It's been a wonderful week!
All of my students had great lessons. Friday was especially nice because of the insanely perfect weather.
Sharon looks ready for the Stephen B clinic. Her smart mare Harmony is feeling a little disappointed though. Sharon seems to be consistently out smarting Harms; thus avoiding any problems before they occur. Harmony is such a beautiful jumper, and loves to do her job, she just likes to spice things up in between fences ;)
Heather had a great last lesson before her (hopefully) new horse Bolter comes!
Then Breanna, Sam, Alision, Hunter, and Megs were all PERFECT.
They got themselves into the ring on time, and rode great. I love my students. They all try so hard.
Samantha looked like a million dollars on Buckshot. God knows I push her hard, and am hard on her. She has stuck with it, and risen to the occasion. She did not break her rhythm once going to her fences!
Hunter looked amazing on Fancy. They did not miss a beat. Its a good thing he is so strong, because the way that mare jumps you need to be to stay over top of her in the air!!!!
My other ladies were perfect. Megs, Bre, and Alison worked their patooties off, and looked good while doing it.
Alexis and Packer continue to amaze me. Packer had moments where he looked like a cat. Alexis stayed with him with ease. What she didn't notice was the amazing canter and canter seat that she and he have now as well!
Katie Cindric has brought Freckles a long way also. I never thought I would see the day where Freckles may canter on a 20 meter circle again. He is in his early 20's and his one hock just doesn't make it easy for him. With Katie's hard work and Dedication though, Freckles is probably more fit then he has ever been in his life. Maybe the hock injections are worth it.......
Summer. Ahhhh Summer. I took the little three year old out to the lit ring on Thursday night. She has had at least three months off, has never been "under the lights" and when I did ride her before, it was always in the round pen. I was by myself so I was just going to lead her around and maybe back her by the mounting block.
She was being so good, I just got on her! We walked around a few times I patted her and took her back to her stall. So smart. So big, but so smart.
Friday Sharon and I took Summer to the ring. I got right on and had a nice walk trot and canter! Just like I was having a nice ride on a nice broke horse!!!! SOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOO SOOO EXCITED!!!
Summer feels like Knick, her size and the way she is put together. Her personality, and movement are much different, but I all ready feel at home. I wonder how she will jump......... :)
Saturday Dave, Magsters, Katie (Aunt Cake), and I went to the Jimmy Wofford clinic. It was wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. Now don't get me wrong, I am still a faithful Stephen student. God knows if I was going to switch trainers I would have done it a while ago, I think at this point I am in for life!
Anyways, Jimmy has a very distinct, and set way with the green horses. Work on their flat work, develop the canter, trot and canter fences and let them find their foot work. All of which I obviously agree with. There were a few things with Callie that I really have to spend the next few weeks thinking about.
As I develop as a rider and trainer, I develop my own ideas and style. I take what works for me, and store what may not work for me in a filing cabinet. I have come to find more and more a tool that may not work right now, will work at a later time.
At a later time, I may gain a better understanding, a more rideable horse, etc etc. Some things may simply never work for me, but that is ok. I can still save those tools, and try to give them to my students. I realize what works for me, may not always work for them.
Callie was a gem. (Except for her middle finger at Jimmy....see video)
Beast was so wonderful. My favorite part was when one of the girls there said she looked just like Madeline, Holly Payne's advanced horse. I take that as a huge compliment! Lets hope that the Beast takes me around some advanced courses and we look as good as Holly and Madeline ;)!
I really had a great lesson on Beast. I had a few break through moments. (Also see video)
I have a harder time following Jimmy's instructions and exercises then Stephen. Its simply because I have ridden with Stephen for so long. The really cool thing was that Jimmy noticed and would mix up the way he said things.
Simple things like the course. Liver pool, left circle, bounce, diagonal, whattttttt? When he would see my blank a$$ expression and vacant smile, he tried pointing and counting. One, point and draw line in air, two etc etc. Then I got it.
At the end he said "you are not used to going first huh?"
I didn't lie!!! I just smiled that vacant smile. ( I ALWAYS go first in my Steve-o lessons)
Sometimes it helps if you eat too.
I had the pleasure of riding with Kristen P. in the Prelim group. This was helpful for three reasons.
1. I realize just how good the Charles Owens AYR8 helmet looks (she has one), and how bad I want one.(Love my Wellington Pro though!!!!)
2. It was nice to have someone to talk to(in a VERY quiet voice) about what he was saying, and how it looked etc.
3. She politely reminded me that I was in the way of the exercise or standing RIGHT in front of the jump (like 55 times).
Like I said eating is a good thing, I should try that next time.
I have to give a huge shout out to my sweet Dave (and the Magsters). Thank you sooooooo much for coming and videoing, and watching Maggie walk through random fields.
I Love you and the day got even better when we had Chinese food and watched a movie. Best date ever.
Another big shout out to Aunt Cake. Katie is especially helpful because Riley (her jumping horse) has trained her up for Callie.
Katie does not notice/mind/freak out when Callie acts a fool. She even stood on the trailer with Callie and a dressage whip and would tap her every time she kicked the ramp saying "No Callie".
This went on for quite a while. At least a half an hour. Can you imagine?
I looked out at one point and saw them just staring at each other.....
BANG Tap. "No Callie"
BANG BANG Tap...................................
I think Callie finally figured this b!t@h is crazy, and stopped because the next time I looked, Katie was smiling in the observation area, and Callie had her head hung in defeat, half sleeping.