Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Monday, April 30, 2012
Special Anniversary
I had a great go at Loudon, then had J and P's dinner with my best Dave.
Maggie spent Sunday with her aunty Kim and came home ready to cuddle and sleep!
Today Dave and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary. We played 18 holes at Glade Valley in Walkersville and had a great first outing of the season! I definitely need to brush up on my short game!!!
Dave and I went to Frederick and got our favorite Vietnamese food from Lucky Corner, and visited my favorite little store!
We picked up the Magsters after golf and settled in at home watching "Princess and the Frog". Now it is time for ice cream and some "Dateline".
A huge thanks to the ever wonderful Kari for working Callie today. She reported that Callie was good except when the neighbors tractor went by. Callie bucked then. I don't blame her....the neighbor likes to have even tan lines when he is on his tractor plowing ( if you know what I mean). COMPLETELY even tan lines.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Morven Day 2
The noise I make while going cross country.
If you do not know me, I make noise. A lot of noise. For some reason I do it the most on Beast. And mostly at Intermediate.
It is actually a combination of grunting and yelling good girl.
The grunting is not a quiet noise, it is like a heavy man at the gym. A man that is really over doing it and as you watch you worry that the vein that is sticking out of his head is going to burst.
It is the noise that I seem to make when I put my leg on as hard as I possibly can. All though my horse is generally going with out the leg clamp. It just happens, it is it's own thing so I respect the grunt and allow it to coexist with my desire to tell Beast she is good.
As for the wild yelling of good girl I am unaware when I do it. I must admit I cringe a bit when I hear it on videos and then I hear the videographers laugh.
My horse is delighted with my noise and I am delighted with her.
The day I stop telling a brave girl she is amazing is the day I need a break or to retire.
I used to be loud back in the day when I was a teenager and it seems I am reliving my youth.
Anyways I am going on this tangent because you can hear it in some of my XC videos. I left it on there, I wear my freak flag proudly.
Don't worry, I don't do it in dressage or showjumping ;)
Anyways on to the Morven report....
The wild woman was just that, A WILD WOMAN.
I was a bit worried in XC warm up that I may not make it to the start box! I have never felt Beast quite so wild! I didn't do a whole lot in warm up, just like four jumps. I did do a lot of trot work so I could get her moving laterally and suppling.
She left that box on a mission and I had the time of my life.
Beast has adjusted her jumping style from huge, to huge with superman front legs and a additional kick behind.
She was a star at all the questions. I over rode the water a bit, she jumped great.
She is getting fitter, stronger and faster.
Beast moved up to 9th in a solid Open Intermediate division!!!!
I better spend some more time with Vanessa, Beasty wants a yellow then a blue!
Sharon and Cappy had a phenomenal dressage (a 28 I think), a perfect show jump around a tricky course, and rode AMAZING in the XC.
Cappy had a bit of worry at the ditch but she rode with clarity and got him through it. She finished the course in style!
Em had to scratch due to a flat truck tire :(
Next up we have Iron Bridge on Saturday and an XC school with Stephen on Sunday!
Then Alexis and the Macklins head up to Plantation the following weekend!
Alexis is doing an awesome job at being my competition assistant. From paperwork to studs, directions and scheduling to forcing me to eat, it is a pleasure and an honor to have her!!!!!!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Morven day one
Beasty actually tried very hard for me upon entering the ring. I rode every step as best I could. I had my leg on which is something I had forgotten about.....shame on me.....
Thank god for my lesson with Vanessa earlier this week, it sure came in handy today!
I helped Beast out today on the flat and that felt good. Historically I just sit there and think "I can't wait for this to be over" when Beasty's body feels like a board of wood ready to squirt out from under me at any moment.
The video is not too shabby, considering where we came from last summer!!! Brian Ross giving me a 46 on my most tense test of the year, I will take it. Progress. A 46 from Brian is like a 39 by any other judge!
Beasty was a wonderful girl in the show jumping. I had a huge smile on my face in warm up. We couldn't have jumped any better!
The course was in the small ring and there were a few tight turns. In hind sight I should have realized this was an opportunity to shine. I ride in a smaller ring all the time. Literally all the time. The clinics I go to and my ring at home are both on the smaller side. Beast is a sports car and has legs of springs.
In my moment at the show, I heard everyone freaking out about the ring and turns and let it affect my focus.
I should have thought a bit quicker and calmer. I had two rails, Beast jumped clean with miles to spare. The good news is no matter what I do, Beast jumps well and confidently.
She did spook a little on course but did everything I asked of her and then some. All the hard work and her body work has really paid off. I was able to stay with her better, thanks to working out again and getting stronger.
The course looks great for tomorrow and should ride well if we hold our lines and keep coming forward. The more technical questions seem to be set up in a way where the terrain helps set you up and the distance tells you how much to kick on.
I love the learning I am doing. I love the partner I have to learn on. We get closer every time. Closer every time, but the closer I get, the higher the goal I set. In this moment I choose to be happy and proud. I know I will always set the bar higher and higher. I know when I achieve one goal, I will start foaming at the mouth for the next.
I know that I really have the best flat instructor on the planet. If you had shown me a video of my worst test this year, I would have peed my pant's with glee. With no diaper on. In public. With pride. Like Maggie.
I love Sharon, Jimmy and Stephen.
My horse is jumping better then I ever knew possible. I am taking this moment right now to feel giddy.
To be thankful.
Ok, that's all the maturity I have for right now.
This week and every week after is all about getting better and making my horse better so we can get the scores we deserve. It's about tasting blood and getting back up. Riding in the rain. Being calm.... Then being so driven you feel like your skin is twitching. It means everything and nothing. It's delusion and reality.
It's really not important, but to me it is.
It all is.
I find that when my blogs start to take a turn towards the dramatic, it's time to eat and stop typing.
A HUGE THANKS TO ALEXIS for all the help today!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
More pictures of my star students
Showing perfect form despite the rain!!!!
They make me so proud!!!
Hunter and some hood rat telling him what to do. Busy body hood rats.
Mmm Hmm.
The Woff (Jimmy) would have been so proud.
Weekend Wrap up.
Alexis and Packer show jumping
Alexis dressage
Alison and Knick
Redland went very well!
On Saturday we all ended with ribbons in the top 6!
Courtney Swartz looking AMAZING!!!! (Photos of Courtney by Rita Boehm)
Callie finished 6th on her dressage score of 39. She was very well behaved and moving well in the warm up. She was much more relaxed in the ring but a bit unfocused and hard to get back after her canter lengthening. Oh and sometimes she still likes too kick out.
Callie show jumped like a dream. She was clean despite my best efforts to have one or two rails.
XC also went quite well. She was so willing, unimpressed and happy cross country I got caught being a bit quiet to the water. She hung a leg pretty badly, I think she had no idea there was water on the landing side of her little training log and was startled to see it there. We twisted and as I went to the side, I swear that little mare moved herself under me. We got her hind end going and we jumped the log out with great ease. Callie finished the course spot on and very well. I am happy to have two such smart brave mares!
Alexis rode the best she ever has in the dressage. Packer was very good and is getting stronger and stronger! He jumped quite well despite the slippery footing. They ended in 6th at their first recognized event!!! A huge congratulations!!!!!!!!!
Alison rode the best she ever has in all three phases and earned herself and Knick a blue ribbon!!!!
Knick was so happy to be out at his first event of the season but was very quiet and well behaved (for Knick). He only sort of reared two or three times ;)))))
Alison made Knick look like a grand prix horse in the dressage. He scored a 34 ....even with an error....and added only one time fault to win with a 35!!!!!!!!!!
Courtney Swartz had three great phases. She had her AWESOME mom Vanessa help warm her up on the flat earning a 35. Court rode perfectly in both stadium and XC to finish in 5th on her dressage score.
Courtney has always been an amazing show jumper. She has ridden extensively with Laura Pickett and she sure shows off what an amazing teacher Laura was. Laura would be very proud of Courts performance yesterday.
On Sunday I headed back over to help Hunter and Kari.
Kari rode really well in the dressage. Kaliente was a bit ADD in the dressage and Kari handled it like a pro. Kari and Kaliente had their best show jump to date. All their hard work has paid off. Kaliente is starting to be so comfortable with her body and this is a credit to Kari. They looked brilliant cross country but were surprised by the open ditch toward the end of the course. The horses seemed to have trouble reading the open ditch on Sunday in the rain but hadn't the day before!
Hunter pulled off a really successful day! Hunter has been really busy with Lacrosse so he has not had as much prep and schooling for this spring eventing season. They had a beautiful dressage test, I thought the scores were all a bit high in his division though. His showjumping was PERFECT! XC was very well ridden and Fance was great on some less then mediocre footing. Fance was also a bit surprised by the silly open ditch but finished very strong.
Summer went to the event but was not herself in dressage warm up. We elected to withdraw her and will have to wait until her next event for her big debut!!! She still had a great first show experience and was able to soak up the environment like a giant 4 year old sponge!!!
I am so proud of all of my students.
They really did an amazing job, every one of them. I could not be happier or have hoped for any more for any one of them.
Working with horses can be hard sometimes. Things can seem like they are not going well when really they are going just the way they need to be.
Alison had a fall from Knick a few weeks back and all though it could have made her feel not ready for Redland, she turned it around into fuel to become over prepared and then she won!!!!
Every experience is a gift, if you let it be. It is all knowledge gained, if you let it be.
I learned that on a course that has a lot of turns and doesn't have the acreage for long gallops, I have to help Callie a bit sooner or quicker to get her in front of my leg. She has just turned 6 and has grown up so much already.
Kari learned her horse loves the way she is riding her and she said thank you today in the show jumping. She said thank you by looking perfect.
I have a date now with Maggie. Peppa pig is on and I have to make the blanket feel needed.
It is a good weekend when all the horses return home confident and happy and the riders come home feeling hungry for more.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
The Beast
Beast had her nemesis of hard frosty grass for her warm up. I was better prepared this time with studs. Beasty was very fresh. Very fresh. She was obedient but a bit exuberant at times. I did a mediocre job riding her but she tried hard for me.
The exuberance carried over to the show jumping. I will post video later. I sat down just a bit at an oxer and had a rail.
However I am high as a kite with how amazing my horse jumps. This was a great day so far.
I own a very amazing horse.
Dave and Maggie are doing Stephens water buckets.
Maggie will clean my tack next.
Mary Mack
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Mr Wofford
Lessons went awesome today!!!!
My mares are little warriors.
They jumped like a million dollars.
Mary Mack
Monday, April 9, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Summer jumper derby
Summer was awesome! I will write more later when its not family time!!! A huge thanks to Alexis for being in charge of times, paperwork, etc. She also rode her horse Packer and ROCKED IT.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Callie was jealous
So she cut her head open. She looked really pathetic with the little trickle of blood down her big white star.
She's ok but will have a few days off cause I'm sure it hurts like the dickens. I have always heard that the dickens hurts.
Callie is such a sweet girl.
I will be bringing two banged up girls to the jimmy clinic next week.
Things all seem to happen at once! Bring it world, bring it.
Mary Mack
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Who's that hottie

with a body? It's Beasty Bear. She is Air free.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012