photos by Mr.Willie
I don't have pictures of EVERYONE, but pretty much everone looked like the woman, maybe a little better.
Except Hunter, I thought maybe, just maybe William Fox Pitt could try to do him justice. Everyone in the crowd was ooohhing and ahhhhhing about Hunt and Fance!
Leslie, Kari, Allison, Kathy, Sharon L, Katie C, Laney, Kristen, Brittany, Hunter, Katherine, Sharon O, and Skyler looked PERFECT in the clinic!!!!!
You could tell Stephen has been down training in Aiken.
When he told me to set up the exercises, I was like, Huh.....maybe I will need help to set up!!!
The grid in the middle was X 18' Vertical 10' Vertical 19' oxer 11' Vertical.
On one long side was vertical 21' vertical 21' vertical. On the other long side was Oxer 45' vertical 11' vertical 45' oxer!!!!
All of the horses did the exercises perfectly. I'm being totally serious. It was like magic.
My mares were like magic. Oh it just makes all the hard work worth it.
The jumper show went great. We set up on Saturday for about 7 hours, and it showed.
To the best of my knowledge, the show went smoothly. Warm up was the entire lower out door, and the course, while slightly harder then the last show rode well.
I was excited to see a few people take the optional tight turns that Katherine had planned.
My wonderful husband helped Maggie with the parking. I don't know what I would do without Dave and Maggie.
Kristen P got there early and helped with jump crew. In hind sight, I don't think we laughed hard enough at both Dave, but especially tiny Kristen.
When a rail near us would fall, they would put one hand on the 3 and a 1/2 foot wall in front of them and just levitate their bodies to the other side.
Kari was a trooper at the in gate. Both Katie and Julia were super troopers at the warm up!!!
Allison helped me judge, and the OCD Alexis did a superb job at check in. Quite the crew we have!!!!
All my students, you are the best. You are more then that, you are my wonderful friends.
Today, we (Beast, Callie, and I) are off to Vanessa's for a dressage lesson! I will try to get some teaching in before the rain hits.
Tomorrow, Maggie and I will have a busy day of Sprout t.v., yoga, nap, and some lifetime movies. We will do this while we eat peanut butter straight from the jar.
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