Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Friday, July 22, 2011

Horse lingo 001

In college I took math 001. I am not proud of this but now that I made it through, I can admit it.
The wiggidy wiggidy wack part is that I took it multiple times.
How many times I won't admit.
The hardest part of math was attending.

Any ways, a remedial horse lingo post has been requested. So here goes.....

Eventing-the horse triathlon.
the three phases are...........
Dressage-french word for training
Noun: The art of riding and training a horse in a manner that develops obedience, flexibility, and balance.
Beasts definition of dressage is "wiggidy wack"
Cross Country-the reason eventers event
Here is the wikipedia def-
requires both horse and rider to be in excellent physical shape and to be brave and trusting of each other. This phase consists of approximately 12–20 fences (lower levels), or 30–40 at the higher levels, placed on a long outdoor circuit. These fences consist of very solidly built natural objects (telephone poles, stone walls, etc.) as well as various obstacles such as ponds and streams, ditches, drops and banks, and combinations including several jumping efforts based on objects that would commonly occur in the countryside.

Beast definition of cross country is WORD UP.

Hmmmm Word Up-that may replace "Pass"

Show Jumping- show jump·ing
Noun: The competitive sport of riding horses over a course of fences and other obstacles in an arena, with penalty points for errors. More »

Levels of eventing

Intro/Baby Beginner
Beginner Novice

Some other terms commonly used-
Hacking- a walk while mounted
green-an uneducated horse
farrier-he who shoeth
(Just so you know....
shoeth1 thumb down
shoeth shoo-th, shoethed, shoething
1. A shoe investigator.
2. An investigator of everything having to do with shoes. (ie. size, color, type, style, fashionability, etc.)
We need a good shoeth. Someone needs to figure out how the hell my left foot is naked, while my right foot is double hugged with two cherokee style, cheddar cheese flavored, neon orange, baby skinned moccasins.)

Please add comments of commonly used horse terms for those who don't know!
Every bit helps!
Ok, I'm ghost....parade waves

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