Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I'm not sure what happened in here....

Maggie let me sleep in until 730.....But this is what she was doing.

Mary Mack

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Catching up....

Mags and I are trying to catch up on stuff.
We have had a bit of a rough weekend.
Beast was quite good at her first advanced.
I have worked very hard at becoming calm and focused while competing. The good news, I have achieved the goal.
The bad news, it is such a change for Beast xc, I will have to continue to be a bit over driven xc.
Oh and I can't get calm and lazy confused!
Maggie had a wonderful weekend with her cousins. They came to watch with my sister and brother in law on friday and saturday.
We came home saturday.
Our little jack russel has not been doing well. She went into kidney failure two weeks before Fair Hill. I think she hung around to get me through the weekend but on Sunday night, we had to let her go.
Losing a pet is so hard because it's like letting go of a part of your life. I'm going to hang on to Scruffy's little Jack russel tenacity and bring it to every cross country that Beast and I do together.
Ava shined yesterday doing flat work. Summer gave me some fancy trot work and I'm convincing her to give me her back at the canter.
Vanessa will get us all tuned up on Thursday. I want both girls in the 20s at Loudon.
Beasty was quite wild yesterday.(Back to herself!) She got a late entry into Loudon to get established before Jersey Fresh!
This afternoon brings lots of riding and lessons!

Mary Mack

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


 Hannah on Buckshot!

 Alison on Knick!

These amazing photos are courtesy of Nicky Shipley!!!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Serra Valley XC schooling!

Horses getting air time!!!! (Buckshot and Duncan) Maggie and aunty Elisa locating tadpoles!!!!

Still catching up :)

After a bit of consideration, I think I am going to send the email to scratch my Beasty Bear from The Fork.
She had a small threat of tying up at Southern Pines and we had a solid plan for her to get to and through the fork.....Then on Saturday, I started to wonder, why am I hustling so hard and so much? I need to catch my breathe, my families breathe and my horses breath.
Beast is entered Advanced at Fair Hill two weeks after the Fork. I currently feel prepared for Fair Hill with out the extra run, but with realistic expectations for our dressage scores ;).  I do not want to bring a mentally and perhaps physically tired horse, with a tweeker of a rider to her first advanced. After conferring with the vet, the decision seems obvious!

In other news, I am excited about the upcoming unrecognized at Loch Moy which will be Summers debut and another novice under Ava's belt.
It will also be many of my students first outing!

Summer was a little star today doing flat work.
I glanced up to see what she had looked at (quite casually I must add). She had already looked away and focused inside the ring while I almost lost bladder control. Myra (my dog) was flinging the lunge whip up and down from the other side of the fence. The whip was flying ALL over the air and you couldn't even see the dog, just white fluffy hair! Summer acted like it was totally normal and continued the exercise that we were doing.
I love it!