This time of year always gets to me. I always have wanderlust right around June. When I was younger, I would just get into my car and go to Ohio, I was lucky enough to drive cross country from California once.
When I first met Dave he was still in Mi. I would drive up there fairly often, and loved it. I love car trips. Especially by myself. It's a free feeling, and it forces you to think. Observe. Move past the nonsense.
Obviously my life is different now, and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. I can't just pop off in the car, with a stroller strapped to the hood,but I am obsessively planning vacations for me Dave and Mags.
I am also going through art withdrawal. I have to cut out some time for painting, or gain access to a kiln somehow.
My mind keeps wandering to old funny memories. I miss my close friends from high school, they were such a blast. We were so bad. Everyday, we would walk past the guidance counselors office, open the door, scream our names, pull the shade on the window and slam the door shut. How weird that they never bothered to give us detention. Maybe they thought we were too smart to say our own names?
That wasn't the case.
I miss my best friend Jocelyn. She is in California now. She was in college in Ohio when I was younger, and that's who I would take off and go pick up. She has the same sense of humor as me. She "gets it".
We drove to Montreal once. It was a very bizarre trip. She and I were hell raisers in High school and college. We grew up at Waredaca together. God bless the Butts family, Rob and Gayle for putting up with us.
So many people don't "get it".
Life is so serious and mindless to them.
It makes me sad.
I like having Dave's brother Kellen around. He shares the same sense of humor as Dave and I. I find people like Kellen fascinating. He reminds me so much of my friend Inga. Inga is also a friend I miss and have to catch up with.
I have a few close friends now that share in the same bizarre wonderful sense of humor.
What am I talking about you might wonder?
I'm not really sure but I think it relates to something somehow.
Like this.
As I work harder at climbing up the ladder of the "professional horse person status", I can't help but struggle to keep my priorities in order.
I live in this bizarre world. Part professional athlete, part crazy, part wishing I was independently wealthy, part wishing I didn't require sleep so I could get it all done, and part wondering if I am missing very important family time.
I am vaguely aware of all these things as I pass through the blur every day, driven. DRIVEN.
I never did drugs growing up. However, I think I can imagine what a addict of some hard drug feels like though. If I don't ride for a day, I get all out of sorts. I get cranky, restless, etc.
Dave I am sure, could tell you all about it.
Anyways, to tie this in to the people I miss, and the people I enjoy, I guess it's simple.
I have to maintain balance.
I didn't remember how much fun it was to do something like go to the zoo. (We went to the Zoo on Sunday)
Maggie was amazed by everything. Dave was a sarcastic ball of fun, and Kellen was Kellen.
Maggie loves Uncle Kellen, especially at the zoo. He is very tall, so she can see everything. All though, consider yourself warned, mostly we saw "Exhibit closed under construction".
My highlights were...............................................................
the 45 minutes that Kellen stood in line to wait for his AMAZING boca burger.
He looked like he was one of those monks, that can meditate with fly's on them. Kellen does not seem to have a frustration button. He didn't move, just patiently waited. I on the other hand was getting super claustrophobic by the nice French man that kept talking to me. Dave of course happily chatted back, and I was super uncomfortable and wanted to start squealing.
the weird bear cage that had no bear for the longest time, just eaten orange peels everywhere. The bear did later make an apperance, just to pee and look miserable.
and last but not least Maggies face, the whole day.

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