Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Check it out!
Friday, March 30, 2012
My day so far
Maggie woke at 530.
Scruffy ran away twice.
Myra got car sick, in the car, on my jacket.
Maggie told me she was dino dan....I looked back and she was covered in green marker. Head to toe.
Beast looks great.
Callie does also.
Maggie is happy in green.
Myra cleaned up after herself while I typed this.
Thats disgusting, sorry.
I had a lesson with Sharon White yesterday. My how I missed her.
Callie was a star, well behaved and jumping GREAT! I'm really excited about this season with her.
I totally needed that lesson. It put me in such a great mood. My heels are misbehaving again though. I need to get on that.
Mary Mack
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
It was an amazing weekend with a crappy ending.
Nothing can't be fixed with a little thai food, snuggles, maggie going pee pee on the potty and the coolest driving companion ever.
Beast is ready to be home. Callie is ready for her next show.
I'm ready to go finish what I started on my first 11 fences.
I've got a fire under my ass and three amazing horses going home with me. Life is good
Mary Mack
Saturday, March 24, 2012
The brave heart beast
Beast jumped like a million dollars. She has never felt so good!
Then she fell on the landing of 11 :(
I was the fifth person to fall upon landing at that fence, after the sixth fall, they took it off course.
She needed some stitches but will be ok. This horse has the heart of a lion. I will make sure she is feeling confident and keep on keeping on.
Callie was an angel and is an offical training level horse!
Mary Mack
Friday, March 23, 2012
Im a big girl....
I did my first Training level xc and dressage and rocked out.
I think it's about time I get to jump the bigger stuff!
I did a full coffin, a bank complex, a solid water and some other tricky things. I didn't even bat a pretty little eye lash.
I show jump tom.
I'm going to rest now.
Mary Mack
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Yay Fiesta!
This girl got 3rd at her first event ever!!!!!
She went on with her bad self and jumped with her knees to her chin!
Mary Mack
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Look who's here!
It's been a busy couple days!
Poor Sharon had a colicy horse so he didn't go to pine top. He is ok though.
Fiesta was great in her first two phases, she goes back for xc late this afternoon.
I got kicked in the hip. My god did it hurt! Oddly though today I feel fine, a bit stiff and black and blue, but ok.
I have two lessons before heading to pine top, so advil is my friend today!
Mary Mack
Friday, March 16, 2012
Yesterday was a loooooooong day!
Callie got reprimanded for kicking out and I will be darned if she didn't just take it and start being a GOOD girl! Regumate, are you my long lost friend?
Jimminers (Becks horse) was a good boy. He is slightly larger then Katie Cindrics horse Wilis, and is prepping for a one star in 5 weeks. I can't believe how fit this big guy is. He is also a stallion, and super well behaved!
Dr Laura Reick came back to full gallop with her two horses. We had an AWESOME xc school! Her horse Mikayla was watching all the prelim horses and getting very happy (but in a good way).
Beasty did an exuberant trot set.
Fiesta did some suppleing work.
We set rails for Stephen and watched a few lessons.
I have fallen in love with a rescued puppy. Her name is Myra. She is so sweet and gentle (she is going to be 150 pounds).
I have bought her treats and we walk together. I didn't know dogs could be like this!
Today will be just as busy. Lots of lessons.
Pine Top this weekend!
Mary Mack
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
March 11, Callie Full Gallop
Please turn the volume up. It is so, so funny.
You can hear me singing, everyone laughing at me, and Becky saying's a good tool. (after laughing herself)
Oh how I love this video.
Then someone crashes a jump behind them distracting them and then I finish and they cheer.
It doesn't get any better then this.
If I can sing Dido with sheer abandon, my students can force themselves to count under their breath.
I realize...
Callie had her placing taken away because they moved on to changing the novice scores.
I choose my own reality.
Beast and Callie are winners.
Big time winners
Mary Mack
Full gallop
Callie jumped well. I prayed to Ghandi, Allah, baby jesus and anyone else that would listen in warm up. (her legs didn't stay on the ground.....and we weren't jumping)
They are having scoring issues AGAIN, so they are re posting the prelim soon.
Novice isn't posted but miss in heaty pants Callie had a rail so hopefully she didn't move down too far.
At least my pants stayed clean. Take that as you will.
Mary Mack
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Today was great. I didn't put studs in and blew it in my dressage on Beasty. I earned our 41 score. I had no idea how slippery out would be at 730 am. Beast slipped pretty bad in warm up and stayed worried the whole test :(.
Callie on the other hand freakin rocked in dressage! She was the best ever but the judge didn't agree and she is sitting mid pack with a
Beasty show jumped like a star again. Its all coming together and it feels great!!!
To be continued.....
Mary Mack
Friday, March 9, 2012
We started with bagels and donuts. Had pizza, indian and doritos for lunch. Now moving on to milkshakes.
I'm officially disgusting......but at least I will bring all the boys to the yard.
Mary Mack
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Things are good
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Pictures I took off Alisons Facebook....
Monday, March 5, 2012
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Day of rest
Today was a day of rest!
My girls had off and I caught up on some sleep. I'm looking forward to even more sleep soon!
Alison had a lesson with Stephen and Katherine got some great videos!
No words can express how great my mare was yesterday. Her dressage was pretty average for our current level of work so I was happy she still got such a low score.
I am excited about what we are capable of achieving when we aren't doing our test in the pouring rain with Beasty lifting her tail at every gelding and SUPER deep footing!
Beasty had the best show jumping we have ever had. We did tick a silly rail but it was my fault.I just lowered my rear end a fraction of a second too soon.
I think I dare say, I may have figured out how to show jump this mare!
I have been riding very successfully in the hackamore, really focusing on a quiet ride. I had to do some quick thinking yesterday though. The footing was deep and sticky and the course only rode well very forward. I made a risky decision and rode a wee bit different and it worked brilliantly.
Cross country was a blast. The course was very straight forward. It was a big boost for Beasts confidence. I'm happy with the competition plan I came up with for Beasty. It should work out that she will be in a really good mental place this year.
I'm having a blast with Katherine and Alison. Also my new buddy Becky and of course Stephen and his crew.
We all had a lot of fun last night....except poor Katherine. She ate something funny yesterday and didn't feel so hot last night.
I am so happy to have such amazing people in my life.
I woke up from an afternoon nap to chinese food from Katherine! Yummy!!!!!! Thanks Katherine!
We are going to trail ride in Hitchcock woods tomorrow. Then the rest of the week will be full of serious focus and lessons to get all the comp horses ready.
I am dying to see my little girl and Dave. Two weeks is too long.
I am so exited that they will arrive on Friday!!! I have all sorts of presents for my sweet girl.
I also can't wait to give Dave a big hug! He continues to be so supportive and wonderful. It means so much to me to have stability. This sport is like being on boat, full of small swells, a few storms and some sunny days. I am along for the ride and grateful for the company I have.
I'm so sorry for the people hurt in the recent dangerous weather and tornadoes.
Every day really is a gift especially when you do what you love for a living.
My life is a good one and if I ever forget that I want some one to smack me in the head.
I'm going to go eat more chinese now!
Mary Mack
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Time for the rest!!!!!
Alison is going to hack Fiesta! The monsoon prevented alot of turn out so this is a nice leg stretching :)
Mary Mack
The Beast was on fire today!!!!!
That horse rocked it in all three phases.
I took it careful in the xc monsoon to finish mid pack in a super competitive division!
Beast got a 33 in dressage, Vanessa Swartz thank you.
8s for my girl.....what what!!!!
Mary Mack
Friday, March 2, 2012
Check it out
Shes famous already!
Fiesta made it to the Equiery facebook!
Mary Mack
Thursday, March 1, 2012
So tired!
I had an awesome lesson on Callie!!!!!¡!!!!!!
Fiesta is down with the XC.(videos to come)
Beasty has been lovely!
All these lessons, taking a few a day and watching like 10 a day has been awesome this week, but lights out before 9 for me!
I have made some awesome and crazy new friends.
I can't wait to see my two number ones next week.
Also excited Alison comes tom!
Katherine has been great company but she went to sleep at 8! She didn't even bother eating!
ok, I really am only half awake at this point. I better stop typing before I miss some hilarious auto correct by my phone!
I will do a much better blog post tom. Off to sleppy town for me.
Mary Mack
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