Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Live amongst the animals

Zoom in to see the sunbathers

This is a "Nuffy"

So I have a crawl space below my living room.
I also have/had an animal under my house in the crawl space.
This has been a source of anxiety for the animals that live in my house. Well just the animals that are suppose to live in the house. Not the stink bugs. They are cool with it.
Anyways, Dave says to me last night "I may or may not have borrowed an animal trap from work. I may or may not have set it. And I may or may not have all ready caught a cat."
(Its a humane trap of course)
So we let the neighbors cat go, reset it, and literally minutes later, caught the opossum.
It was actually kinda cute. I tried to tell Dave that an opossum is better then a skunk. He asked if I was trying to provide it a home. I can't lie to Dave, so I didn't answer.
I know it sounds weird but those kinda critters eat and keep away the worse critters like mice and bugs.
Obviously we are not crazy, well at least Dave isn't. So he took the possum to a field down the street and released it...... Well he tried to release it. He actually sat in the field with it for like 45 minutes occasionally poking it with a stick. It would just hiss and stay in the trap. All I could picture is them sitting in the dark not facing each other, both pissed off. I'm not actually sure what ended up happening because at this point it was like 1030 and I fell asleep. The trap is probably still in the field and the possum is probably tucked back in, listening to sprout tv and Maggie's footsteps running above it.

So today is so beautiful I opened the windows to my lovely old farm house. Mmmmm sunshine. Mmmmm stink bugs.
Seriously? Is anyone else alarmed by this? I have like 4 sun bathing on my window!
And then it dawns on me, do opossums eat stink bugs?

Oh well.

Time for a stink bug hunt.
Then off to ride Summer. Its time for her to start back. I can't wait to take her to Vanessa!
Sent from my MaryBerry

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