Ugh, what a strange, wonderful and horrible couple of days.
First off, I wanted to pass on the site for how to donate to help True Prospect Farm.Boyd and Silva's Blog
So I keep seeing Beagles EVERYWHERE.
I had a Beagle growing up, Bandit. I actually called her Satins little warrior. I am not sure why, I was 13, so god only knows. Bandit was a little fatty, motivated by food. A hunger drive like no other. She learned how to shove her paws, more the nails of her paws into the pull out trash can. She also would walk on her hind legs and push a chair over to the kitchen counter, jump on it, and eat whatever was on the counter. Swear. It all seemed so normal at the time, but in hind sight what a clever and odd dog. She would give "puppy hugs". She would wrap her paws around your neck and bay in your ear.
Bandit really was my moms dog. My mom LOVED that dog. I find myself very sad when I see Beagles, I find this odd. Shouldn't I be happy with warm memories?
On the way to Callie's cross country schooling, I saw a beagle. I got that same old pit in my stomach, that itchy feeling in my throat, ugh. I think it is all enhanced as I approach the 1 year anniversary of my mothers passing.
I got to Loch Moy, got on Callie, and it was gone.
This is due to a lot of practice (compartmentalizing), and hard work(it is so hard for me to compartmentalize).
Callie was a perfect gem today. (Sometimes she distracts me from EVERYTHING if she is being naughty)
Stephen told me a long time ago "leave it outside the ring". It is probably one of the best lessons that I have ever had (all though hardest), and truly a life skill. Compartmentalizing. I am very good at this when riding,and also teaching.
Other areas of life, not so much.
Callie popped around a ton of training level jumps like they were twigs in her way. She was so relaxed off the bank into the water her ears flopped! That is so amazing to me. Katherine was there with Hannah and her pony. She has a great eye on the ground, and was very helpful! Callie thanks her very much for helping me keep my hands soft!
I am so proud of Callie, and the horse she is becoming.
On a lighter note, Maggie now calls me Mary.
This seems to be my official name to her. She calls me Mary 80% of the time.
When I walk into her room in the morning, "Hi Mary"
"No Mama".....
When I pull in to the driveway, "MARY!!!!!"
As I write this, she came and snuggled up to me and said in a very sweet voice, "Hi Mary"
She also said the F word at the grocery store. I think the first time by accident, but I laughed so hard she started screaming it. Over and over and over.
On an exciting note, I am the proud new owner of custom Vogels. At about half price! How did I achieve such a feat you ask?
Step one, find someone who had custom boots made, and they don't fit them.
I got lucky here, they fell into my lap, AND the lady could not find anyone who had mutant sized stick calves, so she was ridiculously motivated.
Step two, find yourself in some kind of dazed "high of the hunt" state, traveling on the highway to the leathersmith.
Step three cut open your new boots, and get them custom fit to you.
Now step four I am still not so sure about. . . . .
Get talked out of having zippers put in.
The guy said I will constantly be getting them fixed. He also said he didn't want to destroy such beautiful boots. (I'm thinking he is old school)
I can believe this because my current boots have a zipper that slides down, and all my friends have had zipper problems.
So, no zippers in the vogels.
I think the person that will suffer most is Dave.
I can just picture the hot panicky boot pulling in my white britches. We will see.
I think I am willing to trade the torture to avoid the inevitable zipper fixing, and the chance of them breaking at an event.
In less exciting news, there is something wrong with our well and septic.
I have my head in the sand, and pretend like none of it is happening.
It's all perception right?
In the great words of Stewie from "Family Guy"
"To live the lie, you must believe it."
I also know nothing of storms this evening, think it is a beautiful day out, not hot at all!
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