Mary Mack
Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
Crazy week!
Yay Beasty!
Beasty was a bit tense in the dressage but a total dream the rest of the weekend ending 5th!!!
Callie warmed up beautifully but threw in some opinions in her dressage test!
The footing was questionable at best for show jumping on sat afternoon.
I was going to scratch callie but then decided to warm up and make a decision. Callie was a bit up in the warm up and tweaked my shoulder a bit so that made my decision easy! We scratched and she did not seem very happy about it!
Ava, Duncan and Fiesta continue to be angels. I think I had a break through with Duncan today.
I can't really describe it but it was like he decided "ok, she is boss mare". At the end if the ride, he stood perfectly while I untacked him. He wasn't tied to anything and he didn't try to shove the stall door open to run away! Progress
Ava has really made me fall in love.
As the time comes to choose what horse to sell, I think the most logical choice will be Callie.
I have mixed feelings but it just seems right.
Beast will be moving up to advanced in april (if everything continues as is) and this is an expensive sport!
Back to work!
Mary Mack
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
It dawns on me that it's slightly odd to sleep in a camper for a month, eat cheap microwave meals, dress in excessively riding clothes, miss my husband and daughter so much that I cry and my three year old comforts me, and have a dog be my main companion.
But then I have days like the last few and I know I'm on the right track.
I'm sure this lifestyle isn't for most and it is hard. But the amount my five horses here have grown is astonishing.
One of my owners came this weekend and had the best rides on her mare Fiesta. Fiesta was perfect and it made me so happy.
She is acting so brave, excited to jump....anything, and less lazy on the flat.;)
Duncan is strong, delighted, and going really well. His ADD is satiated by the constant activity here. I have given up on trying to cure duncan of his need to sniff,snortle, shake, flap, paw, roll, pee on, or pull down. He is relentless. He is so relentless that it went from cute to slightly annoying and is now hilarious.
Duncan can untie himself in the time it takes me to walk from his stall to the tack area. He has a NEED to know what is going on.
He has become polite and obedient under saddle and that's a compromise I'm willing to take!
Beasty is feeling Amazing! She had a massage by Sabrina Morris and holy crap! She is all tuned up and ready for Pine Top!
Callie has been on her best behavior. She is jumping in a new bit and it's freaking phenomenal. We will see if it helps me have better brakes xc this weekend!
Ava is a little star. She is sweet, happy, snugly, and definitely into this eventing thing. She will have a quiet week to come down from the intensity of last week. Being at Full Gallop is like being at a horse show every day, and her first event at Paradise was BUSY. She was perfect though!
I have watched tv twice since I have been here. I have no computer and my phone reception can be moody.
I do however have a resupply of jelly beans and chocolate which are a night time must!
Mary Mack
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Long days!
Duncan doodles was fresh this morning! He was excited by the many, many people here at full gallop. I think he thought it was show time!
There are a ton of people here now in training with Stephen. Add that to the people cross country schooling and we have a full house!
I was able to work thorough it easily and get him swinging through his back.
He is siting very well in his transitions.
Fiesta was a happy girl today. She came out fully focused and had a blast doing since show jumping!
Sgw was even the brave leader for a friends horse!
Ava is as prepped as she us going to get for her debut at eventing tom! I would have preferred to do more but I have faith in the little lady to pull through for me despite my shoulder injury.
I tried Callie in a new bit today. Now that I'm riding her with so much more leg, I need a different bit! She was a dream today!
Beasty was a good girl today.I do miss Vanessa though!
Katherine broke her finger today.
She is staying over tonight. We were quite pathetic trying to set up her bed. Her left hand is out of commission and my right shoulder is not much help. After the whole process pissed me off, I realized it was funny!
Thats all for now. I desperately need sleep.
I plan to catch up on communication with everyone this weekend (emails ,phone calls, etc).
I'm sorry I have been awol. It really has been crazy!
Also this weekend my two valentines will be with me!!!! I can not wait!!!!!
Mary Mack
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
The last few days
The last few days have been non stop!
Pine Top horse trials started sat and sun at 430 and 530 am.
After competition, the other horses needed to be ridden, evening chores, and at some point we tried to eat and shower!
Today and Yesterday have been raining. Everything continues on as usual, it just takes longer and is ridiculously dirty!
Ava cross country schooled. Girlfriend has a new reason to live! She was amazing, brave as a lion, and definitely requires a running martingale! Ava is a dream and has the heart of an upperlevel horse for sure!
Duncan has flatted, and done a little xc. Duncan continues to find amazing ways of reaching the hay stacked near his stall.
Duncan does give his all under saddle every day though so his"man" tendencies are easy to overlook.
This week we are going to work on continuing to soften and use Duncans back in both the flat work and show jumping. This weekend he will do a full Xc school.
Fiesta is working on moving forward off my leg whenever my leg asks. Even if there is something interesting/scarey/distracting/ whatever.
She did her first xc school and acted cool as a cucumber. Such a mix of different things make up this horse. I do love her but sometimes when I flat her I find my self counting to ten to stay calm. She is relentless at trying to not use herself. Relentless. Re-lent-less. She would be that super athletic kid in school that was also ridiculously beautiful but has a donut eating problem.
Beast and Callie had a light day after being stars at Pine top.
Dave and Maggie are both sick and it's so hard not to be there to help them.
They are coming this weekend and I am desperate to see my little one.
I have Ava competing on Friday at Paradise and then will spend the weekend with Dave, Maggie, Melissa and her mom!
Back to work!
Mary Mack
Monday, February 11, 2013
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Event riders do it in the rain.
It's pouring here but every single person is riding as normal. I love it.
Beast, Ava and Callie were all good.I flatted all of them.
Duncan is resting from his big day yesterday. Fiesta is resting because she is fighting a bug.
Mary Mack
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Duncan played with the big kids today over a big kids course.
He was wonderful! He was so excited to be at it again. There are few horses that genuinely love cross country the way this little guy does! I'm so proud. His first event of the season with a ton of atmosphere and both big /solid, and technical courses to deal with. I should reward him with something to knock over/ pull down/ pee on.....oh never mind. He took care of that!
My shoulder held up great! Hopefully my mares will be heading to pine top this weekend.
I have an xc lesson on Beasty tom. And will prob do Ava and Callie. Ibuprofen is my hero.
I'm sleepy so off to bed!
Mary Mack
I have to stay tied because I want to roll on my blanket.
Actually Marys blanket I peed on mine. On purpose.
Mary Mack
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Yesterday and stuff
I rode fiesta on monday.
She showed me no mercy!
She felt I was a bit weak and exploited it! My arm worked well but my shoulder was fatigued that evening.
Yesterday I took off from riding and Mara rode all except Callie. Callie is Beckys to ride until maybe Thursday.
The horses were amazing.
Duncan was very impressed with the HUGE ring and tried to be pushy on the ground. I have noticed he does that when hes nervous. We are working on it.
He was a good boy for Mara and between her, Stephen and Becky his trot to canter transitions are almost solid!
Ava was a champ for Mara. I have to post the video of her jumping the competition course here on Sunday. Becky rode her in a lesson with Stephen. Holy hell, Ava has springs!!!!!
Fiesta was all business for Mara yesterday. She did show jump flat work and looked great!
Mary Mack
Saturday, February 2, 2013
All the horses worked well!
Fiesta went hacking all around the farm at a trot and canter. She went thru, over, past, up and down. She relaxed more and more as she went on. Becky is the best!
Ava did the same thing and took to it like a fish to water!
Beast is still at maras. She comes home monday. The other three (Duncan, Fiesta and Ava) will be ridden by Mara on Monday. Tomorrow every one will hack or jump with Stephen.
I plan to hack tomorrow with Fiesta.
One thing I'm good at is healing. I suppose I've had alot of practice!
Mary Mack
Callie was an angel at sporting days!
She got a 33 in dressage with an error.
She show jumped and went xc picture perfect and clean.
Now stephen is doing duncan and then fiesta and ava will hack!
Mary Mack