Mary and (the perfect) Beast
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
(The photo is blurry so you can't see the snow a-swirlin. It's the famous Hannah S. being a dressage star on Buckshot!)
What a great day!
It started with a lesson for Harmony and Sharon, who looked fabulous!
I rode Summer while I taught, try to mix things up a little for her. Then Sharon and I hacked around the grass ring.
Next I loaded up my two girls and headed over to A Bit Better Farm, for my lessons with Stephen.
Both girls were fabulous.
Beast tried her little heart out! She was fabulous, and I wondered the whole time, where is the left drift? I always have to work on my left drift, but it wasn't there to keep me company today! Hmmmm, it just gets better and better!
Callie was her wonderful self. Thanks to Margret we were able to switch horses quickly! I rode them back to back.
Callie did kick out once picking up the right lead canter......I had a flashback to my dressage kick out(s) at the combined test. I saw red, thinking uh-uh. Now somewhere in the vague recesses of my mind I did hear Stephen. He was quietly saying "just close your leg" all happy and calm...........
I kicked her---------- hard. She objected. We were like two big heavy be-aches on Jerry Springer. You know breathing all heavy, not backing down. She did a little shuffle, leapy, twisty......and I (as Katie called using my crop) went for the weave ;)
Then we carried on like nothing had happened.
My sweet little lady needs a reminder every now and then. I think we should save our "discussions" for a time less.........well tacky.
Callie jumped like a dream, and has graduated from her roller ball bit. I think it just irritates her at this point.
I worked on using my seat to really establish a good quality canter, and help the balance. Holding both mares "up" on the turn with my inside leg-outside rein connection helped my rhythm, while keeping the hind end coming through. Its amazing how the perfect distance is always there (without looking) from the perfect canter. I feel very lucky to have such brilliant mares to learn on.
My super trooper students came out and did their lessons despite the snow! Hannah, Alison, and Elizabeth-Way to go girls. I'm not gonna lie, I was freezing, and a little wimpy.
Katie took the ever amazing Freckles to the indoor at Serra Valley, holy cow! He really is like a new man since getting his hocks done! So happy to do his job!
A really great, and productive day!
Tomorrow Mags and I are heading to West Virginia to teach, then an evening hack with Allison!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Game faces
We had our first XC school of the season and it was a success!
We had two sub groups but rode as one large group.
Very large group!
Kari rode all star Knickerbocker. It is interesting to me to watch this pair.
They are very different then Knick and I were. Kari has much different strengths and weaknesses then I did with Knick.
We worked on developing the right kind of canters. I found with Kari, I have to talk her through it...."Training level canter.....more more-right there!, table/coop canter-steady, coffin canter-less...more leg more leg...bouncy bouncy there!, etc.
Riders are all so different in their heads.
I can say to Katie C, just as much leg, but no faster. She says oh OK.
Alison watches Kari, I say good or bad and off she goes and does the "good".
It's really interesting to me as a trainer, to try to develop the language that best suits my riders needs.
God knows sometimes I have no idea what my instructors are saying, so I have to think about it and watch and feel.
I am a very artistic picture thinker. So when I teach someone like Laney a fellow artist, I can kinda stream together weird world and motions and she cocks her head and off she goes. We are like two cave woman that follow each other very well indeed!
I'm catching on to Julia's style, talk in between, but don't mess with her too much when she is "on course", and Linda-talk the whole time-"heels down, heels down, -HEELS DOWN!!!".
The most important thing of course is to have your leg on, and not to make any last minute changes before your fence. This only throws your horse off balance.
Maintain, maintain, maintain. Rhythm, rhythm, rhythm.
Alison looked so freaking good on Buckshot when she did this, everyone could see.
Taylor looked great on Violet, the mare seemed really happy to be out in the field!
All in all, everyone really did look great. Buckshot really did showcase Alison as a rider.
I didn't see any real glaring areas that anyone needs to work on!
All that hard work this winter is really paying off.
Katie Cindric really knows what it means to "have your leg on!"
Julia's canter is continuing to come along in leaps and bounds.
By the way Julia, my A$$ would like to thank you for the Amish friendship bread.
Well the baby is napping, so I am off to stalk more free dressage lessons on the Internet then it's back to cleaning the house with my assistant (when she has woken from her beauty rest)!
Dave just emailed me that I have all new LAMINATED dressage tests to put in my Eventing notebook (-thks KP, notebook is the best idea EVER)!
With a husband like this, I better have dinner ready in the crock pot and the house clean! HOLLAR 1950's
This afternoon brings some more lessons and hopefully a hack on Beasty.
I tried Miss Beast in a boucher bit yesterday. I am definitely going to ride her in it for a while. She likes to "take a moment" every now and then. You know just pop her head up and look around. It drives me nuts. It is however a lot better then the violent head toss that she used to do. This little bit didn't allow for breaksies. So ultimately Beast was a bit tense, but I would like to see if that tension passes-she is also in heat, which can do a number on a girls back.
Since Beasts acupuncture, she has been sweating so much on her left side of her neck! She is able to use those muscles now, so they are working extra hard to play catch up. I probably need to have the acupuncture done again soon. Good for Beast, bad for the wallet.
Summer was her amazing, smart, quiet, fancy self yesterday. I just can not express how nice this horse is.
Tomorrow is the Stephen Bradley clinic with the mares, then Friday is a dressage lesson on both girls. Then a quiet weekend for them before dressage on Monday. I am taking this dressage Bull by the horns. This bull is going to be hog tied, spanked, and mewling like a 3 day old kitten when I am done with it. That's not a threat that's a promise dressage bull.
Mean while back at the farm, Summer continues to happily do baby lengthenings, the perfect canter, and respect the perfect half halt. She also does this while she hums classical music, and learns how to count with her hooves. I swear this horse smiles.
Well she certainly will be economical in her lesson requirements.
She doesn't even know that a dressage bull exists.
Speaking of Dressage-Saturday is our "dressage brush off" at Darenth farm, and there are still a few spots left! Its a steal-30$ for thirty minutes! A half price private!
Have a happy Tuesday!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Keeping it Real...
I thought about what to say about today.
The truth is, my horses were perfect.
The truth is also that their dressage scores did not reflect this.
I could write what my instinct is to write, something like "oh great day to brush off the cobwebs, both horses were rusty!" la di da, everything perfect. BS.
Beast was a star. She probably had the best test she has ever had. Her back was a bit tight due to the cold. I did a walk transition in the wrong spot (mixed up Callie's and Beasts) and also a canter transition a bit early. But other then that, I was so proud.
Her score sucked. The truth? The truth is Beast is never going to score brilliantly in dressage with out a lot of hard, HARD work. It is something we really have to work for. Although we have made a ton of progress, her scores will often be less then stellar.
That was a hard realization. Beast and my dressage, at it's best, will often be mediocre. I accept this for being what it is right now. However, I will not accept it for being what it is permanently. I view dressage as that stupid lady at the DMV that I had to deal with the other day.
"ohhhh sorry, no can help you."
"ohhhhh no, so sorry, no can help you." I heard that about 7 times. I have learned if I keep smiling, even when I want to tantrum or cry, and keep pushing, I succeed.
(I got the supervisor at the DMV and she did help me in case you are wondering)
The truth is also. I am a dork. I am so competitive, I really do care how I perform at a little unrecognized combined test, first outing of the season. I said it, I own it.
I rode that show jumping as seriously as the Olympics. BUT I went clean at the Olympics! Reality is perception.
Beast was relaxed, perfectly rideable, and jumped liked a million dollars. I was so proud.
Callie was a little star. After my little freak out of receiving a (gasp) 41 on her dressage, I had an epiphany.
No matter how amazing you think your new star is. Now matter how amazing your new star may be. No matter how amazing your new star may have been for 85% of the test, it is hard to score in the 20's when she.......tantrums for a hot second in the canter, hates the cold touching her California princess skin, has a rider that again misses her locations for transitions. I think I also over rode her, I can't try for so much trot on such a green horse that's all legs. It freaks her out.
Callie however did not tantrum much in warm up. Only once.
Callie also show jumped like a million dollars. So much progress in such a short time.
Emily won on Jazz. Again!
She looked amazing. I am so proud of her. Her show jumping was amazing (and clean).
Emily won on Charlie also. While she didn't get a blue ribbon from Loch moy, she won against him in the dressage warm up. He was a stinker. A leaping, flying, whinnying stinker. She did her test with class. Then proceeded to amaze me with a second wonderful and clean round in show jumping.
Katie did her very first combined test! She rode Riley, and did an amazing job. Her dressage was wonderful, and her show jumping, I just can't say enough about it. She had a clean round! Riley sored over those jumps (even a sweedish oxer!). I think this may have been Riley's first clean round! Congrats Katie! Tomorrow, he gets to go Fox Hunting! Lucky Horse, two days of fun!
Team Red Hawke all went clean!
I got teary eyed after my two horses went. They really have tried hard and have come so far. I got teary eyed when Katie and Emily went. ( I sneak away now though before the tears get going. I am not a fan of emotional displays. Not saying I don't do it all the time, it just makes me uncomfortable. Like an awkward silence with my self).
So to sum it up, I had a wonderful day. I accept that I am freakishly competitive. I own it and I realize it and I embrace it! I want to do well at my job. I want to do well for my horses. I love them, I work hard every day to try to achieve the most that I can. I work hard every day to be the best that I can be. I want so badly to achieve my goals. I have to remember though, these are steps to my goals. I have to enjoy these steps and see them for what they are.
I told Beast and Callie they both won today. That is what happened. I create my own reality.Its a wonderful place to be.
I love my Dave that came all day. I have the best husband and appreciate it more then words can express.
I am so thankful that my wonderful friend Sharon came to help me swap horses, tack, concepts of running horses to establish a connection ;)
I am happy to have had Kristen and her student parked near me to chat with. Kristen also helped me get Beasty ready!
I was happy to have the great and powerful organizer Alexis there to keep everyone ship shape, and graze Knickerbocker the "sitter".
Such a great group at this event.
To top it all of, Alexa came and did my hair tonight! BEST HAIR DRESSER EVER!!!!!! HOLLARRRRRRR.
I think I also talked her into coming to Callies shows to be my lucky charm/lunger. Fingers crossed!
Tomorrow, I will hang out with Dave and Maggie, and have a rare Sunday off.
Thank god for Darenth farm, and the knowledge that my horses get the best care imaginable.
I have so much to be thankful for. I am truly happy. Right now, at this moment, I am truly content.
It's like Phylis Dawson says "Invest in the journey, not the destination".
The truth is, my horses were perfect.
The truth is also that their dressage scores did not reflect this.
I could write what my instinct is to write, something like "oh great day to brush off the cobwebs, both horses were rusty!" la di da, everything perfect. BS.
Beast was a star. She probably had the best test she has ever had. Her back was a bit tight due to the cold. I did a walk transition in the wrong spot (mixed up Callie's and Beasts) and also a canter transition a bit early. But other then that, I was so proud.
Her score sucked. The truth? The truth is Beast is never going to score brilliantly in dressage with out a lot of hard, HARD work. It is something we really have to work for. Although we have made a ton of progress, her scores will often be less then stellar.
That was a hard realization. Beast and my dressage, at it's best, will often be mediocre. I accept this for being what it is right now. However, I will not accept it for being what it is permanently. I view dressage as that stupid lady at the DMV that I had to deal with the other day.
"ohhhh sorry, no can help you."
"ohhhhh no, so sorry, no can help you." I heard that about 7 times. I have learned if I keep smiling, even when I want to tantrum or cry, and keep pushing, I succeed.
(I got the supervisor at the DMV and she did help me in case you are wondering)
The truth is also. I am a dork. I am so competitive, I really do care how I perform at a little unrecognized combined test, first outing of the season. I said it, I own it.
I rode that show jumping as seriously as the Olympics. BUT I went clean at the Olympics! Reality is perception.
Beast was relaxed, perfectly rideable, and jumped liked a million dollars. I was so proud.
Callie was a little star. After my little freak out of receiving a (gasp) 41 on her dressage, I had an epiphany.
No matter how amazing you think your new star is. Now matter how amazing your new star may be. No matter how amazing your new star may have been for 85% of the test, it is hard to score in the 20's when she.......tantrums for a hot second in the canter, hates the cold touching her California princess skin, has a rider that again misses her locations for transitions. I think I also over rode her, I can't try for so much trot on such a green horse that's all legs. It freaks her out.
Callie however did not tantrum much in warm up. Only once.
Callie also show jumped like a million dollars. So much progress in such a short time.
Emily won on Jazz. Again!
She looked amazing. I am so proud of her. Her show jumping was amazing (and clean).
Emily won on Charlie also. While she didn't get a blue ribbon from Loch moy, she won against him in the dressage warm up. He was a stinker. A leaping, flying, whinnying stinker. She did her test with class. Then proceeded to amaze me with a second wonderful and clean round in show jumping.
Katie did her very first combined test! She rode Riley, and did an amazing job. Her dressage was wonderful, and her show jumping, I just can't say enough about it. She had a clean round! Riley sored over those jumps (even a sweedish oxer!). I think this may have been Riley's first clean round! Congrats Katie! Tomorrow, he gets to go Fox Hunting! Lucky Horse, two days of fun!
Team Red Hawke all went clean!
I got teary eyed after my two horses went. They really have tried hard and have come so far. I got teary eyed when Katie and Emily went. ( I sneak away now though before the tears get going. I am not a fan of emotional displays. Not saying I don't do it all the time, it just makes me uncomfortable. Like an awkward silence with my self).
So to sum it up, I had a wonderful day. I accept that I am freakishly competitive. I own it and I realize it and I embrace it! I want to do well at my job. I want to do well for my horses. I love them, I work hard every day to try to achieve the most that I can. I work hard every day to be the best that I can be. I want so badly to achieve my goals. I have to remember though, these are steps to my goals. I have to enjoy these steps and see them for what they are.
I told Beast and Callie they both won today. That is what happened. I create my own reality.Its a wonderful place to be.
I love my Dave that came all day. I have the best husband and appreciate it more then words can express.
I am so thankful that my wonderful friend Sharon came to help me swap horses, tack, concepts of running horses to establish a connection ;)
I am happy to have had Kristen and her student parked near me to chat with. Kristen also helped me get Beasty ready!
I was happy to have the great and powerful organizer Alexis there to keep everyone ship shape, and graze Knickerbocker the "sitter".
Such a great group at this event.
To top it all of, Alexa came and did my hair tonight! BEST HAIR DRESSER EVER!!!!!! HOLLARRRRRRR.
I think I also talked her into coming to Callies shows to be my lucky charm/lunger. Fingers crossed!
Tomorrow, I will hang out with Dave and Maggie, and have a rare Sunday off.
Thank god for Darenth farm, and the knowledge that my horses get the best care imaginable.
I have so much to be thankful for. I am truly happy. Right now, at this moment, I am truly content.
It's like Phylis Dawson says "Invest in the journey, not the destination".
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
So I have some time on my hands today. I thought I would share the next best thing since sliced bread!
Alexis lent me her Gel-eze "pad". It is a miracle. I have never had luck with the other non slip pads (although I'm all about starting with the Ecogold saddle pads).
This thing is amazing! Technically it is an "under bandage wrap". It evenly distributes pressure on the areas of the leg, and you can make it cold for cold therapy. What could be better for a no slip pad?
I just bought one!
While I plan to buy the Ecogold saddle pads, it will be awhile before they graduate to lesson/clinic pads!
This pad is a life saver for Callie! Even with my shims in my thinline back pad, her back is ever changing. This can help even out any last bit of uneven pressure, and prevent me from having to make saddle pad adjustments mid ride!
Thanks Alexis!
Sent from my MaryBerry
Alexis lent me her Gel-eze "pad". It is a miracle. I have never had luck with the other non slip pads (although I'm all about starting with the Ecogold saddle pads).
This thing is amazing! Technically it is an "under bandage wrap". It evenly distributes pressure on the areas of the leg, and you can make it cold for cold therapy. What could be better for a no slip pad?
I just bought one!
While I plan to buy the Ecogold saddle pads, it will be awhile before they graduate to lesson/clinic pads!
This pad is a life saver for Callie! Even with my shims in my thinline back pad, her back is ever changing. This can help even out any last bit of uneven pressure, and prevent me from having to make saddle pad adjustments mid ride!
Thanks Alexis!
Sent from my MaryBerry
deer love mud
Emily, Hannah and Val had a great ride on Tues. While I don't have video of Em and Charlie going thru the water, this is a good and very accurate re-enactment.
Em rode perfect as she has been doing lately. It was great to see all their horses so happy to do their jobs. Hannah and Val looked amazing of course!
Yesterday was a rain day.
Hopefully the weather will hold for me tonight, so I can teach and get the girls plus Packer ridden!
Entries are getting sent out on a weekly basis!
The Macklin family may be attending the Virginia Horse Trials as a "vacation".
I love Mr. Dave Macklin. He is the best!
It's a very exciting time of year. All the hard work may finally pay off! I will do my best to enjoy every day to it's fullest, never loose sight of whats really important, and try to remember that "Life is what happens when I am busy making plans!"
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Summer 3-22-11
Hi my name is Summer.
I am a turning three very soon.
I like food.
I used to not like to come in away from my herd. I would stand up and then go back to my friends, very fast. I was in a hurry to eat.
I think that girl that hugs me is good.
She gets on a blue box and I stand very still. Then she hugs me and the more she hugs the faster I go. I get tired.
Then I eat.
I pick up my feet when she wants me to.
I am a good girl.
My momma is Sharon and I love her. She gives me food, a lot.
I like to go over the colored trees that lie on the ground in the ring. I dart off the rail when Mary is hugging me and I leap over them. They are funny. I have to wait for a while til they are big like my friends jump. I have to finish growing big first.
I don't ever stand up when I am being hugged. That would make me too tired.
I do what Mary and Sharon say, even if I want to play with my friends.
The little red one with the funny tail runs all the time. I do not know what is wrong with her. She must be tired at night.
My name is Summer and I am a good girl. I will go to Rolex when I am a big girl. I don't know where it is, but the hugger keeps telling me so. She whispers it to me and it tickles my ear. I can't see my ears. I try to though.
It must be very far away to be so special. Maybe where the metal boxes come from. They smell funny.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Go Us
We had success at Rosaryville state park!
We started out watching Julia's first round.
It wasn't posted that there were only course walks between divisions! Bummer.
We talked a bout it before she went in, kinda like a course walk from afar.
I was amazed! Julia remembered to do EVERYTHING I told her to! All the approaches, where to canter, where to trot, it was great!
She looked like a million dollars.
Then we threw tack on Callie and Packer and headed down to school the water. I was a tiny bit bummed that the water was simply that, water. What I mean is, there were no portables near by to jump before or after. So we got the horses feet wet, and then ran thru a few times! We did the bank a few times, mostly Alexis. All the horses were great! (Other then Callie's tude)
We went back for Julia's second round, and it was even better then her first!
Of course, on the way back for Julia's second round, the Packster's pulled his right front shoe. Alexis is a trooper. She wrapped that bad boy on up in vet wrap, and did her first round anyways. She looked great!
Both Callie and Packer popped right over the ditch with no problem! They were both spot on, and it was their first XC of the season!
Callie was quite explosive when I first got on her, but settled in beautifully. She was all business by the time we got to the warm up area! And was even better in the derby!
Lot's of lessons tomorrow, and riding. Hope the weather is as beautiful as it was today!
We had success at Rosaryville state park!
We started out watching Julia's first round.
It wasn't posted that there were only course walks between divisions! Bummer.
We talked a bout it before she went in, kinda like a course walk from afar.
I was amazed! Julia remembered to do EVERYTHING I told her to! All the approaches, where to canter, where to trot, it was great!
She looked like a million dollars.
Then we threw tack on Callie and Packer and headed down to school the water. I was a tiny bit bummed that the water was simply that, water. What I mean is, there were no portables near by to jump before or after. So we got the horses feet wet, and then ran thru a few times! We did the bank a few times, mostly Alexis. All the horses were great! (Other then Callie's tude)
We went back for Julia's second round, and it was even better then her first!
Of course, on the way back for Julia's second round, the Packster's pulled his right front shoe. Alexis is a trooper. She wrapped that bad boy on up in vet wrap, and did her first round anyways. She looked great!
Both Callie and Packer popped right over the ditch with no problem! They were both spot on, and it was their first XC of the season!
Callie was quite explosive when I first got on her, but settled in beautifully. She was all business by the time we got to the warm up area! And was even better in the derby!
Lot's of lessons tomorrow, and riding. Hope the weather is as beautiful as it was today!
Friday, March 18, 2011
new days
Crazy week!
Mags and I both have been sick on and off since Tues. Thankfully, we were sick AFTER we got to see my new niece!
The lesson on Thursday was wonderful. It was just as amazing as the last lesson with Jimmy, and I have a lot of new tools and insight. Sharon came with me, she somehow managed to snap a few shots on the camera phone. The timing is just impossible on those things! So Beasty looks like a super hero who is putting down her landing gear!Jimmy said he pretty much saw sky between her belly and the standard tops!
He had us work on a lot of things, and I will continue to process it and keep trying!
Summer has been her amazing self. Even after a few days off and being ridden during lessons (for the first time) she was great!!!
Callie, not so much. Callie, while feeling like a very compressed spring, did manage to control her athletic self. I will admit though, I get a little adrenaline rush.
Beast has been handled by the capable hands of Kari this week (other then the Jimmy lesson), due to my sickness and a whopping week of non horsey stuff.
I wish it could all be horses, family and sleep.
My lesson students this week were amazing!
It brings me such joy to see the brilliant smiles on the faces of the ladies, men and kids that I work with.
Tomorrow its the jumping derby at Marlborough for me (Callie), Alexis, and Julia.
Then unfortunately, next week I will have to spend catching up on overdue non-horsey chores. I will still be teaching my regular wonderful lessons, but I had to cancel my much needed and anticipated dressage lesson with Vanessa. Bummer. Reality sucks.
"Reality is the number one cause of insanity among those who are in contact with it"
I have chosen April 4th as my new exciting day to look forward to. Not for any reason. It just seems like a good goal. Maybe I will make it planned purchase day.
(The other jumping photos are of Katie C on Freckles-app., and Julia on Princess-who is doing her trademark tail flip!!!)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Here are two photos from the jumper show.
The first is the ring with the jumps (though it is set for the 'poles class' aka poles on the ground).
The second is one of our favorite competitors Madison and her mom.
The have come to all of the shows in the series and always perform well!
They are also a lovely family.
Mom is super nice, and both girls are sweet, polite, and AWESOME riders.
By the way, they also have a mule that can out jump most horses that come to the shows!
I am recovering from a busy couple days.
I have a new niece!!!! Alexandra Elizabeth Lerner. She is just as sweet and as beautiful as can be.
My poor sister had a long couple of months there at the end of her pregnancy, but it was all worth it after yesterday.
Times like these could be slightly bitter sweet, with our mom having passed last summer. But she sure was surrounded by some wonderful friends and family yesterday. (I am especially amazing).
Fortunately I have had time to reflect on a lot, with all of my MVA and Social security visits lately. Yeah right. Maggie's not down with the whole waiting an hour for your number to be called thing.
Tonight is definitely a yoga night.
It's time to get grounded before this season starts.
Plus hopefully the stress relieving poses will assist in the removal of the throw up feeling I have from tallying up my entry fees.
A big shout out to all the success that my friends had in Southern Pines, Full Gallop and Red Hills.
Hopefully I can rope Sharon O into coming with me on Thursday for the Jimmy Wofford lesson so I can have some company and pictures!
OK it's yoga time.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Lessons, jumper shows, needles with electricity, and other things
Awwwwwww mannnnnnnn!
I meant to take a before and after of the ring at Serra Valley Farms!!!! I obviously only took the before. I will take an after shot when we go back to school the course! (Though it will be missing some decorations.)
Well, I will start with today and move backwards.
We had another very successful jumper show at Serra Valley! We were busy, busy, busy!
Thank god for my wonderful supporters Alexis, Katie C, Elizabeth,Laney,Dave, and the most helpful of course......Maggie!
God knows Katie and Alexis are the two main components of what I call "the dream team"!
We did miss Allison, it wasn't the same without her there, we poured a little coffee on the dirt and said "this ones for my homey".....Homey = Allison for those of you that don't get it.
Just a little coffee though. Don't get me wrong, I love my bestie Allison, but I also love my bestie caffeine.
Fortunately for me, Allison and Kari were able to fit a 50 minute walk (back home at Darenth Farm) on Beast and Callie, into their otherwise busy day!
All in all, the jumper show was great. We will go back to school the wonderful courses designed by Katherine Rizzo.
Moving backwards to yesterday (Sat), myself, Katie C., and Julia set the course in the afternoon. Ugh! What a lot of work! Just three ladies a Kabota, and a sense of humor. It took us like 4 and a half hours, record time considering we had to carry all the jumps from the shed.... uphill, in the snow, in bare feet.(Just kidding.............. about the snow at least................................. kidding again...............sort of.)
Mary, Julia, and Katie, this was the other "dream team".
Especially Katie C. Poor Katie.
About half way through, me and Julia were tired. We kept saying everything was "water logged" and too heavy for one person. Or just too heavy period. We believed ourselves. As Stewie says in "Family Guy", to live the lie, you must believe it!
Katie picked up a lot of the slack, and remained quite cheerful also!
Prior to the show set up and prep, I taught two lessons at Darenth and rode my two horses.
The lessons went well, Julie looked great, and Katie got to test drive Freckles new hocks!!!
My girls Hannah, Riley, and Morgan had a fabulous lesson and got to experience "the circle" exercise. Lucky them ;)
My mares were GREAT.
OK back to Friday (are you following my craziness?)
In the afternoon, I taught in Walkersville.
Em looked fantastic!!!!! Both her lessons went really well, she is definitely ready for the season to start!
Hannah, Val, and Jo looked great also! I love teaching these guys, I have to vary the lesson slightly for the three riders in the group, but all of them are great!
I especially love Val's horse Raven, such a natural!
Hannah (the daughter of Val) has a strange ability to do whatever I tell her on the first try! (also a natural)
Before Walkersville, my list of horses all got worked, and all were great!!!!
OK, finishing off my rewinding story, in the morning, the vet came for Beasties acupuncture!!!!
That was really cool. She had chiropractic, acupuncture, and what the vet called "acupuncture on steriods" (the electricity).
I'm a believer!
The difference I feel all ready is AMAZING!
We had some phenomenal canter work (never thought I would say that), and some great trot work!
She feels like a noodle right now, I can put her body into all kinds of positions. I think I may need a lesson with the new tools in my tool box.
I will need to work on my lateral work and also my steadiness in the bridle in some of the canter work.
Poor Callie, she may get some acupuncture also. She kept peering over the wall to see what was going on. Busy body.
I am gearing up for some more ground breaking moments on Summer. Gosh, every time I ride this mare I get more and more impressed! ................................................................................................................................................................................Most exciting part?
The ever fabulous Nick Dawson has decided we need a full sibling to Summer!!!!!!!
How very exciting!!!!
Its official! The purchase was made on Friday!
Congratulations Sharon! A new run in shed and a planned pregnancy, all in one day! What more could a girl ask for! ;)
Busy week ahead!
I will try to post a few pictures of the beautiful jumper course at Serra Valley!!!!
Thanks again to all that make this possible!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bed time for me!!!!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Some success before the rain
What a day yesterday was!
Do I reschedule lessons, do I not reschedule?
It it better for everyone to show up, all ready to ride and then get rained out or not come and have it not rain?
I never know what to do, and inevitably if I cancel, the weather holds, and if we go for it, the rain starts!
I rescheduled my afternoon lessons (of course prompting the weather gods to hold their buckets in an upright position, waiting until 9 pm to start dumping them on us!)
But the good news is, I got all three horses done.
Beast is definitely showing her fitness. She started the day running away from poor Sharon and taking a tour of our very long driveway. However when I rode her, she was great! The plan was "the circle exercise" using rails and only one small jump.
I practiced what Jimmy, and Stephen have taught me. I also have obsessively been stalking videos on you tube of Katie Prudent, Mclain Ward, William Fox Pitt well you get the idea. I compare them to the videos I have of my self, and pick apart all the things I am doing wrong or too much of etc.
I take into consideration, every rider has their own distinct style, like an artist. I find there is a fine line between an individuals style, and their flaws. Of course, their ability to mesh with a multitude of different horses is dependent on their ability to fine tune their adjustments.
I gave my self a lesson, and Beasty was great. I must say my drastic improvements on my flat work are truly enhancing my jumping abilities. Duh.
This is great link that I took off Jimmy's blog.
Now I will say this type of information is with a grain of salt.
While I find it unbelievably, earth shatteringly helpful to stare at the center of the jump rail until it disappears myself, I will not be teaching this tool to all of my students. For obvious reasons such as, if your balance is not independent of your eye, you and the rail may meet eye to eye in real life. Also if you are relatively new to jumping OR new to jumping a different horse and you are staring at your jump with no leg on, you may find your lips pressed against the pole, as you kiss the next 8 weeks of riding good bye due to a broken collar bone.
As I was tacking up Callie, Sharon came back from a wonderful hunt with her mare Harmony. Harms is Callie's field mate, so as Sharon was letting her out, I was taking Callie to the ring...........I opted for a lungeing session before "the circle exercise"> THANK GOD!!!!
My god that mare is athletic. She bucked, leaped, flew, Irish river danced, with a few moments of break dancing thrown in, for about 15 minutes.
Then it was time for me to get on.
She held it together for mama, and after the first canter, we progressed onto our circle.
I heard the voices in my head at 7! What I mean is, when I go cross country, 5 strides out, I generally hear a very happy 5!!!!! in my head, then on to 4, 3, 2, 1. I love it, it is my friend. I don't talk back to it, so I see no problem with it. Sometimes my voice is busy (it may be distracted thinking about whatever the latest purchase obsession is) and when it's not there, I count my 1,2's.
So yesterday, I was getting a very excited 7!!!!! It was happening thru bending lines also, this is a breakthrough for me, I used to not see where I was at until I was straight. I try not to get caught up in numbers, always have my leg on and ride my rhythm.
Of course Sharon Dawson's Summer was perfect. Despite the wind, her herd all having a good time, and the minivan of children, she walk trotted, cantered, all in the beginnings of a frame.
The one exception was when she stopped to poop. I got an ear pin then when I hit her with the crop.
I was able to do my lessons in the indoor at Serra Valley. Heather looked great, and continues to excel on a multitude of horses.
Katie, Laney, Julia, Taylor and Alexis did a great job with their "dressage with jumps on course" lesson.
Julia's canter work continues to progress. Taylors mare Violet (all though Violet would like to be called Violent...just kidding, but she can be a hand full) liked the hackamore.
Alexis looked good, even when she pouted.
LANEY REMEMBERED ALL HER COURSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The Patsters looks good!
Katie looked like a million dollars on Buckshot, and neither of them batted an eye or broke from rhythm over the bigger fences!
So now I sit, awaiting the vets call. I have Freckles hocks to get injected, and coggins to pull for the upcoming season!
Now go get your dreams before someone else does!
Do I reschedule lessons, do I not reschedule?
It it better for everyone to show up, all ready to ride and then get rained out or not come and have it not rain?
I never know what to do, and inevitably if I cancel, the weather holds, and if we go for it, the rain starts!
I rescheduled my afternoon lessons (of course prompting the weather gods to hold their buckets in an upright position, waiting until 9 pm to start dumping them on us!)
But the good news is, I got all three horses done.
Beast is definitely showing her fitness. She started the day running away from poor Sharon and taking a tour of our very long driveway. However when I rode her, she was great! The plan was "the circle exercise" using rails and only one small jump.
I practiced what Jimmy, and Stephen have taught me. I also have obsessively been stalking videos on you tube of Katie Prudent, Mclain Ward, William Fox Pitt well you get the idea. I compare them to the videos I have of my self, and pick apart all the things I am doing wrong or too much of etc.
I take into consideration, every rider has their own distinct style, like an artist. I find there is a fine line between an individuals style, and their flaws. Of course, their ability to mesh with a multitude of different horses is dependent on their ability to fine tune their adjustments.
I gave my self a lesson, and Beasty was great. I must say my drastic improvements on my flat work are truly enhancing my jumping abilities. Duh.
This is great link that I took off Jimmy's blog.
Now I will say this type of information is with a grain of salt.
While I find it unbelievably, earth shatteringly helpful to stare at the center of the jump rail until it disappears myself, I will not be teaching this tool to all of my students. For obvious reasons such as, if your balance is not independent of your eye, you and the rail may meet eye to eye in real life. Also if you are relatively new to jumping OR new to jumping a different horse and you are staring at your jump with no leg on, you may find your lips pressed against the pole, as you kiss the next 8 weeks of riding good bye due to a broken collar bone.
As I was tacking up Callie, Sharon came back from a wonderful hunt with her mare Harmony. Harms is Callie's field mate, so as Sharon was letting her out, I was taking Callie to the ring...........I opted for a lungeing session before "the circle exercise"> THANK GOD!!!!
My god that mare is athletic. She bucked, leaped, flew, Irish river danced, with a few moments of break dancing thrown in, for about 15 minutes.
Then it was time for me to get on.
She held it together for mama, and after the first canter, we progressed onto our circle.
I heard the voices in my head at 7! What I mean is, when I go cross country, 5 strides out, I generally hear a very happy 5!!!!! in my head, then on to 4, 3, 2, 1. I love it, it is my friend. I don't talk back to it, so I see no problem with it. Sometimes my voice is busy (it may be distracted thinking about whatever the latest purchase obsession is) and when it's not there, I count my 1,2's.
So yesterday, I was getting a very excited 7!!!!! It was happening thru bending lines also, this is a breakthrough for me, I used to not see where I was at until I was straight. I try not to get caught up in numbers, always have my leg on and ride my rhythm.
Of course Sharon Dawson's Summer was perfect. Despite the wind, her herd all having a good time, and the minivan of children, she walk trotted, cantered, all in the beginnings of a frame.
The one exception was when she stopped to poop. I got an ear pin then when I hit her with the crop.
I was able to do my lessons in the indoor at Serra Valley. Heather looked great, and continues to excel on a multitude of horses.
Katie, Laney, Julia, Taylor and Alexis did a great job with their "dressage with jumps on course" lesson.
Julia's canter work continues to progress. Taylors mare Violet (all though Violet would like to be called Violent...just kidding, but she can be a hand full) liked the hackamore.
Alexis looked good, even when she pouted.
LANEY REMEMBERED ALL HER COURSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The Patsters looks good!
Katie looked like a million dollars on Buckshot, and neither of them batted an eye or broke from rhythm over the bigger fences!
So now I sit, awaiting the vets call. I have Freckles hocks to get injected, and coggins to pull for the upcoming season!
Now go get your dreams before someone else does!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Photos of the angel Summer!!!!
Summer was a good girl today!
Callie ponies well, Beast gets feisty while ponying. There may have been a few dicey moments.
Patsy continues to try her little heart out.
Janet had an awesome lesson on Sienna.
Annie was a star on Strawberry!
Julie looked fabulous on Freckles.
Buckshot has decided that Katie Cindric is "the one". Julie saw it to, I have a witness. It was a defining moment in chestnut gelding history.
I am thankful to have Kari help me.
Kari has been, and continues to be crucial to my horses fitness!
I follow a combination of Jimmy Wofford and Stephen Bradley's fitness regiment. I find it very important to have low impact days, usually 50 minute walk hacks. Beast will do these twice a week. On one day she will jump in addition to her walk hack. She does two days of dressage and one day of sets, both trot and canters. She does not always jump height on her jumping days. Cantering rails, or small fences will often count as a jumping day.
Beast is entering a new level of fitness, and will probably be receiving acupuncture on a regular basis, at least until we plateau yet again. I want to keep the Beastling comfy!
Callie does a much more toned down fitness regiment. The young lady is only going beginner novice! She hacks, does dressage two days, and jumps one day. Callie does small trot sets that will build to 20 minute trots by early mid season.
I do not do canter sets for the thoroughbreds until they are into training level.
Callie likes low key days to keep her mind balanced.
Summer will be worked 3 days a week, just flat work and lunging in loooong side reins, encouraging her to stretch and gradually build her top line.
Even if Kari just helps me with one ride a week, it helps a ton! It can get tricky with all the lessons and horses in training! Thank god I have the stellar rider Allison as well!
Magsters got to have a mini pony ride on Strawberry today, thanks to Aunty Liz, and Aunty Sharon! Daddy even gave in and gave her a second little ride!!!!
We are gearing up for the last Serra Valley Farms jumper show in the winter series. It is on the 13th (Sunday).
All the other shows are opening up, and some are even closing soon!!! Here we go!
I wish the best of luck, and safe travels to my friends going to Southern Pines. Go get it ladies! (And gentlemen ;)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
More good days
Thursday went smoothly. Thank you to Kari, my bestie.
I dropped Maggie off at the sitter, and headed to Darenth. Thank god the horses were all close to the gate! I brought in the 4 for the farrier, put them in stalls I had freshly cleaned for them (don't want to make the afternoon workers mad, and don't want poopy toes for team Oyarzo). Packer went first, he's a super star and stands like a gentleman on the crossties. Actually all of them seem to stand quietly except mine. Hmmmmmmmmm.
I got to ride Beasty while Kevin did Packs!!!!!
We rotated horses around, I brought in the remaining horses for the vet. Kari showed up, which allowed me to ride the other two girls before the vet arrived.
It dawned on me that I was getting a double whammy with Mags at the sitter, so I could have the vet and farrier come out. Hey wait a minute, I pay the sitter when I go to take lessons also. Hmmmm, I will have to teach Maggie to be my assistant as soon as she's old enough. I am thinking 4? 4 seems like a good age to go catch all the horses for me and hold them for their shots and the farrier. I will get her a very tall ladder so she can switch tack on my horses at their lessons. It will have to have wheels though, because Callie wiggles when you tack her.(For those of you that don't have a sense of humor, I am joking, it is funny to picture though)
After the vet and farrier left, I picked up an exhausted Mags from the sitter, headed back to the big D (Darenth) where the other big D (Doozers) came to do the Maggie transfer.
Hopped on the Packs for his training ride, then on to Katie C's first lesson on Buckshot!
Katie did a fabulous job. It was interesting to see how Buckshot really pointed out the habits Katie has gotten into from Riley. It was a great lesson, then on Friday, she rode Buck again and the difference was amazing. She must have practiced in her head.
Julie rode Freckles and looked amazing!
Patsy pants was a good girl yesterday (Friday), but a bit resistant to the basic building blocks of dressage....half halts, outside connection etc. I'm thinking we need to restructure the whole approach to Pats.
Today, Patsy was a perfect angel. She tried her little painted tooshie off for me! It was a great start to a great day. Callie was a doll as well.
I had the pleasure of Vanessa coming to my farm today.
I had a lesson on Summer. I don't think it has really sunk in yet how freaking nice this horse is. A walk that's floaty, a trot with so much suspension and power, and a canter that is so perfectly balanced! Match that with a quiet mind, and just enough of an edge to be bold, we have the key ingredients for a seriously competitive upper level event horse. I am so excited. So, SO excited!
Beasty not only tried her little mare heart out, she counter cantered. She counter cantered on a circle! And well! All I had to do was sit correctly, imagine that!!
It was a real treat.
Thanks to the Lanesters for keeping me company today!
Thank you to Alexis for the photos!
More photos to come, of Summer!!!
Stay far from timid, only make moves when your hearts in it, and live the phrase sky’s the limit.
-Notorious B.I.G.
“If I can’t do it, homie, it can’t be done Now I’ma let the champagne bottle pop I’ma take it to the top” -If I Can’t, 50 Cent
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Made it!!!
So Monday was a bust.
The tornado warning made me think maybe it wasn't such a good idea to load my trusting mares into my metal box and cart them over to Olney for my flat lessons. Vanessa agreed.
Ont top of that, my Monday lessons got cancelled. You know the storms never did get that bad.
Tuesday was my scheduled day off so I was feeling guilty after having had Monday off.
Maggie and I scrubbed the house from top to bottom. She liked to help in ways like wiping down the stainless steel fridge with a baby wipe (no they are not streak free unfortunately.) She also enjoys un-folding laundry. We have moved up in the world. She used to just go for the folded laundry that was not put away, NOW however, she opens drawers to get to it.
My favorite discovery of Tuesday was when Maggie learned how to take off her own diaper. She did that about 7 times. Hmmmmm this could be a problem.
Any ways the maid (me) did a pretty good job! The chef (also me) really stepped it up. This will make a certain Dave Macklin happy, hopefully lessening the blow when the packages start arriving from Dover and Smartpack. He loves me.
***Helpful tip if you buy Succeed, Dover takes FOREVER to ship it! Valley vet is super fast! Believe it or not though, Stablemates has the best price with (obviously) no shipping and handling. Unless you charge yourself.***
Wednesday started with the noise of Dave in the shower. It was 545, and technically I had another hour or so in bed. Not much point though when your mind is counting back your schedule hour by hour, over and over and over!
All I had to do was leave the house by 7:45. No sweat. Right???
Maggie's hair was a mess, she didn't want to get dressed and ran giggling from me. Scruffy and Bobby got excited by my running and started jumping up and down for food. And of course the tea kettle is screaming at me. Oh god.
Got clothes on Maggie, got her a bottle and Cheerios, made my crack-oh I mean coffee, got my clean saddle pads, snack for later, Mags diaper bag, fed the dogs etc headed out the door.
My sitter must wonder why I drop my daughter off in a horse trailer.....its really cost effective and green.
Off to the barn!
My sweet mares loaded and rode over to Vanessa perfectly.
Callie was perfect. It is like a dream riding her when she acts like this.
Beasty had some wonderful trot work. She was a bit stiff and quick in the canter work. This is hindsight was really good though, Vanessa got to see the exact problem (we don't really have a balanced canter yet) and told me what to work on!
Callie was a dream waiting on the trailer!!! I give the credit to my new hot hay bag, and Katie C's work. I may even be getting a matching hay bag as a gift. Love matchy matchy!
We went back to the barn, had some lunch and cleaned some tack.
Then I had a cat nap in the sun, and tried to have some time to reflect.
I struggle to stay grounded. I really do. I find it very easy to get caught up in the ....well to be blunt, BS of the eventing world.
I really like to read "Wylie eventing". She had a good blog recently, "Peace Love and Horses?"
It was a good reminder to keep it in perspective. I am worried about what new helmet to buy for dressage.?! I want to keep working on myself. I have nothing to be upset about, only blessings to be thankful for.
Anyways, I don't want to get to serious. Its a process.
The first photo was an attempt at evidence. Summer didn't think it was a good idea to come in. So she didn't! She spun, reared, reared some more, and then just ran away. back to the girls.
Oh, I was so mad. I went and got a chain, and the funny part was she trotted up to me, all happy. She has no idea she is 16 hands (or bigger) and like 1000 pounds.
We made it half way down the hill this time and then she just knocked into me and went for it. I put up a good fight.
Anyways, she was tired and wanted treats so she came in.
She was PERFECT for Kari!
It's the first time someone else has ridden her! Kari did a superb job in her hot mess half chap. They walk, trotted and cantered. I must say, this mare can move!!!! I cant wait to take her to Vanessa and Stephen!
Then my afternoon lessons were great.
Riley, Bre, and Alison all looked perfect!
My next group was big, it was like being at a Jimmy Wofford clinic ;)
Hannah rode Knick and the pair looked amazing. Sam rode Fance, and she did a really good job! I am always hard on Sam because I see so much potential. She always rises to the occasion! Ameriah, Elizabeth, Megs and Morgan looked like a million bucks.
On to my ladies.
This was a good lesson. My ladies always make me so happy. We have such a good group. It wasn't as much fun with out Taylor,Linda and Allison, but its good to rotate so the groups stay smaller.
We did course work. Laney remembered her course! I think I have it figured out!!!!
Julia breathed and cantered (her mare is sort of gaited so big accomplishment), Alexis stayed over top Packer and his new big jump, and Katie convinced Riley to try whole heartedly for her.
They all looked Fab, and they all jumped some big fences! (check out the photo!!!)
I made it thru the day, and a wonderful day it was!
Today we have the vet, the farrier, lessons (Katie's big debut on Buckshot) and 4 to ride.
I'm thinking its another crock pot night.
"Most folks are as happy as they make their minds up to be."-Abraham Lincoln
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