.

And riding Duncan doodles at his first training was a TOTAL blast!!!!!

Maggie had a really great lesson tonight. Her half seat is SOLID!
Mary Mack

Monday, November 12, 2012

Welcome Ava!!!!

A big welcome to Red Hawke eventings newest team member!!!!
Never have I seen a horse pass a vetting so easily!!!
Now if I can actually force my self to re sell her.
Fancy she is indeed!!!!!!
Mary Mack

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Waredaca was....

Packer, Fiesta, and Duncan were all awesome in the dressage.
I was so proud of all three horses!

Then things got a little hectic.

Alexis's boot broke, ending with it being taped with zebra print duct tape.

Poor Alex was second to go in show jumping and the woman before him had a bad fall. He did a great job shaking it off and rode a great solid round with a few innocent green moments.
Alex had a great go xc, respected the terrain and ended third!

Fence three was the bogie fence of the day. The horses were so busy looking at the judges hut, they were startled when all of the sudden there was a little black plank in front of them.
A horrid, evil, little black plank.

Packer conquered it on the first attempt but jumped so damn big that he pushed Alexis up out of the saddle into his neck. She almost made it, trying to regain control for a full minute until finally she had to jump off. I wish I had it on tape because after the initial pissed offniss wears off, it was funny as all get out.

Fiesta was a blaze of confidence going into the show jump ring. It didn't feel like the footing  in warm up worried her at all (it was awful). She came around to  fence three and the poor girl felt shocked. I didn't really react, figured now she knew it was there put my leg on hard but now she was worried. I had to ride quite aggressively which doesn't always make Fiesta feel good.
She did put her big girl pants on though and jumped well for me through the rest of the show jumping...........

We left the box well cross country. That has been her claustrophobic panic inducer at the last two events.
She jumped the first fence well and then I lost her.
This mare is so quirky. She gets worried about the things around the jumps, not the jumps themselves. If I can get her locked on the jump, we are golden. But man running up that hill and hitting the crest was not a good moment for that little momma.

Now to process. The most important thing to me is that the horses I ride are happy. Jumping makes Fiesta happy. Terrain, going through gates, tree lines....not so much.  I will spend time marinating and then Melissa and I can plan. Perhaps we can change her training process? Maybe do hunter paces? Try her as a hunter, either show or fox.....Maybe it's irrelevant and she just had a bad day.

I have those sometimes.

I guess the point is, there is no point.

I still had a great day. Fiestas owner Melissa is awesome. She has become a good friend. Alexis and Alex (and their horses) made me proud.
Alexis made me proud with her attitude. It's alot harder to be mature when things don't go perfect, and then to come back swinging.
And lets face it, with horses things aren't always perfect.
No matter how hard we prep, sometimes moments just happen.
Whats the saying?
Life is 10% circumstance and 90% what you make of it?
Something like that.

I want to learn, I want to be a good person surrounded by great friends, and I want to be an AMAZING horse person. Today I did, was, and got one step closer.

Now I'm going to eat a ridiculous amount of chinese food and snuggle with Maggie and Dave.

Mary Macklin

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Fair Hill hangover

It's Tuesday after my first Fair Hill CCI experience.
 It is a day of rest. .....For my three year old daughter. I keep trying to sleep but I notice dust bunnies, laundry, and various other chores that have been neglected. Neglected not just in the last week, but the last few weeks as I madly prepped for Fair Hill. Also a certain someone keeps asking me to "cuddaly buggaly". How could you say no to that!
Yesterday I drove from my home near Waredaca up to Fair Hill to retrieve the camper I stayed in while there. Somehow I ended in Philadelphia PA briefly. This added 2 hours to my journey.
Today I find my self filled with moments of blankness, bits of memories flooding back to me.

I wish I could remember the experience more clearly. It was like a file so big it is still trying to store.

I had an amazing support team. My friends are honestly the most amazing people on the planet. They took care of everything that needed to be taken care of.

I had such a cool experience witnessing the professionals that I strive to be like every day. It is always the same at every big show. There are a lot of " big names" that are just there to ride, which is fine....
But there are a lot of pro's there who go above and beyond and are friendly as can be.

Boyd Martin. Always cheerful, friendly, and often walking his own horses. He clearly is a superior horsemen.

Sharon White. She just makes me want to hug her (which is weird since she kicks my rear in lessons!) Sharon has the perfect cross country color in the color orange. She is a breath of fresh air and always willing to help and put things in perspective!

Ashley Macvaugh. This was the first time I have met her. What a delightful person!!!!!

Mara DePuy. I can't say enough about her. She is graceful and kind. But if she says half halt, she doesn't' mean in five strides :). Mara goes above and beyond and is such an amazing role model. This lady is a wealth of knowledge and I am fortunate to have had her share some with me.

Jimmy Wofford. The name says it all. This man needs no explanation.

Colleen Rutledge. All though this woman is tough as nails, she is always trying to help and is clearly a hard matter how often her success gets looked over.
Colleen would be a chestnut mare.

Of course there is the wonderful Mr. Stephen Bradley. Just seeing him from a far reminds me to wait with my shoulders and press my heels down. (All though those damn body parts don't always listen). I also feel a little safer when he is around. Stephen  is my home base.

The dynamic duo that always brings me delight is Laney and Val Ashker. They do not know me, but that never stops them from giving me an encouraging word or a big bright smile. I admire those ladies.

I really think it is cool to go to a huge show like Fair Hill and see how hard some of these people work.

I survived my first Fair Hill experience in a large part from all of these people I named. A random smile from someone you know or don't know can go such a long way.

When I see people upon returning from the event, they ask "did you have fun?"
I don't really know what to say.
From what I remember, no I didn't have fun.
I lived.
 I lived a life so full of input. I had all of my senses over loaded. Every texture, every feeling, every sound, was amplified. I learned more then I could have imagined one could learn in one week.
I became hungry.
I don't think it will ever be "fun". I think it almost becomes necessary. Does that make sense?
My horse is incredible. I am looking forward to a second shot at having a better outcome with my score.
While my mare may never be in the top ten in dressage, with all of her chestnutness three day fit. There is no reason she can't have a top ten finish. She is FAST, she is BRAVE, and she deserves the rider that I have become partially because of the mistakes I made at Fair Hill.

I am so proud to have completed Fair Hill in a way I can be proud of. But there is a fire in my belly to do better. I will not have rails because Jimmy helps me get my horse jumping so well I can't stay with her!

I have a few months now to kick it into high gear and be a slave to all my amazing students that stood by me as I have traveled.

I am so truly blessed to have lived the life I have lived the last few years. I have the best husband on the planet. He won't even notice we are eating ramen and hot dogs for the next month to pay off a piece of the Fair Hill experience.
 He is just a happy person who is always there to say the right thing and I love him.

I could write for ever about all the awesome people in my life and the eventing world. I am so proud to be a part of this community.

We truly live every day

Sunday, October 21, 2012


I'm learning so much this week it's making my head spin. No joke, no exaggeration.
This experience is incredible.
My friends are incredible.
My horse is incredible.

Mara did such an awesome course walk, every thing she said was exactly how it was. ....Including the silly reason for my run out.
This course was long, big, technical, and freakin awesome. I got so caught up in the whole thing, I never showed beast her line at an angled brush.

When I was walking the course, this combination totally didn't worry me.
I didn't take into account the Loooooong gallop before it and having to pick Beasts head up to show her (even though Mara said to!)
Silly me.

The course in a whole was the most fun experience I could have hoped for.
It got better and better as it went. It felt effortless for my mare and I am so thankful to have her.

When I talked to Jimmy Wofford later, he told me alot of things.
He told me I need to stop talking while going cross country (shocker). But he had a valid reason. He said I distract her from her job.

I said I was a bit embarrassed to have looked up after my less then stellar dressage test and to have seen he had come to watch.
He told me she is a thoroughbred. And if I can do a good test on her, I can do it on anything.
He also told me that hes not concerned about his "kids dressage that are on their way to the top".
I didn't hear anything he said for a good five minutes after that. I was trying not to cry. I am very appreciative to hear those words.

Although when I told him my ego was hurt that I had the run out,
He did also say I had not accomplished enough to have an ego. :)
Keepin it real.

This is what I know.
I had a great ride today and I became a much better rider and have more tools to teach at a higher level.
My horse came off that course ready to rock advanced in February.
I learned so much more from my "mistake" then I would have from having a clean crappy go (all though I would have made time :).

Mary Mack

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Taking care of amazingness

Mary Mack


My horse is a freakin rock star!!! She went above and beyond and I learned so sooooo much!!!!!

Mary Mack

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


We were accepted at the formal inspection.
There are a lot of people being held, not passing/withdrawing.
Mara is being the best hand holder ever. She rocks.
Katherine helped me switch shoes last minute as I appeared lame.
Now time for a flat lesson!

Mary Mack

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

We are here!

Beasty is all settled in!
She is acting like a pro, relaxed and eating happily.
Lots of horses are super excited in this environment but Beast is saving it up for Sat am!!!
Dave is setting up the camper for me (thanks Vanessa). Maggie is supervising!
Katherine gets here tomorrow and Kim and Kelley on Thurs pm!
I can't wait.
We have a competitors meeting and then I'm going to hack the little momma.
Mary Mack

Friday, September 28, 2012


Things have been busy busy!!!
Beast was really a star at Plantation.
She ran the same track as the 2*.
I found it a bit odd that there was not one single fence different in the open division from the 2* but hey I will take it! Beast now has two 2* tracks under her belt leading up to Fair hill.
With that said, Beast is absolutely feeling brave and amazing.
I am going to be playing with bits over the next few weeks. I feel like just a little tweak here or there and she will be happily jumping clean in show jumping.
 She tried for me at plantation. It seems that most of the spooky  distraction moments have left the chestnut building.
 Now I have to find a bit that will help her come over her back and not urge her to invert........when I pull for no reason ;)

 Callie girl is doing well.
As is Summer.
Fiesta is rusty and needs some low key confidence building sessions. But damn can that little momma move and jump!!!!

All of my students are doing so so awesome!
They have all been so patient as I have been traveling so much!

Alison and Knickerbocker are entered in he championships at Morven as are Kari and Kaliente!
Sharon O just had a solid run in the prelim at Marlborough.
Emily continues to work on her mare, and is putting together the pieces to continue solid prelim season.
Every horse is a little different and I'm so happy to have students that really listen to their horses and their horses bodies.

Katie C continues to recover from a broken shoulder and Sharon D and I have the pleasure of keeping Willis going!!!!

Taylor and Julia I miss very much.
I can't wait to start back up regular lessons!

Alexis and Packer continue success at the novice level.

All my Olney crew are doing awesome!!!

I have to scoot to the bank before riding with Sharon White this afternoon, so I will continue my student updates later ;)

Friday, September 21, 2012


The scores do not reflect our day accurately....
Beast was great in dressage warm up!
Beast was a wench, a total horrid wench in the show ring.
It was the worst she has ever been!!!!
The good news, her worst day imaginable got her a 39!
Beast was absolutely perfect, beyond belief perfect in show jumping.
My mind blanked going into the triple, I remembered the distance walking snug (which it totally didn't I now remember!) So I told Beast to wait, wait.

Oops, she made up for my mistake but it cost us 2 rails. The other was my rail as well.
This horse requires a perfectly quiet ride despite her breathing flames with her 2 star fitness!
The good news is, today was the closest I came. Screw the rails, we were on it today.
I love this crazy mare.
Mary Mack

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Julia and Marley...

This is long over due.
I am so happy for Julia Fitzgerald on her recent purchase of Marley!!!!!!!!
They make such an incredible team. Hannah Youngblood was her previous owner and did a great job getting her ready for he next owner, who happens to be Julia!

Marley and Julia will be a force to be reckoned with on the eventing and jumper scene!
Callie went to Sharon Whites yesterday.
I had one of the most amazingly fun lessons I have ever had.
Callie gave me a glimpse into her true  upper level potential and it was breath taking. She did every exercise perfect on the first try.
I am so thankful that I ride with such amazing instructors.

Watch "Kari & Kaliente Loch Moy" on YouTube

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Amazing photography by the coolest ever Stephanie Bradley Green!!!!!


My name is Callie.
I'm amazing.
Its amazing how I can type with my hooves.
I stole moms tablet to tell you about Loch Moy.
I freaking rocked it.
I was beautiful in the dressage. Yes you may pat me the next time you see me.
I was quite happy with my show jumping. My woman did her best to show me where to go and then left me alone.
She did not dig her spurs into my side for no reason and thank god she didn't pull right at the base of the jump. I hate it when she does that.
I jumped my second prelim show jumping clean.
Yes you may pat me the next time you see me.
I was quite amazing cross country. I jumped big and then after fence 6 (yes you idiot I can count) my woman looped the reins and finally let me run, run the way I have wanted to run.
My woman then said "whoa" and turned me.
There was something in my way that looked like a jump.....but I'm not sure. It was sorta skinny and it came at me ....into a point.
I tried to go around it. That woman didn't seem to like it. I'm not so sure why my woman did not tell me it was coming. She told me to turn and then to jump it?
I told her I did not understand. Thankfully my woman is a good girl and listens well.
When I got back to the barn I pranced off the trailer and I announced how amazing I am.
For some reason my mother did not look as happy as usual. Silly humans.
I hear we have plans to go to Sharon Whites tomorrow to learn what a skinny chevron is and how to jump it. I am glad my woman has learned that a horse as important and wonderful as I must understand things. You see if I can't do it perfectly, I would prefer not to do it....
I hear Stephen Bradley may have other plans. We will be going to Loch Moy on Thursday.

My woman acted very good yesterday and kept it together. When she came to talk to me later when no one was looking and seemed sad, I slapped her in the eyeballs with my tail and said you may pat me now.
Silly human. I am destined for great things if that bitch would get it together.

I hear the other silly humans did well.
My friend Knickerbocker tried to show the dressage judge his own choreography. He thought the dressage test was beneath him and tried to liven things up with a rear or five.
His human did a superb job trying to stick to her plan.
All of my friends did perfect jumping cross country.
My human was so proud of her fellow humans, she kept crying. I told her it would be best to refocus..,, patting me now.
Mom said to tell you....
Courtney Swartz gets the bad a$$ award.
After her horse was a bit of a stinker at the liver pool in show jumping, she put her chin up dug her heels in and kicked on to a clean first training level cross country.
Bad a$$es know what Jim Lefebvre meant when he said "Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goal."
Alison,Sharon,Kari,Emily, Court....bad a$$es you are. Keep looking at that goal.
I am staring with all my might.

Monday, September 3, 2012

What do eventers do on their day off?

They get sprayed by random children mercilessly at adventure park.
Then they pout on a bench.

Just kidding about the pouting part. I had to sit out the merry go round.
Spinning in circles, not a fan.

Mary Mack

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Xc schooling

Yesterday we traveled to loch moys schooling field.

Callie did one last school before her move up. She was pretty unimpressed with what I asked of her and was good in her new bit.

Katherine did a tune up on her horse jack and he was wonderful of course.

Kari and Kaliente are making great strides. Kaliente can be a bit tricky in her demand for simplicity. Kari is doing a great job with her.

Court and Jonah did a tune up. Jonah acted like his feet were stinging a bit, and I dont think he liked not wearing studs on the harder ground.( He reminds me more of Beasty the more I get to know him).
This is great information and although jonah still jumped pretty well, days that aren't perfect are often more valuable then the alternative.

Melissa has two amazing mares that are mother and daughter.
Party is the mom and melissa has done quite a bit with her. Melissa always does a great job riding her, they know each other so thoroughly!
Yesterday, I rode the daughter Fiesta. Fiesta has had most of the summer off from eventing and is now back in action. She was READY to do some xc schooling!!!!!!

Emily schooled her mare Jazz. This pair gets the award for most improved. They have come so far in a short period of time. I'm very proud.

Alexa E did her first school on Knickerbocker. They figured each other out very quickly. It was very fun to be a part of.

Katherine is riding a horse for a client who was competing up the hill in a dressage show. This gelding really caught my eye!

Summer will continue over preparing in relaxed atmospheres. Shes so naturally brave, I want to give her every chance in the world to shine the way she deserves.

Beasty is starting back into work today. I wanted her to rest a bit after Richland. All that seems to be happening though is some airs above ground out in the field!

We are taking magnificent Maggie to adventure park tomorrow and having a relaxing day today.....after we get our riding done!

Mary Mack

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thank you

I know to some I am this crazy 30 year old woman who is obsessed with horses and drives a big truck and trailer.
Maybe that is true. There is so much more then that though.
I know secrets, I have felt magic.
This blog post is not for those that don't like a show of emotion.
Consider yourself warned.

I have been blessed for some reason and for that I am thankful.
I have had some crappy times in life, who hasn't, but even those crappy times have always had a silver lining. Sometimes the silver lining is just buried under shit.....but it is there.
I can not describe the gift that the mares that I own, and ride have given me.
It has not all been roses and glory. Callie used to throw herself on the ground (literally) when upset ,Beast used to do anything but dressage in the show ring, and lord knows Summer and I would sometimes disagree about who is in charge.
In the last couple months though I opened my eyes. I think Sharon White opened my eyes mostly.
Every day, you can learn so much if you are willing. If you are able to listen. Every day can be good, or more importanly, it can just be.

My mares are kind and willing. They are strong willed and bitches. They are amazing athletes that in that second, in that white noise moment when the world stands still, they just give me that extra push just because.
They let me fly.
They live every moment in the present and in that way,  they.....or all animals are so much better then me. They let go of mistakes and they rarely hold grudges.

I have worked my ass of this year and it has all paid off.
I have cried, thrown up, have felt angry and have felt happy.
I have read many sports psychology books and I have read them many times.
I listen to every word Jimmy, Stephen, Sharon, Mara and Vanessa say.
I take emotion out of learning.
I don't have a point.
I don't have a reason for this blog post.
I am just amazed by the magic that this sport brings.
It is a good time right now and I will be happy and just try to be in this moment.

I thank my amazing husband who's support never wavers, never weakens. I am a lucky 30 year old woman for sure. Crazy or not.
Thank you Dave, Maggie and my mares.
This year has been a blessed one.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


When I walk to cross country warm up, I realize I don't have my hit air vest lanyard.

Mary Mack

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Watch "Richland Park 2** Beast and Mary Dressage" on YouTube

Dressage day

Beast has been a bit wild since arrival.
She ended up having two rides yesterday :)
Today she did a early ride and was actually quite good!
She was very good in warm up and really great in the ring!

Her score is not one of glory, she will be at the bottom of the pack I'm sure. .....
The good news is Beasty is well accustomed to crawling her way up from the bottom and showing her stuff!!

I'm so happy with how she went today. I can't believe how far my little Beasty bear has come.
Mara is truly incredible and I'm so glad I have her here to help me.

What a great day, with such an awesome freaking horse!!!!!!!
Mary Mack

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Richland day 1

Beasty has done her "in barn" inspection by the vets.
She also did a jog for the vets to watch her go.
Beast was not a fan of the thermometer in her hiney.

Myra had a great play session with some dogs this morning while Beast grazed.

I slept like a rock last night. These first two nights I'm in the trailer. Dave, Maggie and Alexis come late tonight, then we all are staying at daves parents.
They live like 10 minutes from the park!

I have a lesson with Mara at 1.
Then it will be tack cleaning, grazing and test memorizing!!!

Thanks again every one for the well wishes. It really means alot.

Also a huge thanks to Kim who I have to remember is just a phone call away!

Mary Mack

Monday, August 20, 2012

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Watch "Waredaca stadium 8/12" on YouTube

waredaca day two

After a morning incident.

At 530 am, I received a text from Alexis saying "we can't catch her,even with grain".

I texted back "bring all the mares in, I'm on my way".

By the time I got to the barn,Callie was running laps and all the other mares were in their stalls.
It was now 6am.
So much for a bath.
By 630 am, I sat on the ground and thought about crying. Then I decided the day could be easier if I didn't compete.... then I remembered the 250$ entry.

What horse just runs around a field by it's self after its herd has come in?
Mine,my horse.

635am. Callie looks at me as if I just appeared and puts her Callie face in her halter.
Waredaca or bust.

Alexis braided super fast while her awesome friend Julia somehow made it look like Callie had a bath!

Callie was great in dressage earning a 35, doing her first recognized prelim test.
She broke in the trot lengthening but other then that she was in it to win it! Callie earned 8s on her counter canter and her downward transitions. Yayyy all the hard work is paying off!!!
Show jumping was a dream.
The footing in warm up is so hard,I didn't do much.
She went in that ring and OWNED it!
Callie show jumped double clear!

Cross country was great. Callie was running at the first three fences, blowing thru me. She scrambled over fence three, whacking her self. After that, she paid more attention, especially when it counted.
Callie was super brave with all the questions. She came back to me quite well when I needed her to, by the end of the course. I did school a bit on the first half of my course so I put some time on our final score.

I can not believe how wonderful Callie was today.
I knew things would come together, but I thought it would be next summer.
I am so happy with these wonderful,weird and quirky mares!
I am also so thankful for everyone that is in my support system. A special thanks to Alexis,Dave,  Maggie,and Sharon
I also want my new buddy Julie to appear and cheer before show jumping at every event.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Waredaca day one....

Today was a good day.
After the stress of such a busy week, riding in the morning and then competing in the afternoon felt pretty relaxing!

I must say it does help to have an awesome owner!

Summer Reign did her first recognized event as well as her first beginner novice today!
She was amazing.
She was quiet and lovely.
She held it together in the dressage warm up when not one but two riderless horses galloped back from cross country.
The second horse went about ten feet from us!
I swear I heard Summer say "what kinda party is this?"

She shook her head a bit but that was it. I told her to stay focused and she did!

Her dressage test was great. She is such a lovely horse. She is also a lovely horse with a big canter.  She squeezed herself into that teeny ring really well!

Summer was  a bit tired in show jump. She jumped great and was very brave.

Cross country was great! After fence five, Summer tried to come to a walk.
"What do you mean keep cantering?......Ok if you say so crazy lady" she said.

Summer is incredibly brave and really great about her foot work.
She was so freaking amazing I was bummed when they gave her a 20 at the water.
She did go to prop at the water but I kept her moving forward and sideways for two steps, and then right in. Such a brave girl.

It is what it is. Out of my control and as far as Summa summa knows she won.
She did actually earn a ribbon even with the penalty points, she got a 6 th!

The most important thing today was the relationship that further developed between myself and that mare.
Shes got my back.
I can't wait to work on our down ward transitions, and school a few courses.
This horse has a big future. BIG.
I'm so lucky to be a part of it.
The sky is the limit on Summer. I hope to be a part of her future.

Mostly because her future involves an awful lot of blue ribbons.

Just kidding.

Sort of.

Mary Mack

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Millbrook experience

The theme for Millbrook was two thumbs up.
Unfortunately this was because poor Pat sliced one thumb and Smashed her other one. I must say, Pat is a super trooper. She walked the cross county courses with us despite the pounding in her hand. She had to walk the whole course with her thumb up, to keep the blood from building pressure at the bottom of her hand. In hind sight, it's a little funny in a sad sort of way. I wonder if other competitors thought she was being SUPER encouraging,

 I don't really have a timeline for this blog post. If I tried to retell the whole experience, it would be like "A Tale Of  Two Cities". It would be a similar length and it would start the same........"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times"

Here are the random accounts from Millbrook......

The drive up was just a precious experience. Two road closures and a crime scene. Kelley got to work on her stage fright though. She sang some Lady gaga tunes to he crowd while we waited.

We arrived at Millbrook 9 hours after we left home.

Dressage day went smoothly. Mara DePuy is my hero.
My mares were awesome. I left a lot of points in the ring because of a lack of accuracy and focus. But that's a fix that just requires practice, and a plan has been laid.

Friday, the training horses went cross country. Callie was in it to win it. She had some Eminem playing in her head and she was jamming out. I have no doubt in my mind that this made would have happily run down to any advanced question on that course.
Callie said to tell the world something.....
"A bad ass I am."
I believe her. She is a very special mare.

Speaking of bad asses, Beast was a dream on cross country morning. She did not notice the atmosphere and was unconcerned by all the spectators. She boinged where ever I asked her to boing. Beast has a heart as big as her body and she just oozes sunshine. I know that sounds weird but it is so true.

Both of my mares show jumped like a dream. Callie told me to shut up and sit down and I obliged. She puffed up like a silly male bird showing off his feathers and paraded around the ring for all the spectators.
Beast was very nervous about having so many eyes on her. She still doesn't get what the big deal is. She tried her hardest to jump clean. She was a bit distracted and I was thinking a bit. It was however,the perfect prep for the two star. We worked out a lot of kinks.

My camper roommates all had some injuries to tend to.
Kelley looked like a million dollars around her advanced course. They made every hard question look like a piece of cake. 3 from home, they had just the tiniest bobble. They went through the flags fine but Bomber twisted in a way that popped his momma off.
Kelley suffered a shoulder seperation. It really slowed her down. She had to take her arm out of her sling to do tasks that she was not suppose to be doing.

Kelley is also a bad ass. But the kindest bad ass I have ever met. No one deserves success more than Kelley, and I can't wait to watch her breeze around at her next outing.

Julie had a few incidents her self. At one point I was grazing my mares laying on a canoe. I saw Julie and Kelley grazing their horses, I blinked and Julie was laying on the ground. She was cold cocked by a certain sexy Texy. (Her horse)

The drive home was eventful.
I had the privilege of driving the new bad ass truck and trailer.
The weather was great. Especially as we drove over 500000 bridges. I really enjoyed sitting in a dirty diaper the whole 8 hours.

Thank god for Julie. She blarred Tracy Chapman, and similar music that we sang to at the top of our lungs.
We also talked about all things disturbing and laughed so much, she might have had a dirty diaper as well.

I am not proof reading this blog post so I apologize for grammatical errors.
I instead am going to read a certain three year old a book and then go ride.

 I hope this blog post makes sense. If it doesn't though, that may be a more realistic account of the Millbrook experience.

The summary is, I had a great time with some amazing people and horses. There was also some moments that were funny as $h1t. Like when John Williams demonstrated how to ride down the hill of death.

Wiggle wiggle wiggle, yea.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

On our way home

The Beasty jumped awesome! She handled the atmosphere really well!
I can't be happier!

Mary Mack

Saturday, August 4, 2012

My mother.....

Makes me do terrible things after I am the most amazing horse on the planet.

Mary Mack

Friday, August 3, 2012

Enjoying a nice graze after xc

Miss California was the epitome of a rock star.
Not a single buck.
She did however run off with me in between fence three and four. We practiced bring obedient which cost us time but its all about the big picture.(not like were in a to spot anyways!;)
By the end she could gallop on a big as she wanted and I could get her back quite quick.
She was a star about the water which was more like an easy prelim question.
She told me today shes ready for her move up. The dressage will be there in a month or two.

Mary Mack

Thursday, August 2, 2012


I could not be happier with my mares.
Both jammed out.
Callie thought the ring felt snug and her rider threw away some points with accuracy.
Beast was a bit wild in warm up but quite good in the ring!
They both tried really hard for me. Callie did not buck , not even once! The divisions are big and mostly professionals.
I miss Dave and Maggie very much.
Thank you everyone for all the nice texts!

Mary Mack

The view from the rv

Mary Mack

This hottie patottie tried very hard in the dressage and had a super steady test!
The judge sneezed during our halt at c and we had legs splayed. It made me laugh out loud and broke up some tension!
I am so buying a camper one day.
Starting in Kelleys is awesome and the company is great!

Mary Mack

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Julia and Marley!

I have the most awesome students on the planet.
The Becky Lee clinic has been awesome!
Everyone looked so so so good!!!
I am so proud of everyone. Any time Becky asked a question, the groups had an answer (a correct one too!)
Everyone demonstrated great position, an understanding of their horse as an individual, and of course awesome team spirit and support.
I am thankful for my farm family!!!

Beast Callie and Summer jumped with Sharon White last week and they were all perfect!
Summer is starting to show some insane talent in the jumping department!

Beasty and Callie have had a busy end to the week going to Mara De Puys and to Stephens today.
Callie is in a really good place and starting to feel amazing.Beasty is being a little work horse. She is going to get a few easy days before we leave for Millbrook so she is fresh at the event.
Callie holds up to pressure better and better a she ages.
Both mares are happy ,eating and looking forward to body work this week!

Mary Mack

Too perfect!!!!

Mary Mack

Alexis and Packer, keeping the trend of awesome position!!!!

Mary Mack

Alison and Knicky flying high!

Mary Mack

Hannah and Buckshot looking good!!!

Mary Mack

Heather and Bolter doing some course work!!

Mary Mack

Becky Lee doing a demonstration on the amazing Willis!!!!

Mary Mack

Monday, July 23, 2012

What I do today is important because I'm exchanging a day of my life for it.--Anonymous

Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important,although difficult,is the highroad to pride,self-esteem,and personal satisfaction.

Brian Tracy

Beginning today,treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care,kindness and understanding you can muster,and do with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.

Og Mandino,Author

Mary Mack