Thursday went smoothly. Thank you to Kari, my bestie.
I dropped Maggie off at the sitter, and headed to Darenth. Thank god the horses were all close to the gate! I brought in the 4 for the farrier, put them in stalls I had freshly cleaned for them (don't want to make the afternoon workers mad, and don't want poopy toes for team Oyarzo). Packer went first, he's a super star and stands like a gentleman on the crossties. Actually all of them seem to stand quietly except mine. Hmmmmmmmmm.
I got to ride Beasty while Kevin did Packs!!!!!
We rotated horses around, I brought in the remaining horses for the vet. Kari showed up, which allowed me to ride the other two girls before the vet arrived.
It dawned on me that I was getting a double whammy with Mags at the sitter, so I could have the vet and farrier come out. Hey wait a minute, I pay the sitter when I go to take lessons also. Hmmmm, I will have to teach Maggie to be my assistant as soon as she's old enough. I am thinking 4? 4 seems like a good age to go catch all the horses for me and hold them for their shots and the farrier. I will get her a very tall ladder so she can switch tack on my horses at their lessons. It will have to have wheels though, because Callie wiggles when you tack her.(For those of you that don't have a sense of humor, I am joking, it is funny to picture though)
After the vet and farrier left, I picked up an exhausted Mags from the sitter, headed back to the big D (Darenth) where the other big D (Doozers) came to do the Maggie transfer.
Hopped on the Packs for his training ride, then on to Katie C's first lesson on Buckshot!
Katie did a fabulous job. It was interesting to see how Buckshot really pointed out the habits Katie has gotten into from Riley. It was a great lesson, then on Friday, she rode Buck again and the difference was amazing. She must have practiced in her head.
Julie rode Freckles and looked amazing!
Patsy pants was a good girl yesterday (Friday), but a bit resistant to the basic building blocks of dressage....half halts, outside connection etc. I'm thinking we need to restructure the whole approach to Pats.
Today, Patsy was a perfect angel. She tried her little painted tooshie off for me! It was a great start to a great day. Callie was a doll as well.
I had the pleasure of Vanessa coming to my farm today.
I had a lesson on Summer. I don't think it has really sunk in yet how freaking nice this horse is. A walk that's floaty, a trot with so much suspension and power, and a canter that is so perfectly balanced! Match that with a quiet mind, and just enough of an edge to be bold, we have the key ingredients for a seriously competitive upper level event horse. I am so excited. So, SO excited!
Beasty not only tried her little mare heart out, she counter cantered. She counter cantered on a circle! And well! All I had to do was sit correctly, imagine that!!
It was a real treat.
Thanks to the Lanesters for keeping me company today!
Thank you to Alexis for the photos!
More photos to come, of Summer!!!
Stay far from timid, only make moves when your hearts in it, and live the phrase sky’s the limit.
-Notorious B.I.G.
“If I can’t do it, homie, it can’t be done Now I’ma let the champagne bottle pop I’ma take it to the top” -If I Can’t, 50 Cent
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