Whew, what a busy couple days!
Wed was a lesson marathon.
My first lesson was Heather with her horse "Bolter". He is a spotted draft who is very large, with even larger movement!
Bolter is not a fan of backing off the trailer. It took Hunter and I 10 minutes. It's very funny in hindsight. I think the easiest way to get him to back off is to put food in between his front legs so he has to step back to reach it.
Heather did a great job with Bolter, and once he learns where his long legs are, his canter transitions will be much easier! I think the grass ring is in his future.
Next was Breanna, Alison, and Riley. They all did a really good job. Riley was perfecting her accuracy with circles. Both Bre and Alsion showed a lot of improvement in their position.
Then on to Meg, Hunter, Hannah, and Elizabeth.
They all did great. We worked on stride adjustment, of course Hunter could go from like a 8 foot to a 12 foot stride with no problem! Overachiever.
Hannah did an awesome job with our new horse Goose!
Megs and Elizabeth both also showed wonderful accuracy with their lines and approaches!
Then little Rowan went for a trail ride. We sang songs together, mine awful and off pitch, hers made up and on pitch :)
Then the ladies rocked out. We worked on striding and adjustability as well. Alison had some of Buckshots best canter work to date. I got on him for a few minutes and was very impressed with how far he has come!
Annie and I continue to figure out her horse Rae. I like this horse, she keeps me on my toes as an instructor. She try's super hard for her mom, and sometimes those horses are almost harder to ride. There does not leave a whole lot of room for error! Annie does a really good job with her, and Annie takes direction very well.
Katie had more of an "auditing" lesson. Poor Riley had a stiff back, so he did not do a whole lot. We gave him extra love, cookies, and a little bute. He has seemed happy as a clam since!
Thursday AM took me to Walkersville.
Jo had an amazing lesson. Her little mare Misty is such a star.
Nico jumped brilliantly (as always). This horse is so beautiful to watch. It makes my stomach have butterfly's. I understand the men who melt at the sight of a 1956 Ford Thunderbird, or a big awesome tractor, or for Dave-a chocolate sundae.
Then I took Beast and Callie to a lesson with Sharon White.
Both my lessons were amazing.
Super tough exercises, but both mares were wonderful!
Beast was really careful to leave a lot of space between herself and the jump. I am pretty sure I said the lords name in vain multiple times.
The good news is, everyone seems distracted by Beasts efforts, they don't seem to notice me clinging to her, while being less then "tight" in the tack. I don't think Beast will ever go with out a grab strap again! Especially now that the jumps are getting bigger!
Callie was in her sassy mood yesterday. It worked out well though. We are starting to get to a place where I can still ride her despite the mood. She controlled her little self, I just need to keep my a$$ from shooting off to the left when we canter right! Callie expects perfection.
I love both these mares. They have some odd quirky behavior, but it is what makes them so special.
I had a focus breakthrough on Callie. I was able to bring it over today into my flat work and it was great.
Beast walked for 30 minutes prior to a low impact dressage ride. It was the best dressage school I have ever had, or dreamed to have on her. I can't wait to show Vanessa what we have worked on!
Callie hung tuff. She is always a bit wound after a jump school, so we had an easy walk trot day in the grass ring. She had her back up (like in a "I want to buck way"), but after hearing Fred Weber talk about liking the horses a bit wound, I was able to use this bizarre concept to transfer it to a "coming over her back way"!
Summer hacked today. She is so funny.
That's all I have to say about Summer. She is always just a comedian and a pleasure to ride.
So now Maggie is sleeping while I type this blog. I just ordered a pair of more portable ice boots for Beast. Kim and I got talking at "A Bit Better Farm" yesterday. I will take good advice when I hear it. It can't help but to ice Beast after every jump school and gallop.
Her feet are feeling AMAZING due to my AMAZING farrier.
I am so grateful to have so many wonderful people with great input and talent to help my mares and myself along the way.
I will sit down next with a calendar to plan canter sets galore. But first I am thinking I should do some yoga.
I have a headache due to caffeine withdrawal.
I am weaning my self from caffeine.
With Dave's brother staying with us, I have the final push to go full vegetarian (he is a vegetarian) I have only eaten turkey, no red meat or pork for like 10 years. But I am taking it a step farther. Just for a month (to start) I am going to try to be super healthy. "Straight edge"
I already didn't drink much (alcohol) since having Maggie, but stopped completely last winter (it gives me super bad anxiety). So that's already gone.
I quit smoking like 4 years ago (something I still long for when I am done with XC)
so that's gone.
That just leaves meat, caffeine, and being an a$$h@le.
I am going to step up my yoga, but also step up my caloric intake.
We will see. I am hoping to feel more energy, less stress.
If I don't, I may try doubling my caffeine intake. ;)
I have bought some of the meat substitutes. They are actually called "protein". It's a little creepy, but I will be damned if they aren't REALLY tasty!
Anyways, enough about my weird quarter life crisis diet change (I also plan to dye my hair and get another tattoo).
This weekend brings an XC school or two, and not a whole lot else.
Next week is show jumping with Stephen, and the unrecognized at Waredaca.
I'm off now. Take care of yourselves, you only get one.