My internet is down. Or house got struck by lightening in one of the storms. So blogging is difficult.
We had the best 4th ever.
All my students did awesome this weekend.
I have the best daughter ever. She is fighting an ear infection, but she is a super trooper.
My mares both went nuts this am raced across the field and pulled front shoes. One of the other mares zapped themselves and it was drama central.
Fortunately I have the best farrier EVER and he came out and fixed the girls. I iced their feet first so hopefully they will be ok for loch moy! They did a flat lesson with Vanessa, they were amazing. My abs hurt from their awesome trots. I was lunged at the canter, I had a breakthrough!
Tomorrow the girls are jumping with Sharon.
Kari and Alison are going to the Waredaca show. Annie is coming also, but not riding.
That's all for now! I'm of to eat vegetable curry.
Going full vegetarian-super easy.
Giving up caffeine-not so easy.
Mary Mack
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