Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Thursday, June 30, 2011


OK here they are....
This is Monday. We had a blast schooling over some of the new cross country jumps at Darenth Farm. Everyone did well, except the tree kept trying to block Katie from the photo. ........Mean old tree.
Check out our new little straightness log wedged between the two trees!

Who had a breakthrough lesson? Alison on Buckshot!!!! They had the most amazing flat ride EVER!!! I am so proud of Alison who has found the perfect connection with Buckshot! Never have I seen him look so good!
Someone has been busy!!!!Mr. Nick Dawson has outdone himself with our new XC fences. We schooled them today and I couldn't be any happier with my students.
Hannah Youngblood and the Amazing Marley looked perfect and even jumped "Nessie" (pictured below) which is Training height. No sweat off their backs!
Hannah Shipley and Buck had a power struggle but Hannah prevailed. She has arrived at the next level of riding, where she is as effective as firm. Speak softly and carry a big whip is the saying I believe. Buck looked great jumping all the fences with classic form, including Nessie!
Annie and Rae continued their work on allowing Rae to use herself, and that she did! Rae looked like a million bucks, and Annie stayed with her beautifully in the air! They jumped everything ( Rae mad Nessie look small).
Katie schooled Riley over all the Beg Novice and Novice fences. This is so amazing considering last year at this time she was just starting back riding! It was a big deal last year at this time to trot rails! Katie rocked out!
Ameriah and Bandit sailed over all the fences. I swear they cleared 5 feet over one of the bigger fences. Bandit is an overachiever and Ameriah does such a great job staying with him in the air!!!

We had the best trail ride EVER!!!!!! I rode the AMAZING Millie (that's us in the photo above) at Morgan Run. The weather was perfect, the horses were all perfect and the company was the best EVER!!!
Millie did drench me in the creek though, pawing up a storm. Everyone got a kick out of it and Katie said I should call this post "Mary screams like a girl".
Tomorrow is the big show day!!!
Saturday brings a busy day with lessons all morning. I will also watch Fred ride Beast before I take her home.
I can't wait for my next lesson with Vanessa, she is going to think I did such a good job with Beast! ;)

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