What a great vacation!
I am a total fan of Virginia Beach.

Maggie had an awesome birthday weekend. She ate lots of Mac and cheese,pizza, and chips. The three food groups.
The beach (lakes and pools are a close second and third) is a place where I can really relax.
Especially with Dave there. I could literally lay in the water and just stare for hours. Some day we WILL own a little vacation spot. Either that or just retire to the water.
Maggie definitely seems to have my genes. She ran and ran and ran. Splashing, kicking, laughing, it was perfect. I have the best husband, who just goes with the flow. Sometimes I imagine him as a cartoon, just standing quietly while Maggie and I run circles around him kicking up little clouds of dust and mayhem.
Yesterday, our 4 hour drive home turned into 7 due to traffic. We went straight to Darenth to meet Nancy and the beautiful Vanya. I am lucky enough to have Vanya (the horse) as one of my own for a month while Nancy travels.
Today Mags and I slept in until 7:45. Whoooooooooooo hoooooooo!!!
Now she is checking out some much missed "Sprout tv" while I write to you!
This afternoon will be busy.
Mags will go hang out with bestie Elizabeth over at Kristie's fun house.
I will be flatting Callie, and Vanya.
Kaliente, Beasty bear, and Summer will do light dressage and a hack.
Janet will be riding this afternoon in a lesson, and I will be setting up a fabulous jump course for my self and all my students!
Beast goes to Sharon Whites tomorrow for a lesson with Jimmy.
Then in the afternoon Callie will jump, and little Ossi with Cappy.
Some of my awesome girls will do a lesson in the early pm over the course I will be setting.
Then Wed is the schooling show at Waredaca!
Beast and Callie will be doing the fix a test, and Vanya will be jumping.
Allison will be doing some dressage tests, and Annie will be jumping.
I can't wait to find Katie C the perfect horse so she can join us again!!! Sooooon :)
Janet will be riding this afternoon in a lesson, and I will be setting up a fabulous jump course for my self and all my students!
Beast goes to Sharon Whites tomorrow for a lesson with Jimmy.
Then in the afternoon Callie will jump, and little Ossi with Cappy.
Some of my awesome girls will do a lesson in the early pm over the course I will be setting.
Then Wed is the schooling show at Waredaca!
Beast and Callie will be doing the fix a test, and Vanya will be jumping.
Allison will be doing some dressage tests, and Annie will be jumping.
I can't wait to find Katie C the perfect horse so she can join us again!!! Sooooon :)
The "ball" of pony tail holders from old navy as a driving distraction for a 2 year old-pass
The pushy dudes that try to sell you time shares at the beach-Wack
little Ossi's house watching skills-pass
little Ossi's understanding of throw pillows-Wack (see pictures)
Hearing "Maewry....get it" everytime Maggie dropped her old navy ball-Undecided
Falling asleep cuddling with Maggie on Saturday night- Pass
Jocelyn remembering Maggie's birthday all the way from California (My best friend who I miss)-Pass
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