Awwwwwww mannnnnnnn!
I meant to take a before and after of the ring at Serra Valley Farms!!!! I obviously only took the before. I will take an after shot when we go back to school the course! (Though it will be missing some decorations.)
Well, I will start with today and move backwards.
We had another very successful jumper show at Serra Valley! We were busy, busy, busy!
Thank god for my wonderful supporters Alexis, Katie C, Elizabeth,Laney,Dave, and the most helpful of course......Maggie!
God knows Katie and Alexis are the two main components of what I call "the dream team"!
We did miss Allison, it wasn't the same without her there, we poured a little coffee on the dirt and said "this ones for my homey".....Homey = Allison for those of you that don't get it.
Just a little coffee though. Don't get me wrong, I love my bestie Allison, but I also love my bestie caffeine.
Fortunately for me, Allison and Kari were able to fit a 50 minute walk (back home at Darenth Farm) on Beast and Callie, into their otherwise busy day!
All in all, the jumper show was great. We will go back to school the wonderful courses designed by Katherine Rizzo.
Moving backwards to yesterday (Sat), myself, Katie C., and Julia set the course in the afternoon. Ugh! What a lot of work! Just three ladies a Kabota, and a sense of humor. It took us like 4 and a half hours, record time considering we had to carry all the jumps from the shed.... uphill, in the snow, in bare feet.(Just kidding.............. about the snow at least................................. kidding again...............sort of.)
Mary, Julia, and Katie, this was the other "dream team".
Especially Katie C. Poor Katie.
About half way through, me and Julia were tired. We kept saying everything was "water logged" and too heavy for one person. Or just too heavy period. We believed ourselves. As Stewie says in "Family Guy", to live the lie, you must believe it!
Katie picked up a lot of the slack, and remained quite cheerful also!
Prior to the show set up and prep, I taught two lessons at Darenth and rode my two horses.
The lessons went well, Julie looked great, and Katie got to test drive Freckles new hocks!!!
My girls Hannah, Riley, and Morgan had a fabulous lesson and got to experience "the circle" exercise. Lucky them ;)
My mares were GREAT.
OK back to Friday (are you following my craziness?)
In the afternoon, I taught in Walkersville.
Em looked fantastic!!!!! Both her lessons went really well, she is definitely ready for the season to start!
Hannah, Val, and Jo looked great also! I love teaching these guys, I have to vary the lesson slightly for the three riders in the group, but all of them are great!
I especially love Val's horse Raven, such a natural!
Hannah (the daughter of Val) has a strange ability to do whatever I tell her on the first try! (also a natural)
Before Walkersville, my list of horses all got worked, and all were great!!!!
OK, finishing off my rewinding story, in the morning, the vet came for Beasties acupuncture!!!!
That was really cool. She had chiropractic, acupuncture, and what the vet called "acupuncture on steriods" (the electricity).
I'm a believer!
The difference I feel all ready is AMAZING!
We had some phenomenal canter work (never thought I would say that), and some great trot work!
She feels like a noodle right now, I can put her body into all kinds of positions. I think I may need a lesson with the new tools in my tool box.
I will need to work on my lateral work and also my steadiness in the bridle in some of the canter work.
Poor Callie, she may get some acupuncture also. She kept peering over the wall to see what was going on. Busy body.
I am gearing up for some more ground breaking moments on Summer. Gosh, every time I ride this mare I get more and more impressed! ................................................................................................................................................................................Most exciting part?
The ever fabulous Nick Dawson has decided we need a full sibling to Summer!!!!!!!
How very exciting!!!!
Its official! The purchase was made on Friday!
Congratulations Sharon! A new run in shed and a planned pregnancy, all in one day! What more could a girl ask for! ;)
Busy week ahead!
I will try to post a few pictures of the beautiful jumper course at Serra Valley!!!!
Thanks again to all that make this possible!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bed time for me!!!!
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