Here are two photos from the jumper show.
The first is the ring with the jumps (though it is set for the 'poles class' aka poles on the ground).
The second is one of our favorite competitors Madison and her mom.
The have come to all of the shows in the series and always perform well!
They are also a lovely family.
Mom is super nice, and both girls are sweet, polite, and AWESOME riders.
By the way, they also have a mule that can out jump most horses that come to the shows!
I am recovering from a busy couple days.
I have a new niece!!!! Alexandra Elizabeth Lerner. She is just as sweet and as beautiful as can be.
My poor sister had a long couple of months there at the end of her pregnancy, but it was all worth it after yesterday.
Times like these could be slightly bitter sweet, with our mom having passed last summer. But she sure was surrounded by some wonderful friends and family yesterday. (I am especially amazing).
Fortunately I have had time to reflect on a lot, with all of my MVA and Social security visits lately. Yeah right. Maggie's not down with the whole waiting an hour for your number to be called thing.
Tonight is definitely a yoga night.
It's time to get grounded before this season starts.
Plus hopefully the stress relieving poses will assist in the removal of the throw up feeling I have from tallying up my entry fees.
A big shout out to all the success that my friends had in Southern Pines, Full Gallop and Red Hills.
Hopefully I can rope Sharon O into coming with me on Thursday for the Jimmy Wofford lesson so I can have some company and pictures!
OK it's yoga time.
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