with a body? It's Beasty Bear. She is Air free.
All the air that traveled into her body through her puncture wound has left the building.
The hole itself is healing very well so far.
I am still holing my breath but I don't feel ready to scream every two minutes.
This is good, very good.
Callie went to the big V's yesterday. I totally missed Vanessa.
It was so nice to be back with her. What was especially awesome is how good Callie was. She will probably take two or three lessons to get back to where we were earlier this year BUT the good news is her submission is halfway there now. Her downward transitions are by no means good, but they are getting better, and I can do my homework on that one.
I often find that I take one exercise in a lesson with an instructor and I start to use it as a crutch.
Now with some horses this is ok....even good sometimes.
Beasty does not seek and destroy, nor does Summer. They are hottie's with a body.
Callie I realize is a bit like Fiesta. They exploit your innocent exercises and find a loop hole. They are both smart independent women. The would be single and living in Manhattan if they were humans. Callie would be the waify model that can eat whatever she wants and never gain an ounce of weight. Fiesta would be a bit round if she were a human as she wouldn't have anyone to monitor and limit her grain intake. Fiesta would be into fashions, and Callie would wear fashions. Neither would like yoga. They would prefer football, basketball, and any kind of running and jumping.
If they were forced to go to yoga (dressage) they would take water breaks frequently, and hold the pose until it starts to hurt and then go into child's pose for a little rest.
They are crafty and creative and find ways to get out of work. I fall for Callie all the time because I love her and I feel bad for her and her teenage gangles.
Fiesta is harder to feel bad for. In fact there is no time for any feeling. She is armed with an ARSENAL, AN ARSENAL of tools for evasive maneuvering. It takes all you have got to stay a step ahead of her.
Thankfully Fiesta is a big floaty mover that the judges drool over.
Callie seems to be back to her dreamy self on the regumate. I am hoping her dressage scores will start to reflect this. It is hard to let a horse stretch into the bridle when you worry that as their head goes out, their hind end will go up, up and awaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Yesterday, Alison Bowyer rocked out on Knick XC at Serra Valley!!!!!!
Alison's muscle memory is kicking in her balance is up and her heels are staying down. She can trust her body and let her mind ride. It is really neat to watch this pair develop. Knick was a happy boy and he loves his stifle ice spa treatment afterwards!
Kari jammed out on Kaliente. This pair is for sure ready to climb the levels this season.
Rachel was her amazing self on her wonder pony. This is becoming one of my favorite pairs to watch and teach. So stinkin cute this chestnut mare and her wonder kid.
Court and Hunter were......perfect. they usually are. Courtney had the pleasure of riding in a hackamore. Her horse loved it. I am not so sure about Court. We will see how long I can persuade her to use it. Courts pretty tough. So is riding in a hackamore sometimes.
(All amazing photos are from Nicky Shipley. She's a hootie with a camera.)
My Darenth girls looked great.
Hannah, Ameriah and Pipestar. They are continuing onto phase two of my jumping exercise I have set up.
They rock.
So does Summer. No submission issues today, just a big sweet lap horse with insane movement. A big thanks to the hecklers I enlisted to get after me about my heels, hands and gaits. Thanks Kari and Alison!
Beasty hacked the water at Serra Valley!
She just walked...I was bareback. I peed my pants when she started doing this face
But then she realized quickly we were not jumping. A caged tiger she is.
Beasty did jump right into the water and splash and play. One step down, three more obsessive steps to go.
It's pretty cool to ride your Intermediate horse, (who's super fit and had 9 days off) bareback while your students go XC. Beast and Henny should make babies. Run Henny Run.
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