So Sunday my girls jumped. Beasty continues to love her hackamore and schooled beautifully. Callie was beautiful also.
Beautiful as her body rocketed around the ring and her giant spider legs "reared" over the grid.
That is what it feels like sometimes on this mare. As we take off, I always see the sheepskin lined edge of her front boots. Rising straight up as her body prepares to rocket over the jump. Or as Stephen likes to put it, "shoot her out of a cannon".
My good friend and student Alexis was with me and she very politely told me that I was throwing my body through the grid. Indeed. I suppose in my efforts to not be tousled about, I was overcompensating and flailing along with her.
I settled my a$$ down and "rode her like a big horse" as all my instructors tell me to do. Amazing how that works.
I made a lot of progress with the Callsters. By the end she was only throwing in a few leaps in between fences. I suppose its time to start her back on her weekly jump school.
Both mares were loosing there saddle pads (yet again) by the end of their schools. I suppose I will break down and buy the Ecogold pads that Sharon keeps raving about. It is all she will ride in. God knows my girls (well mostly Callie) are like that childrens story "The Princess And The Pea".
Yesterday was so beautiful! It was a bit windy though!!! At one point as the Beastling was reverting back to old ways, I looked out in the field and poor Callie was standing perfectly still with her blanket right over her head. She must have thought it was night time a bit early! In hind sight I could give Beast a little slack. The rest of her herd was running but I was obsessed with perfection. I am working on my OCD.Time to go back to Vanessa. Beast and I still have the canter to work on in general, my my real Nemesis and point of contention is the wretched counter canter!
We did get some lessons in at Darenth, and the rest of the week looks great for lessons also!
I am looking forward to Morven Parks dressage show on Saturday.
Then next week will be busy with Dressage lessons and the Stephen clinic!!!
Sunday the 27th will be the jumper show at Serra Valley and we are expecting a good turn out!
Hopefully the family with the mules will be there again. Those little girls BRING IT!!!!!
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