Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Morven and stuff

Emily did a great job at Morven Park!
She was in 2nd after dressage with a score of 27.5. Em was in a big open competitive division with lots of professionals and definitely held her own. Emily and Jazz show jumped clean and rocked it XC. She went a few seconds fast, which is great since her next event they will be moving up.
Emily incurred 1.6 speed faults which moved her to 5th place with a score of 29.1!
Way to go Em, all that hard work paid off!!!!!!

Her mom, sister and Spencer (the bucket girl) were there to show their support. I am happy for Emily that she has a great support system and a great family.

Margret Rizzo of Mythic Landing events also put in a great show! I was lucky enough to get there just in time to see her show jump and they looked GREAT!
Margret has done an awesome job with that mare. The training and guidance that her coach Kelley Williams has provided sure does show what a good program she has. Solid.
It was so nice to go to an event and see the folks I know be so bright.

Speaking of bright, my students and Summer blew me away yesterday. Everyone was a rock star. Seriously, they all looked amazing as did their horses.
When I asked questions, they knew the answers.
A wonderful group they are.
And a wonderful and BRAVE horse Summer is.
Summer did have her first naughty baby moment. She briefly had a different opinion then I about who should be submissive . It didn't last long, she would never actually want the responsibility of being in charge . Summer is four and has never objected to anything we have asked of her. She tried her rearing legs in the excitement of XC and they didn't work very well.......I am very glad of this. That rear end could have some POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is a big, lovely, girl. She moves so well and jumps so well it's easy to forget how young she is. She likes to stick her butt in your face in the stall for a tail scratch. She does not have any need for personal space. She is food motivated and sweet. She is a bit of a goober and a pure athlete at the same time.
Ah, gotta love the mares!

Beasty continues to do well. I bareback hacked her today. I will do that a few days this week and then after checking in with the vet, we will see what the next step is (I am hoping it will be light work).
There is still a good chance she will be ready for Plantation. I am in no hurry with her though. I want to do everything right and get that little star back to her super confident self.
I have a plan b and c.....and maybe a "d'.

Callie received a three day weekend and will be back at it tom. Callie likes her ears scratched and will put her head in your lap like a dog. And then bite you when you put a blanket on her. And then bat her eye lashes.

Myra continues to be the best dog EVER.

Maggie and I will be cuddling all day Tuesday and will not be taking any phone calls. Except from Mr. Macklin.


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