Mags and I had a good day.
Then I met Dave at his job (he has to work a lot of Saturdays now :( ).
Then off to meet Kari and Alison for my barrel jumping session.
I told them they needed to monitor me to make sure I was not getting obsessive.
Beasty was an angel.
I had Kari and Alison watch me with a critical eye, and worked on my "left lean".
When Beasty would drift in the slightest, I would really focus on using my leg and not my reins. It was glorious.
I heard gospel music.
I may buy her a shiny new trailer as a reward on Tuesday now that I love her again ;).
I really am getting to a good place with all of this....I have been reading an awesome sports psychology book. It talks about how when you push yourself to new levels, you have to create new muscle memory.
It makes such sense when I think of it in a basic way like that.
I really felt Beast progress and have a clear understanding. This allowed me to have a softer consistent contact, allowing her the proper use of her topline through the bounce.
I realize also how important it is for my students to ride with me.
To see what I work on and how I fix it (or screw up).
I used to watch Stephen ride, and still do. I sure as heck watch Sharon W. ride and try to emulate her.
When I rode with long time friend Katie M. in my lesson with Sharon last week, I noticed how much she emulates parts of Kelley Williams (her trainer) riding style. (Katie looked awesome)
Watching can almost help you pick up the way it feels.
So I am going to try to control my obsessive need to take lessons, and do a bit more practicing at home.
My body is in a good place with it's riding at the level I am at. I think I need to practice the areas that I am weak in a bit more at home. That will also probably be helpful to my students needs.
Later in the day, I got to see my first horse Daisy.

I went to Waredaca to help the amazing Margret Rizzo xc school. (Holy crap they looked good!)
While there I got to visit with Miss Daisy. The Easton family has taken such good care of her since they purchased her many years ago.
Another good day after a wonderful Friday night with my besty, Dave.
Who knew a football game could actually be so much fun?!
Thanks for your help with the Princess Lissell!