So Monday was a bust.
The tornado warning made me think maybe it wasn't such a good idea to load my trusting mares into my metal box and cart them over to Olney for my flat lessons. Vanessa agreed.
Ont top of that, my Monday lessons got cancelled. You know the storms never did get that bad.
Tuesday was my scheduled day off so I was feeling guilty after having had Monday off.
Maggie and I scrubbed the house from top to bottom. She liked to help in ways like wiping down the stainless steel fridge with a baby wipe (no they are not streak free unfortunately.) She also enjoys un-folding laundry. We have moved up in the world. She used to just go for the folded laundry that was not put away, NOW however, she opens drawers to get to it.
My favorite discovery of Tuesday was when Maggie learned how to take off her own diaper. She did that about 7 times. Hmmmmm this could be a problem.
Any ways the maid (me) did a pretty good job! The chef (also me) really stepped it up. This will make a certain Dave Macklin happy, hopefully lessening the blow when the packages start arriving from Dover and Smartpack. He loves me.
***Helpful tip if you buy Succeed, Dover takes FOREVER to ship it! Valley vet is super fast! Believe it or not though, Stablemates has the best price with (obviously) no shipping and handling. Unless you charge yourself.***
Wednesday started with the noise of Dave in the shower. It was 545, and technically I had another hour or so in bed. Not much point though when your mind is counting back your schedule hour by hour, over and over and over!
All I had to do was leave the house by 7:45. No sweat. Right???
Maggie's hair was a mess, she didn't want to get dressed and ran giggling from me. Scruffy and Bobby got excited by my running and started jumping up and down for food. And of course the tea kettle is screaming at me. Oh god.
Got clothes on Maggie, got her a bottle and Cheerios, made my crack-oh I mean coffee, got my clean saddle pads, snack for later, Mags diaper bag, fed the dogs etc headed out the door.
My sitter must wonder why I drop my daughter off in a horse trailer.....its really cost effective and green.
Off to the barn!
My sweet mares loaded and rode over to Vanessa perfectly.
Callie was perfect. It is like a dream riding her when she acts like this.
Beasty had some wonderful trot work. She was a bit stiff and quick in the canter work. This is hindsight was really good though, Vanessa got to see the exact problem (we don't really have a balanced canter yet) and told me what to work on!
Callie was a dream waiting on the trailer!!! I give the credit to my new hot hay bag, and Katie C's work. I may even be getting a matching hay bag as a gift. Love matchy matchy!
We went back to the barn, had some lunch and cleaned some tack.
Then I had a cat nap in the sun, and tried to have some time to reflect.
I struggle to stay grounded. I really do. I find it very easy to get caught up in the ....well to be blunt, BS of the eventing world.
I really like to read "Wylie eventing". She had a good blog recently, "Peace Love and Horses?"
It was a good reminder to keep it in perspective. I am worried about what new helmet to buy for dressage.?! I want to keep working on myself. I have nothing to be upset about, only blessings to be thankful for.
Anyways, I don't want to get to serious. Its a process.
The first photo was an attempt at evidence. Summer didn't think it was a good idea to come in. So she didn't! She spun, reared, reared some more, and then just ran away. back to the girls.
Oh, I was so mad. I went and got a chain, and the funny part was she trotted up to me, all happy. She has no idea she is 16 hands (or bigger) and like 1000 pounds.
We made it half way down the hill this time and then she just knocked into me and went for it. I put up a good fight.
Anyways, she was tired and wanted treats so she came in.
She was PERFECT for Kari!
It's the first time someone else has ridden her! Kari did a superb job in her hot mess half chap. They walk, trotted and cantered. I must say, this mare can move!!!! I cant wait to take her to Vanessa and Stephen!
Then my afternoon lessons were great.
Riley, Bre, and Alison all looked perfect!
My next group was big, it was like being at a Jimmy Wofford clinic ;)
Hannah rode Knick and the pair looked amazing. Sam rode Fance, and she did a really good job! I am always hard on Sam because I see so much potential. She always rises to the occasion! Ameriah, Elizabeth, Megs and Morgan looked like a million bucks.
On to my ladies.
This was a good lesson. My ladies always make me so happy. We have such a good group. It wasn't as much fun with out Taylor,Linda and Allison, but its good to rotate so the groups stay smaller.
We did course work. Laney remembered her course! I think I have it figured out!!!!
Julia breathed and cantered (her mare is sort of gaited so big accomplishment), Alexis stayed over top Packer and his new big jump, and Katie convinced Riley to try whole heartedly for her.
They all looked Fab, and they all jumped some big fences! (check out the photo!!!)
I made it thru the day, and a wonderful day it was!
Today we have the vet, the farrier, lessons (Katie's big debut on Buckshot) and 4 to ride.
I'm thinking its another crock pot night.
"Most folks are as happy as they make their minds up to be."-Abraham Lincoln
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