Mary Mack
Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Monday, October 31, 2011
Beast update
I told him all about everything Beasty has done/ acted like in the past two weeks.
There was a red flag concerning Beasts acupuncture session last week and the inability to get needles in her.
(Dr. Laura Reick had expressed a bit of concern in this area as well.....Dr. Laura Reick is the best.)
Beast also acted like her skin was on fire a few other times in the last 15 days when I tried to brush her/ touch her.
But she is Beast.
Beast is a weirdo. Weirdo's make it hard to develop a base line for normal because the definition of normal is .....not a weirdo.
Anyways, Beast didn't really have the much of skin sensitivity test because well, her skin was so sensitive she flipped out. Dermal hypersensitivity.
She had a bunch of blood drawn, received a shot of tetracycline, and is on doxycycline for at least a month.
I suppose the direction we are heading with this is possibly Lymes.
(In which case Katie Wherley is not only an awesome course walker, but also a spot on Lymes detective)
I will not be able to ride Beasty for at least a week (or more) while we get a handle on what is going on.
We are checking a bunch of stuff with the blood drawn and should have results within a day or two.
My poor girl.
That horse gave me everything she had at Virginia.
I can not imagine how miserable that whole experience must have been for her.
I myself was miserable on Saturday at 4:30 in the morning after using up all my grownup-ness the day before.
I woke up in my hotel room, with little Ossi and Kim sound asleep. I felt trapped and claustrophobic.
I wanted to go home.
I was at the emotional level of a five year old.
I realized the reality of it. The logic.
I am not so far gone in my selfish horsey land that I don't know whats up.
What I mean is this.....I will code it.
My World ...............Reality
I had to pull my mare up cross country. Devastation, worry, frustration.
I am lucky to own a horse.
My family is healthy.
I have a family.
I am lucky to have a family.
My mare was acting very strange and I couldn't sleep trapped in a hotel room.
I had to lay there, in the dark and do the alphabet gratitude list until sleep blessed me again.
I was feeling sorry for my self.
I learned to listen to the signs, and will be more proactive as my career continues, I will listen sooner.
Poor me nothing, I had a roof over my head, a blanket, heat, a mini fridge stocked with yummy food, and two good friends with me.
I need to get over myself.
This sport is like a drug.
It will try to seduce you into thinking that only one thing matters, you.
It will try to put its self above husbands, friends, sanity.
It will easily put its self above manicures, dinners out, vacations.
It will make you forget your birthday.
But let me tell you what brings you right back to reality, at least my reality.
The minute long hug that Maggie gave me when I walked through the door last night.
The other thing that brings me right back where I want to be is the very horses that enable me to do this sport.
Beasts world..........Reality
I feel like horribleness. I am staying in a stall with three concrete walls, and a metal grate as a door. I can see no other horses. My momma is asking me to do something and I will give her everything I have in my giant red horsie heart until I simply have nothing left. I will ask nothing in return. I will not complain.
I feel like horribleness. I am staying in a stall with three concrete walls, and a metal grate as a door. I can see no other horses. My momma is asking me to do something and I will give her everything I have in my giant red horsie heart until I simply have nothing left. I will ask nothing in return. I will not complain.
In other less dramatic news, I have to say how unbelievable Callie is.
She realized the atmosphere at Va, and strutted her stuff! She also got the nickname "hoover" for her constant eating. I really feel like Callie has all the ingredients to be a star.
Another star is Mr. Dave Macklin.
Dave had a work emergency on Friday afternoon (preventing him from coming to Va).
Then the hot water heater broke.
So he drove with Maggie to Home Depot, rented a truck, bought a hot water heater, took it home, installed it while Maggie napped, then returned the truck.
I came home to hot water, fence posts going in, and a clean house!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Mary and Fiesta course (10/26 Stephen Bradley Clinic)
Saturday, October 29, 2011
What a day
Beast has been not feeling well all day. Poor girl.
I had to give her some banamine, then ulcer gaurd.
She perked up finally after the ulcer gaurd.
She scared me a bit with her colicy symptoms.
I'm definitely having her checked thoroughly when I get home.
Pull a lymes test and full body exam.
During all this, I had to do dressage and show jumping on callie.
Dressage was great for her.
I'm not gonna lie, I kinda thought I might die in the snow/sleet/40° weather on my cold backed 5 year old.
She was a good girl! And jumped CLEAN in the coliseum! What a focused smart love bug!
She was one of few to go clean so her placing is quite good as we prep for xc tom.
Check back!
This is all from my phone so sorry if it wrote any wierd words!
Mary Mack
Friday, October 28, 2011
Well that didn't go to plan....
Beasty was pretty good in dressage. She felt funny in xc warm up and it carried out on course.
I elected to pull her up and call it a day after the cross country machine had a stop at the water.
I'm super bummed, and will have dr scullin look at her when I get back.
Me and Beast are bad asses though so we will be back at it in the spring!
Send great thoughts our way as callie and little ossi go in the nor-easter!
Mary Mack
A beautiful morning
This was around 8 am, before all the hustle and bustle began.
All the horses are behaving and happy and eating well!
I can't wait for dave and maggie to get here!
Next is a ride on callie, braiding beast then her dressage test!
Mary Mack
Thursday, October 27, 2011
We have arrived!
We had a beautiful drive!
Arrived, unpacked, checked in, settled the horses, hacked, lunged, grazed, checked in the hotel, shopped (we have a microwave and fridge in the hotel room), grazed the horses! Whew!
It all went smoothly, Kim is a great help and so is little ossi! Can't wait to see Dave and Mags tom, I miss them so much.
I will post photos tom!
Mary Mack
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Mary and Fiesta
Monday, October 24, 2011
Not only do I have bad a$$ mares.....

I have bad a$$ students!!!!!
Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. And don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines. -Leroy Satchel Paige
A problem is a chance for you to do your best. – Duke EllingtonFriday, October 21, 2011
Oh busy busy busy!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Maggies first french braid!!!
Ok now we are going shopping then the barn!!!!
Later I will write about my students AMAZING jump lessons!
Mary Mack
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Just an update
- Phase one, mild anxiety--- Dave is pretty happy still. Still has happy face
- Phase two, medium anxiety-- Dave gets irritable. No longer happy face, perhaps even irritable face
- Phase three, full blown crazy (I loose touch with reality at this point)---
- Dave freezes, he gets a fearful, but kind of waiting expression on his face. Kind of like a cornered domestic animal with a feral one coming at it. Like "should I run or bite? Run? Or Bite?"
Monday, October 17, 2011
Family update!
Aunty Kim teaches Maggie about touchdowns and team spirit!
The Macklins had a good weekend!
Especially Maggie Macklin!!!
Those family members of Dave will get a kick out of how he spent his Friday night and Saturday....

Thursday, October 13, 2011
Callie and myself at Sharon White lesson!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
good lessons
Monday, October 10, 2011
A Shout OUT
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Schooling at the schooling show!
I like girls.

Sharon cappy 2
success at Loch Moy!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Check it out!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Product reviews
Item 1- KABOOM