Not regular type.
"Yall are so wack!"
"Nope, just regular type."
This is the definition of "wiggidy wack" from the urban dictionary.
I have decided that instead of pass and fail, I will do pass (until I find a word more appropriate ) and wiggidy wack.
I may use the initials ww for short.
I am a poor typer, so I use all the short cuts I can.
So Wed I went to the farm around 1:00 with great expectations. That ended when I saw my poor horses covered in sweat with the word miserable written across their foreheads. Callie's "miserable" was pronounced with a Spanish accent, I am not sure why.
I checked Beasts shoes-two were a little loose.
My amazing farrier came and tightened them until she gets her glue ons today (Fri)!!!! Yayyyy for Beast, Booo for the additional cost.
Hopefully just a cycle or two, and we will be good to go.
Kevin is the best!
I went home Wed feeling very hot and full of unspent energy.
Beasty did get a much deserved week off. She will go back to work on Sunday.
Thursday I was much smarter and got to the barn around 8.
I did Summer first, since she is suppose to compete on Sunday. What a dream. She does feel a tiny bit keen at times, I am hoping that stays with her as she grows older. I think it will be that aspect of her personality that will help her enjoy the jumping.
Summer has been gifted by god with the genes of a serious upper level horse. I am already thinking about her fitness and what will be the best low impact way to preserve her amazing body (though a bit portly and tailless right now) while being prepared to make cross country times when desired.
The endless walking will start soon.
Callie was next, she wasn't down with the whole working thing but it was too hot to tantrum. We had some really great trot work.
By the time I got to Cow girl (Laney's Prelim horse Kaliente) it was just walking, then a bath. What a sweetheart this mare is.
All of these rides were done in our amazing ring!!!!!!!!
A big thanks to Mr. Nick Dawson!!! His new equipment and hard work make our ring fabulous!!!!
It will be all set for next Tuesday's show jump schooling day!
Today my Aunts and Uncle are coming for lunch.
Then next week ...
It has been decided..
I can't wait!!!
So now for the Pass and Wiggidy Wacks-
Our ring and it's new and improved footing- PASS
Summer (the horse)-Pass
This Heat-Wack
Tropical Rider breeches-PASS
Scruffy running off yet again-Wack
Recieving a random check from Comcast-Pass
Kari leaving her cooler of food in the truck to ferment-Wack
Me seeing it and leaving it to ferment for four more days-Wiggidy Wack
Kevin Oyarzo-Pass
Kim Keating-Pass
Mythic Landing Events-Pass
Sharon White-Pass
Maggie saying "Mary sit....Mary,Maaaaaaewry,"-undecided.....Wiggidy Pass?
The cooler still being in my truck even now as I type this-Wiggidy wiggidy wiggidy WACK
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