Mary Mack
Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Dave just told me that that's the bike lane. I never knew. I have a new spot to ride my 10 speed. Or my stationary bike.
Mary Mack
Up up and awayyyyy
Lessons were awesome yesterday, such a blast.
Everyone looked and felt amazing.
Beast likes it when I put my leg on.
Callie does also. All though, I believe Callie is PMSing and Beast partied hard the night before.
It's so nice to ride with this group of people. We can all chat (quietly) and talk about what we see and feel.
Such a lovely farm.
Riley (Kim's horse) is amazing.
Of course, such a lovely instructor.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Yesterday was a good day.
So I had many highlights yesterday.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
2011 Maryland Horse Trials - Intermediate XC
Beasty is in a Buzzertown video (around 5:20) she even got a slow-mo! Check out our course!!!!
Thanks Hannah for letting me know!!!!
Monday, July 25, 2011
The things they don't tell you
So before I had Maggie, everyone was full of advice. I HAD to have a rocking chair, epidural, lamaze, etc. Everyone told me everything that would happen. Except the stuff that actually did and does.
Babies can have rear end explosions that will get all the way on top of their heads. Babies (some) will sleep through the night at 6 weeks.
Babies, and as I have learned, toddlers will ALWAYS poop when its time to go. Usally waiting until you are setting them in the car seat. This is also when the dog will run away.
Babies nap a lot.
They especially like to repeat bad words.
If they are quietly playing, it usually means something very bad is happening. Like writing on the wall, or the discovery of dumping something wet, stainable, or both, on the floor.
The best laid plans generally end in a bust, or crying. The crying is generally done by the child, but often the ma ma. Although in my case, my daughter calls me Mary more often then ma ma.
My point is, Maggie has given me wonderful life training.
As I sit here in my car in the pouring down rain, I will not count the minutes of riding I'm missing. I will not think about the baby siting money I have spent just to sit in my car staring at the barn.
I will think of my little angel sleeping in her little pack and play with her little toddler friends sleeping near by.
I will think of my little mares tucked safely in the barn. 30 feet from me.
I will remind my self of how lucky I am.
I will say hi to you. I hope you have a good day.
Mary Mack
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Things That Make You Go Hmmmm....

Friday, July 22, 2011
Horse lingo 001
shoeth | 1 thumb down | |
shoeth shoo-th, shoethed, shoething
-noun 1. A shoe investigator. 2. An investigator of everything having to do with shoes. (ie. size, color, type, style, fashionability, etc.) We need a good shoeth. Someone needs to figure out how the hell my left foot is naked, while my right foot is double hugged with two cherokee style, cheddar cheese flavored, neon orange, baby skinned moccasins.) |
Every bit helps! Ok, I'm ghost....parade waves |
wiggidy wiggidy wiggidy wack
Not regular type.
"Yall are so wack!"
"Nope, just regular type."
This is the definition of "wiggidy wack" from the urban dictionary.
I have decided that instead of pass and fail, I will do pass (until I find a word more appropriate ) and wiggidy wack.
I may use the initials ww for short.
I am a poor typer, so I use all the short cuts I can.
So Wed I went to the farm around 1:00 with great expectations. That ended when I saw my poor horses covered in sweat with the word miserable written across their foreheads. Callie's "miserable" was pronounced with a Spanish accent, I am not sure why.
I checked Beasts shoes-two were a little loose.
My amazing farrier came and tightened them until she gets her glue ons today (Fri)!!!! Yayyyy for Beast, Booo for the additional cost.
Hopefully just a cycle or two, and we will be good to go.
Kevin is the best!
I went home Wed feeling very hot and full of unspent energy.
Beasty did get a much deserved week off. She will go back to work on Sunday.
Thursday I was much smarter and got to the barn around 8.
I did Summer first, since she is suppose to compete on Sunday. What a dream. She does feel a tiny bit keen at times, I am hoping that stays with her as she grows older. I think it will be that aspect of her personality that will help her enjoy the jumping.
Summer has been gifted by god with the genes of a serious upper level horse. I am already thinking about her fitness and what will be the best low impact way to preserve her amazing body (though a bit portly and tailless right now) while being prepared to make cross country times when desired.
The endless walking will start soon.
Callie was next, she wasn't down with the whole working thing but it was too hot to tantrum. We had some really great trot work.
By the time I got to Cow girl (Laney's Prelim horse Kaliente) it was just walking, then a bath. What a sweetheart this mare is.
All of these rides were done in our amazing ring!!!!!!!!
It has been decided..
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Who is more amazing?
Here we are. Maggie and I, with a baba,tall glass of water, sprout tv (lifetime or ID when she naps).
Finally a full day off. We are going to go for a walk later, not too late though.... it's going to be hot! Scruffy and Bob (dogs) are hoping I will take them also. I sure hope we can fence in our yard for them someday soon.
I love thinking about days off. The idea of having nothing to do is so relaxing. Then when the time arrives for me to do nothing, I find myself restless. Days off usually end in a complete overhaul of the house. Dusting, windows, the whole nine yards.
Majella Elizabeth Macklin!
Dave and I have vacation next week, so the 30th will be all about Mags.
Summer and Callie were little baskets of agreeableness yesterday. Summer is practicing for her PVDA show on Sunday. Callie is practicing for the dressage score in the 20's that she will earn at Waredaca.
Next week we have a jump lesson with the amazing Sharon White.
I was going to give Beast a few days off, then put her back to work early next week. But based on her GIANT attitude yesterday though, she will at least walk this week. Maybe a flat ride or two, maybe a lesson with Fred.
Beast knows she is something special now. I don't know how they figure it out, but Knick did the same thing after his first one star.
I will keep telling her she is right. She is an advanced horse in the making.
I believe.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Mahogany Beauteo
Here is the chestnut in all her glory. Karen Adams may not have loved, liked or even thought it was sufficient, but I am pretty damn proud!!!
Beasty's first intermediate dressage test-Pass
Worrying about anyone else's opinion-Fail
Sunday, July 17, 2011
some photos!!!(more to come)

Mary Macklin and Mahogany Beauto. Intermediate.
Awesome Margret Rizzo (Mythic Landing Events) took this video!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
I had a "oh no say it aint so" moment when I realized I HAD THE SAME JUDGE AS LAST WEEKEND. She liked me even less this week, but Beast was great.
There is the simple reality that though Beast is incredible in jumping, she both struggles with and is not fond of the flat.
The judge was very accurate in what was wrong with Beast, just SUPER harsh.
Her collective marks were better this week, so I walked away with something. Beast was obedient, tried super hard, did all the movements, and I was happy. Vanessa will have us lowering our scores in no time-just like she did with the prelim!
Maybe Fred can get on her a few times also!
Beast was PERFECT jumping!!!
Show jumping was great.
Katherine said "She will go in, notice that the fences are bigger, then decide she doesn't care."
It is exactly what she did.
Then she skipped around the XC like it was a walk in the park.
Beasty climbed her way up to a 9th place finish in a super competitive division!!!
Katherine Rizzo-Pass
Margret Rizzo-Pass
Sharon O-Pass
Dave- ***Pass***(the stars are kisses)
Maggie was the best groom EVER!!!!
Kari rocked it. She had a phenomenal dressage, show jumped clean, and went XC clean!!!
She ended 5th in a super competitive division! Knick just loves her to pieces.
I will post photos and video...
Em was awesome!!!! Great dressage (as usual). She did a great job in the SJ, Jazz had a few peeky moments. She rode her through it, took the time to re-present correctly and ended confidently. The mare just wants to be careful, so we will get her feeling good with a few jumper shows. They went GREAT XC!!!!
Loch Moy is such a great event, the xc footing is perfect (for July ), volunteers are awesome, just a really great venue. So happy to have gone.....I will be going back tomorrow for round 2!!!
A huge shout out to Stephen Bradley for walking the courses with me, he's the best.
A huge shout out to Sharon White. Her help has been instrumental to my success. She has such a knack for horses, people, and the communication between the two!
I was so happy to see her today. Just knowing she was there made me feel great!
They are both such wonderful people, and I can't say enough good things about them.
Hopefully I will be able to watch Stephen tomorrow while I am their coaching!
It was so nice to have everyone around, and so friendly!!
I will post photos and video soon!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Another PASS
Monday, July 11, 2011
Success but no Pool
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Fwd: Awesome
Mary Mack
That's what today was! Beast and Callie were perfect in my lessons with Sharon. She really is an amazing instructor.
We did some wonderful exercises, and I am so happy with both of them.
Alison did amazing on Buck! They had a limited warm up for dressage. This is partially my fault. I didn't want Buck to get tired and shut down. Alison wanted a long warm up (it would have been tough with the course walk) next time we will make it happen. Alison and Buck had some amazing work in the warm up after the test.
August will bring them 3 fix a tests :).
The xc was perfect. I couldn't have asked either of theme to go better.
Yayyyy wednesday!
Mary Mack
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
My internet is down. Or house got struck by lightening in one of the storms. So blogging is difficult.
We had the best 4th ever.
All my students did awesome this weekend.
I have the best daughter ever. She is fighting an ear infection, but she is a super trooper.
My mares both went nuts this am raced across the field and pulled front shoes. One of the other mares zapped themselves and it was drama central.
Fortunately I have the best farrier EVER and he came out and fixed the girls. I iced their feet first so hopefully they will be ok for loch moy! They did a flat lesson with Vanessa, they were amazing. My abs hurt from their awesome trots. I was lunged at the canter, I had a breakthrough!
Tomorrow the girls are jumping with Sharon.
Kari and Alison are going to the Waredaca show. Annie is coming also, but not riding.
That's all for now! I'm of to eat vegetable curry.
Going full vegetarian-super easy.
Giving up caffeine-not so easy.
Mary Mack