I know to some I am this crazy 30 year old woman who is obsessed with horses and drives a big truck and trailer.
Maybe that is true. There is so much more then that though.
I know secrets, I have felt magic.
This blog post is not for those that don't like a show of emotion.
Consider yourself warned.
I have been blessed for some reason and for that I am thankful.
I have had some crappy times in life, who hasn't, but even those crappy times have always had a silver lining. Sometimes the silver lining is just buried under shit.....but it is there.
I can not describe the gift that the mares that I own, and ride have given me.
It has not all been roses and glory. Callie used to throw herself on the ground (literally) when upset ,Beast used to do anything but dressage in the show ring, and lord knows Summer and I would sometimes disagree about who is in charge.
In the last couple months though I opened my eyes. I think Sharon White opened my eyes mostly.
Every day, you can learn so much if you are willing. If you are able to listen. Every day can be good, or more importanly, it can just be.
My mares are kind and willing. They are strong willed and bitches. They are amazing athletes that in that second, in that white noise moment when the world stands still, they just give me that extra push just because.
They let me fly.
They live every moment in the present and in that way, they.....or all animals are so much better then me. They let go of mistakes and they rarely hold grudges.
I have worked my ass of this year and it has all paid off.
I have cried, thrown up, have felt angry and have felt happy.
I have read many sports psychology books and I have read them many times.
I listen to every word Jimmy, Stephen, Sharon, Mara and Vanessa say.
I take emotion out of learning.
I don't have a point.
I don't have a reason for this blog post.
I am just amazed by the magic that this sport brings.
It is a good time right now and I will be happy and just try to be in this moment.
I thank my amazing husband who's support never wavers, never weakens. I am a lucky 30 year old woman for sure. Crazy or not.
Thank you Dave, Maggie and my mares.
This year has been a blessed one.