My mares were both perfect. I have been reading a number of sports psychology books that have really helped me both in the show ring but also in training.
I no longer beat myself up for making mistakes. I realize now that every mistake is a golden opportunity to learn. To become better.
I have no desire to be perfect.
That is not possible. That is a recipe for misery.
I wish to be THE BEST THAT I CAN BE.
I also realize some other things.
In order to compete well, I have to be prepared, over prepared.
If I am, and I realize it, I am relaxed at a show.
I may not have a better mover or a cleaner jumper, but I CAN TRY HARDER.
"We all choke. Winners know how to handle choking better then losers."
John McEnroe
"Be decisive. A wrong decision is generally less disastorus than indecision."
Bernhard Langer
"Motivation get's you going. Discipline keeps you going."
Jim Ryan
I have found personally that accupuncture does WONDERS for me.
I have spent my last two competitions with a smile on my face, and no pit in my throat.
I have found the program that works for me, once I became objective and looked at myself like I do my horses.
Now for my favorite email I have been sent in a LONG time.
Thank you Kim...

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