What a busy few days!
I should have posted before now. This is going to be a long one!
Tuesday was wonderful.
I had my lesson with Jimmy and of course as I have lately as the lesson ends, promptly cried. At least I didn't do it when Jimmy and I were talking at the end. Poor Sharon White though, she said to me
"Well that was really good!"
and the tears came.
I swear I am not crazy.
I am overwhelmed.
I feel so much progress, so much potential, so much impatience.
I want to have it all now.
I want to tantrum and throw myself on the ground at Jimmy Woffords feet and demand that he tell me I am good.
OK, I suppose that does not do much to support my earlier "I swear I am not crazy" comment.
Jimmy is amazing. He can see what you are doing when you are riding, but he also knows what your brain is doing.
I find myself now coming to my fences with Beast and it's like time slows down.
Then a conversation something like this happens ....in my head..........
"Shoulders-shoulders, ok now lower leg...send , bring her back, send, hind end ride the hind end, UH OH UH OH SOFTEN YOUR REINS, you idiot...oh that was a good half halt BOUNCE CANTER, YOU NEED TO GET IN......oop ooop soften, fold release."
This is all happens in a two stride time frame probably a little less then 2 seconds.
This is what Beast thinks....
"This damn hackamore is stabbing me in my left eye again. Hmm a jump" 17 strides passes........"I hate spurs, hmm a bigger jump."
Jimmy saw me thinking and told me definite progress, not to doubt my eye, but keep chipping away at all of it. Not to think so much, feel it and act appropriately. "Don't show up with a plan" Hmmmmm this sounds familiar. I always say to one of my students not to have an "agenda".
I empathize.
So anyways, I have a lot of new tools from my instructors, proper half halts, trusting my eye but not finding distances off it (sometimes it's a LIAR, but more often we find our self pulling to accommodate our eye), finding distances off my leg, getting a chestnut mares motor going, I could go on and on.
I get a little overwhelmed at times at how much I am learning and when to apply the proper tools. My flat work is getting better and better and this also is changing the amount of gears (drastically increasing) for my jumping.
I do think Beasty may think the hackamore is too much now. We will be trying a bit again for show jumping.
So when I call a friend after my lessons crying and they say "Oh no what happened?"
And I say
"Oh nothing it was good! but....."
I know they understand.
Horse people, good Folk.
Nutty as bat $h@t, but good folk.
Then little Ossi and I tore it up!
Holy crap I love Callie! We did easy Training level and novice height with some difficult exercises and they were perfect ponies.
Callie did however pull the reins out of my hands when I was trying to pull up to a trot and bolt AT a skinny.
I have skinny obsessions so I make my skinnies SKINNY!
Just a single barrel or narrower.
Cappy(Sharon's horse) is jumping really well.
I am pretty sure Sharon went home crying wondering what horse person to call.
(Thats new code for "an AWESOME ride")
Hannah Jo, Hunter, Alison, and Ameriah were AMAZING in their lesson.
Hunter , Hannah, and Ameriah did some pretty tough exercises. Alison's horse Buck was a teeny bit sore and had to show the next day. Alison graciously gave him a quiet stretchy ride. Alison has a natural quietness about her that can not be taught.
For a long time we tried to jazz Ali up, make her shake a tail feather. When I backed down and allowed her natural riding to shine, shine she does.
Manny (that's Darenth's barn name for Vanya...."Manzotti Law" is his show name) is such a superstar!
I love him and so does everyone else!!!
He did flat work and a hack Monday and Tuesday then that brings us to yesterdays show at Waredaca!
Katie C came and took pictures so hopefully I will share those soon. It was fun to have Katie there, she is especially happy lately. Perhaps the horse shopping does a body good?
Here is a wrap up of last night.....
Beasty- Drama mama on the trailer. Very good in her dressage test! She got a bunch of 7's and 6's! We did Intermediate test A in a small ring and the little mare tried for me. I really liked my judge she was very helpful and honest. Basically when a judge see's Beast enter our base is a 6, although the canter is a weak 6 at best. Then I can claw my way up to a 7 by doing a accurate movement at the proper spots. Orrrrrrr I can blow it easily and lower it.
Such logic.
Then there is Callie-Perfect the whole time. She only got a 10 minute warm up, put in a mediocre test and got mostly 8's and 7's. Her canter work is getting stronger and stronger. The judge said Callie's base is approaching an 8 so not to screw it up by wonky circles.
Manny-Perfect in every way. I forgot how awesome geldings are. Little Ossi has quite a bond going with him. Manny jumped like a million bucks and slept in between rounds.
Hannah and Buckshot-AWESOME little weirdos. Hannah is so much fun to bring places. To sum up her personality.....We had to pull over on the way there because the truck warned me that the trailer plug was "disconnected". As I was angrily getting out of the truck Hannah asked
"What if your last name was Mr. Nottleshoe?" (or some name like that)
She also made poop art. * I am not condoning spreading poop at peoples farms, especially Waredaca which I love! I sadly underestimated the amount of poop in the tub and it was to funny to watch to stop it.
Hannah and Buck rocked that 3 foot course
Annie and Rae -the award for most improved (though they were pretty good to start)!!!! Rae would benefit from hacking with Knick and Manny on our lovely hills at Darenth. Annie has gotten Rae so much stronger, and as she continues to gain strength, she tries harder and succeeds! Leaps and Bounds!
Alison and Knick- All 8's these two. It was great to see this pair. It really showcased how far Alison has come. Peggy Parisso complimented her on her hands and how she doesn't pull!!!! She did however maintain a beautiful connection. It also showed off how well Knick is doing!!!!!Way to go Kari for the 14 hours a week of hill walking and some great dressage training!
Knick is not the easiest ride, he is a super busy body. Alison kept his focus and shocked him when she went BACK in the ring. Knick has not done any dressage shows!
Today Mags and I have a busy day of teaching and dressage lessons. Poor Callie and especially Beast. They will need 2 days off this weekend for sure.
Thankfully Vanessa will be at my barn today with Courtney, so that saves me a trailering trip!
Time to go!
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