Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hunter pace courses, and all things manly

What a blast we had over the hunter pace course at Berry patch farms!!!!
Hunter took Famous Fance, Kim took Happy, Hannah on Buckshot, Sharon on Harmony, Claire on Sienna, Elizabeth on Bear and Wrangler, Paula on Saphire and Wrangler, me on Saphire and Bear, Julia on Millie, Katie on Riley, and Taylor on Violet.
We got to see all the Hound puppies, then we hopped on and off we went!!!
Everyone looked FABULOUS, and all the horses were as perfect and quiet as can be!!!
Hannah and Hunter jumped all the big stuff, and did a great job! Katie C jumped some of the 2'11" or 3 foot stuff, as did Claire, Sharon, Taylor, etc.
We rode for a few hours, then had some snacks and headed out!
All my girls did some flat work that day and were great!
Sunday Be Be did her Canter sets. She felt very frisky and fit!
Dave and Mags came to watch, once we were done we headed back to Damascus to meet Dave's brother!
Dave and Kellen had a fun afternoon of weeding and yard work. We know how to treat our guests right.
Memorial Monday brought a flat school for Callie, a few lessons at Darenth, and a walk hack for Beasty.
Knick has now cut his leg. Kari and I think he suffers from Munchhausen.
He was a bit tender on it (all though looked suspiciously sound when walking back to the barn from the ring), so a few more days off for Knick.

When returning home from the barn on Memorial Monday, Dave and Kellen were busy at work again! They washed my truck, fixed the gutters, cleaned out port hole, and did a few other things. Maggie and I supervised from inside.

This week my students will be practicing courses with grids included.
Callie will be going for an xc school tomorrow. Thursday both girls will have flat lessons with Vanessa.
Summer will hopefully go to Morgan run soon.

This weekend ahead brings Waredaca and Loch Moy unrecognized!

Friday, May 27, 2011

All the amazing lessons!!!!

Finally Wed brought us some more stable weather!

Breanna had a really great lesson. She is becoming much stronger in her position, both on the flat and over fences!
Elizabeth had a great lunge lesson on her horse Wrangler (after Wrangler carried Maggie around for an hour). Elizabeth really has a great core and base, both physically and mentally.This make her easy to teach and fine tune. The private lesson also helped me figure out better what language to teach her with.

My ladies, Annie, Hannah, and Julia all had a really great lesson. Annie looks like she has been practicing all the right things (I haven't seen her since Christmas time).
Rae was really jumping well, especially as Annie really held in her core muscles.

Julia did really well on Millie. We worked through some old demons that rose their heads. Julia Pushed through, and tolerated the pressure I put on her. I am so proud of her! There was clear and definite success by the end of the lesson!
Hannah really did well on Buckshot. She is on the path to the perfect release, which is causing her position to all fall into place!

Thursday was busy, busy, busy!!!
I started in Walkersville bright and early.
Fred's horse jumped beautifully. This is probably due to two things.....
1. The horse IS ridiculously beautiful, and athletic
2. Fred is an insanely good rider.
I can't wait to hopefully sit on this horse!
Jo had her best lesson to date. She did a little grid work, followed by some canter fences. Perfect position on a happy little mare.

Then I went and got my two mares and took them to "A Bit Better" for lessons with Sharon. Riding with Sharon is no joke. She has very high expectations, and a very clear way of explaining things.
Callie was feeling a bit blase faire. She cracks me up.
We started out trotting over a low oxer, that built to an oxer bounce. I need to keep working on not ducking, and not over doing my aids. Its like static to Callie, and she can't hear what I am saying through all of it.
Straightness is not really her issue, it's mine.
As I worked on being more clear (I had no choice at the tiny skinny) it all really came together.
We ended with courses of barrel oxers, a liverpool in a triple with two strides between, the skinny, and a tight angeled one stride. Callie is a star.
Beasty did all the same exercises, just at a higher height. We warmed up counter cantering to our first fence, and Beasty was on Board. Thanks Vanessa!
I am constantly aware of every step that this mare takes, every breath, every flinch, itch, etc. I told Sharon of my obsession with Beasts shoulder tightness, and got the same blank stare I always get. ...... .
I thought the same thing I always do, uh oh here it comes. They are going to tell me they see it also. Get the vet, do the scintigraphy , panic, PANIC, ITS ALL OVER.
Not so much. She said to stop pulling on my inside rein. The horse is fine. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm isn't that exactly what Vanessa said?
I have paranoid delusions that if I relax, and enjoy the process, I will be shot down. It will all get taken away.
I have realized two things, well four things....the list is ever increasing

1. Thats weird, but common
2. If it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen.
3. I can do a lot to prevent alot
4. Nothing can ever take away all that I have done with this mare, and all I have learned.

Lessons with Sharon always make me want to cry (and often do) because I get it. Beast gets it, Callie gets it, so most importantly, WE get it together. I am so very grateful for this opportunity, for this life.
Anyways, Beast was great, her jumping continues to strengthen. With that I have no choice but to strengthen.

I am really looking forward to a lesson with Vanessa soon. I also really need to catch up with Stephen!

I drove back to Darenth and taught Katie and Alison. Both had breakthrough lessons. With the non-blocking on the inside rein freshly in my head, I was a real stickler. It worked! Buckshot had such a balanced canter! He was jumping beautifully, and Alisons position looked tight, and balanced.
Katie and Freckles had their best canter work to date. Her position looked strong and correct also. Freckles is getting so much stronger! I just realized as I write this, how easily he canters through the short sides!
Alexis then had a great lesson on Packer. We got his fitness plan down for the next few weeks. Alexis was still able to ride in very correct position, so it does not look like her fitness has been lost at all.

So Mags and I are hanging out and being domestic until our busy teaching afternoon!

Remember, don't walk towards your goals, RRRUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!! And enjoy the view!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mary Mack

A huge thanks to Mr. Nick Dawson!!!! The new tack room is AWESOME!!!!!
Beasty felt great yesterday. She is still a bit ouchy when first putting the bridle on. Callie had some really incredible work on the flat yesterday.
This rain is kind of a bummer!
Though I got 2 of my girls worked, most of my lessons have had to be rescheduled due to storms. The worst part is the storms often disappear after the call has been made!!!
Kari kept Summer going for me while I was gone! She will do some dressaging today!
Sharon and I talked yesterday though, things could be so much worse. We should continue to be grateful for all that we are able to do!
We sure had beautiful weather at the Va horse park last weekend!!!

Our new XC fences are under way! I will post pictures soon!

I finally feel all caught up on sleep. Mags and I went to sleep last night at 730! Actually, Mags stayed up and watched sprout tv. Dave took her off to bed around 830. She kept patting me on the back.
We have also caught up on food. I have been committing carbacide on a daily basis.

This week brings two lessons with Sharon White, and our schooling of the Hunter Pace!!!!
The weather will hopefully hold for our busy lessons this afternoon! Until then Maggie and I will try to catch up on cleaning, laundry and stink bug hunting.
Go us!

Mary Mack

Monday, May 23, 2011

Beast Va Ht

Our horses are kinda a big deal

What a blurr this last week was!
Beast likes to keep me on my toes, that's for sure.
I got a bit ahead of my self last week and really stepped up Beasts game.....5 days before leaving for Va horse trials. I need to make sure to do that the week prior (if at all), and give her little mare body a chance to recover! Beast is also in a raging heat cycle, so she felt stiff on Wed. No one could really see it, but I could feel it(no not crazy-the vet saw it also :).
Thurs am I picked up Sharon O, and her farms owner is a vet and a acupuncturist. Be Be got a dose of the small needles, back on track sheet and a lot of love!
She felt great when I rode her that afternoon.
I almost cried.
Both Beast and Cappy acted like it was normal to be at this huge venue, hacked around and hung out!(Both acted like other funny things were normal later, but I will get to that.)
Thursday finished with a lot of hand grazing, stall set up, hotel check in (weird), dinner at Applebees, and more hand grazing. I think there was a course walk in there also.

Observation.......not all of the upper level riders take these shows as an opportunity to market themselves. What I mean is (to be blunt), a lot of these very important people don't act so friendly. In fact a lot of people act the opposite!
Duh, people will not want to clinic/buy a horse for you if you snub your nose at them, never graze your horse- because you are to busy keeping your chair on the ground, and keeping your beer warm with your hand!
I will say, Boyd Martin is always seen grazing his horses, chatting up a storm, and kind to his horses. Lynn Symansky (Kristen's trainer) was just lovely. Super friendly, always relaxed and very professional.
I obviously liked our crew, and "A Bit Better Farm" was stabled near us-they are always fun to chat with.

Friday was great! We did a lot of grazing. By the evening though, Beast decided she required loooooooooong walks before she would even consider grazing.
Dave and Maggie arrived, we headed out to walk the XC again. I wanted to make sure I was familiar with the terrain so I wouldn't have silly time penalties!
We watched Kristen's dressage (fabulous), paid 6 dollars for 1 can of coke and one small bottle of coke, and then realized it was 4pm and we hadn't eaten!
We had snacks did some more stuff, then got take out around 9 and went to bed.

Saturday started at the barns at 6am.........with Beast with a small amount of blood on her head. UGH. At first I though it was just a scrape, but it was a small slit that went through most of the layers of her skin.
I called the barn vet, and he popped over 40 minutes later. I braided Beast while I waited.
It needed a stitch or two, but we couldn't sedate her (she would have to not compete with it in her system) so we super glued it!
It really made putting the bridle on fun.
Poor Beast, it was right in front of the crown piece, so her bridle would pull on it. She threw a fit the first 15 minutes, but I kept thinking of what V would say, and did it.Beast got it together for me.
Our turn!!!!! She was feeling pretty good. Still a tiny bit tight but good. I trotted down the center line with a big grin on my face annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd then the whistle blew. oops the halt.
Beast was great. She got a 40, with out the error she would have broken a 40 (which was goal 1)! No big deal though, she was less then one rail out (or less then 4 points) from 3rd!
I can not express how much Vanessa has helped us. I know that Beasts dressage has come so far, but I also know she is going to get even more amazing.

I rode some random bike all around the horse park looking for Sharon to watch her dressage, but never found her. I kept repeating to my self "you never forget to ride a bike". That was some scary $hi@.
I went to help Kristen in the box, Dave and Maggie watched after helping us bring stuff over. My old box skills kicked back in.
I was ready to rock and roll.
Both Kp and Briley looked less then winded. There recovery was lightening fast!

XC time for me....Time to hammer down.
Beast got very excited in warm up. It was my turn to go, we rocketed out the box and my mare was taking me for a ride! Holy hell, she was in it to win it! Every jump was perfect, then the one jump we got an awkward distance to I heard the click click click. Ugh, my vanity will be shadowed by the photographers stupid photos. ;)
Beast was PERFECT.
I wanted to be an over achiever and deploy my air vest upon dismount. I then proceeded to ask for help from some poor lady in a chair. She never was able to help too much, Beast took me away with my arms tangled in a pinny and a vest.

Sharon show jumped well, and so did April-Kristen's student.
Icing, poulticing, grazing, grazing, grazing. Beast spent the night in her Back on Track sheet.

I was curious to see how tight she would be on Sunday for show jumping after running XC on Sat, then being in all night.
She was Amazing. She was perfect in warm up, a bit nervous in the coliseum, but tried hard (after a lazy legs rail at fence 1). She was rideable, and listened to me very well.
When I said jump, she jumped. Holy hell, I was a goner there for a minute at fence 3. I JUST got it so I'm tight in the tack and now she throws in a whole new level of back cracking. The new variety it where she kicks her back legs out as she goes across the oxers.
This mare is teaching me how to be a good rider! There is simply no other choice!
The BeBe star ended 3rd
Sharon O looked AMAZING XC. Her horse was also in it to win it!
She ended 5th.

A great week(end)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Go on with your bad yellow self

(and pink! Sharon Ossi..... And red Kp and Ivan)

Mary Mack


Kp was awesome in dressage and xc!!!!!
Sharon was in 2nd after dress and show jumped great!
Off to bed for me!
Will write all about it when I get back!

Mary Mack

Kp has the good stuff

Mary Mack

Super cute

Mary Mack

Yayyyy Beast !

She was perfect xc and dressage! Even with her poll super glued! (she had a small cut that the vet glued) Thank god Vanessa has given us the tools that she has!

Mary Mack

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

Be be

We are here and doing well! Beast has felt great! Thank god for accupuncture , Sharon Dawson,  Katherine Rizzo,  Sharon Ossi, and team Kp. (I get neurotic and they take me back off the ledge!)
Kp is warming up now and looking good.
Beast amazed me this am.
Dave and Maggie will be here shortly. The best support system ever!
Next we will walk xc.......
Mary Mack

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Katie C ended 2nd!!!!! (Out of a large division of 11!!!!!)
Gooo Katie!

Taylor ended 5th!!! (Out of a large division of 12!!!!!!)
Goooooo Taylor!!!

Callie did indeed end up 5th at Difficult Run, we recieved our new pink ribbon in the mail today, along with the updated score sheet!

Beast is ready to go with her new shoes

Team Oyarzo came out today.........

I really do credit a lot of Beasts increasing strength and soundness to Kevin. As far as I can get with Beasty, there are four little guys taking us there. Shiny little hooves that have never looked better or been stronger.
Soon Knick will have his mani-pedi. He seems to be doing well from his recent abscess.
We thought at first he had tweaked his weak stifle, but just an abscess!!!!
Kari will be back at it in no time!

Sharon O was able to fit in a XC school at Loch Moy. Carolyn is not kidding when she says she has AWESOME footing!!!! It was PERFECT! Just like Cappy!

So the little Be Be bear took a load off.

She has her special sheet on!!!!! (Thank you Dave and Maggie, best mothers day gift ever!!!!!) And is resting comfortably on some shiny hooves. She had a nice hack today, ponying Callie, after galloping yesterday.

So tonight is packing for me. Tomorrow will be packing for Beast. The yellow buckets and tubs are ready to go!

Monday, May 16, 2011

we are famous

Check out the articles at the Equiery Blog spot.
Equiery Eventing

Callie (California Comet), Beast (Mahogany Beauteo), Mary Macklin, Alexa Henry, and good friend and rising star KP and Briley (Kristen Parris and No Halo Here) are all featured!!!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

all the stars

The last few days have been busy, busy, BUSY!!!!
Both of my little mares were perfect in their lessons with Sharon. I had breakthroughs on both horses. I continue to be amazed by the amount of knowledge, and application that I have been fortunate enough to gain and benefit from in the last months.
I love the combination of Jimmy, Stephen, and Sharon. Its just the most amazing mix for me!
I briefly chatted with Sharon about my goals, and she had a lot of great, and REALLY helpful and exciting (with a capital E)feed back!
She also was very impressed with my "big beautiful mare!" (Callie)
Summer has been A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.
Friday was busy, last minute supplies for Beasty, a few lessons, and working the girls.

Here is a picture of Hannah Youngblood and her pony Marley. Marley is for sale at a steal of a deal.

Saturday started EARLY.
Emily and I did our first course walks at 7. She then went out and slapped those courses in the face with a dose of PERFECT riding.
Emily did a really good job on both horses. She had to make a transition from horse at home to horse at warm up (and throw into the mix the deep footing in warm up). Then right when she got it down, both Charlie and Jazz went in the show ring and acted totally different again!!!!! She rode perfectly and got a ribbon on both!

She (of course) had amazing dressage- as always. Both horses show jumped well, especially for their first move up.
Jazz looked perfect XC and I have never seen Em ride so well.
Charlie was not totally focused in cross country. This is interesting to me, I would have thought he would have been sharp considering the jumps were all bigger and there was more technical stuff. Not so much.
He just skipped around. He did have a "run past" a dumb log thing, but no biggie, just a green mistake.

Katie had her best dressage to date. Her score reflected this, earning her a 33.1.
She received a few 8's, and they were all on things we have been working on!!!It is especially rewarding when the hard work pays off. She show jumped CLEAN and XC CLEAN to finish on her dressage score. Last we saw, she was in third out of a large division, but final places had not been posted.

Both Julia and Taylor had AMAZING dressage tests. There has been so much improvement!!!!
Unfortunately both ladies had the same dressage judge. She was more then a bit off base.... This was all day, not just for their divisions.

I assumed any one who would be judging a dressage test would at least be familiar with a gaited horse (Julia's Princess), and not discriminate. Unfortunately, neither were the case. Maryland horse trials, being the classy and lovely event that they are, both recognized, and did their best to rectify the situation.

I do care about all of my students fiercely, and often feel more outraged then them at things. Some things and people aren't worth the time or energy however.

I was amazed by both Julia and Taylor and give them all 8's!!!!

This early am my girls and I headed over to see the amazing Vanessa Swartz.
Breakthroughs again!!!!!!!!!! Callie was a gem. We were working on haunches in and counter canters. Vanessa started laughing and I could feel the reason for laughter. It's like Callie is startled by her movable body parts and how her haunches appear out of nowhere up by her side.
Beast had the most amazing work to date. I can't believe how much improvement Beast has made, how much stronger she has become.

I am so grateful for Vanessa and all of the work she has put into us. It is paying off, and any day now, all the pieces will come together in the show ring. They have in my head, my practice, and they carry through to my show jumping, XC, and my students.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Alexis on millie

Alexis on Millie in her lesson on Monday!

Beast is coming along steadily in her flat work, and Summer and Callie have been little stars also!
Yesterday (Tuesday), Sharon and I ventured back to Morgan Run, to walk for an hour and do a trot set! We were a little late coming back, Callie was an angel to ride despite my hurry. I am currently working on not hurrying my mares with my seat (so hopefully she couldn't tell I was in a rush). I don't want to push them past their balance. Poor Vanessa has been telling me to "slow" for months, I may actually be able to respond now that my thick skull has the concept? We will see on Sunday when the girls go for their tune up!
Julia, Taylor, and Katie C had a XC school at Serra Valley, and all look great, and overly prepared for this weekend! Taylors mare is starting to settle into her new "warm weather attitude".
Ameriah and Hunter had a lesson......

Today, Taylor has a dressage tune up, my girls will all flat, and then an afternoon full of lessons!
Tomorrow, I will have two lessons with the wonderful Sharon White after teaching in Walkersville.
Friday, lots of teaching and riding......
And Saturday is the big day for those that make up "Team Red Hawke!!!!!"
Good luck Katie, Laney, Julia, Taylor, and Em!!!! We are all rooting for you!
Then it's packing and planning for Va horse trials!

Monday, May 9, 2011


It would appear that there was a mistake and Callie actually ended 5th at Frying pan?
She would prefer the pink ribbon being the princess that she is!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Difficult Run

Do I dare say it?
Callie is growing up!
We got to Frying Pan a bit early so that Callie could settle in, and go lunge in the warm up area.
She was actually pretty good!
Good friend Sharon Ossi came with me to help, so we tacked up Callie and headed back to the warm up area.
Only one tantrum, as we entered the area, then she was down to business!
A little kick out here and there, but no more then you would expect from such a young horse.
Callie put in a wonderful test! Her rider did the walk transition in the wrong spot
costing a few points, and I think the judge was a little harsh on her.
She show jumped like a dream. There was nothing she could have done better!
Cross country was interesting with all sorts of non flagged obstacles. People walking on course, jump judges and their chairs in the path to my jump, and Prelim jumps that they must have forgot about moving!
Callie was like a professional (minus the bucking between fence 7 and 8) and got down to business over every single fence.
Difficult run is interesting. The xc course never really allows for a good rhythm to get established. I think this was actually harder for Callie, because it very much felt like a schooling rather then an event. She did a really good job maintaining her focus, and responding as she should, over all of the odd fences.
She ended 6th out of a competitive division on her dressage score of 36.5.

A huge, HUGE thanks to Sharon O for coming and helping me!!!!!!!! It makes the whole day fun, and smooth with an expert helping you!!!!!

Today (Sunday) I slept in, and am spending a day with the family!!!! We will be gardening and eating a lot!!!
This week brings a ton of lessons and all my students prepping for various events.
I will keep everyone posted!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Catching my Breath and a chicken

Yesterday was productive as always with Vanessa!
Both my mares were little stars. I started with the Calsters, and it took about 10 minutes to work into the dressage frame of mind. She lunged the day prior, and before that had her jump school. It always seems to take a day for her to settle back from a jump school.
Beast had some amazing break through moments, its so exciting! We are working on the "next level" of her dressage, and I can't believe how great she feels!

We went back to Darenth and I rode the Little Big star, Summer. She was fabulous as always!
My lessons last night were great! Rowan is a blast to teach! Such a little sponge!

Katie C had a dressage lesson, followed by the ladies group at 7!
They all looked FANTASTIC! Alison continues to make strides with Buck. Alexis rode the Millipede. I got on her to do a demonstration..... Damn this little mare has a big trot!
She may be small but sure rides like a big horse. She was very willing and easy to do working versus medium trots on. Alexis will have her as a back up, and she could clean up on that mare! (As Julia has!!!)
Katie looked great on Riley. Tan from Aruba!
Julia looked amazing and speaking of amazing trots, you should have seen these two!

Today Sharon and I went to Morgan run, her and Harmony accompanied us on our 20 minute trot and our three four minute canters. Harmony was totally able to hold her own! She has maintained her fitness from hunting season and is a good partner for my little Beasty. We had such a nice time, it was like a breath of fresh air.
Speaking of the air, it smelt like Necco Wafers. There were little white floral trees all around us and the weather was just perfect!

I will be going back on Tuesday for trot sets. Hopefully I can meet up with Kristen there soon also!
For those of you that need a PERFECT place to do trot and Canter sets, MORGAN RUN IS PERFECT!!!!!

We came back and took care of the chestnut stars, and then it was on to Callie.
She did a quick dress school, and then a bath.
The bath had a few dicey moments with a leg in the hose, a rear or two, an obsessive owner trotting her to check for soundness in the ring, prompting another rear or two. 45 minutes later and me just as soapy as her, we were done and she was just as sweet as can be. Like nothing had just happened.
Callie is worth it all. Any time I get irritated with her, I remind myself, it is these quirks that make her so special. It is these quirks that will assist her as she excels as an athlete.

This is where the chicken comes into play........
We had a hay delivery today and with it, on top of the hay was a chicken! She is now running around Darenth (much to Beasts dismay).
Anyways, she kept appearing when ever I was feeling stressed and it made me laugh.
Whats even funnier is I think she is following Nick around. He was home today to do work around the farm. When he was dragging the top field she was running around up there.
When he went down to level spots in the driveway, I saw her dart across the field after him.

So now Maggie is napping and I am preparing to tackle the tack, then on to the "weekend cleaning".
I have to have it done by Friday night so it lasts until Sunday night when I have time again.
Thats all for now!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Going strong!

Beasty looks good after her run this weekend! Callie looks happy because of a few days of consistent warm weather.
Summer has had a few days off, but this is truly my favorite mare coming back from a few days off, BECAUSE THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE.
Now don't get me wrong, she may shake her head when there are children cantering, and I definitely don't sit there like nothing could happen. But this angel is consistent day in, day out. Weather changes, dogs, days off, nothing seems to phase her. What a love.
Summer will lunge today, do some flat tomorrow, and have a trail ride on Friday.
Beast will do some form of trot set today, dressage lesson tomorrow, and go have a blast with Harmony at Morgan run on Friday!!!

Callie was back to the sweetest mare in the world on Monday, her flat work is really coming along. Success at the counter canter, leg yielding, and baby lengthenings. Our down ward transitions are coming along as well. We did however do some Ballet moves on the "walk" afterwards. They were very graceful, but I almost had to change my pants afterwards. Take it as you will.

Yesterday we drove over to "A Bit Better Farm" for a lesson with Stephen. This was one of my best lessons to date. I know, I always say that, but I am trying so hard to listen and work my @$$ off, and it really is paying off!
We did some rather large jumps, I would estimate Callie is prepped for Training level.

Stephen had me stare at him as I went through the grid. This was weird. We were working on my straightness...
I just stared at him and tried not to feel awkward as the stripped poles came rushing up to me out of my peripheral vision.
Well I will be damned. My little mare was as straight as can be.

I used to duck left when I competed Knick, I think it was because of the giant neck that was in my face and I was trying to peek around it. Any ways, this habit has been creeping back over the last year.
My little mare was bringing her body under me.
I over compensated after that by going off to the right, and I will be damned if we didn't have a drift right.
I feel like someone gave me a new stainless tool box, just filled with state of the art tools between my lessons the last two weeks!!!!!

I must admit that it does warm my heart a bit that my horse was trying to stay with me as much as I try to stay with her. Well both of them, I do the same thing on Beast.

So today I am off to Walkersville to teach some lessons, then off to Darenth to teach and work the Fabulous Mares!!!!
Check back soon for the new "facilities" page on my blog!!!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

MVI 4460

MVI 4461

The last few Days!

Friday was busy busy!
My ladies Kari an Alison had an AMAZING lesson on Buckshot and Knick. My little student Rowan had a fantastic trail ride, and all three mares were GREAT!
Beasty got a pre-bath, then went out Friday night.
Saturday, I woke up at 4:15. Actually I woke at 2:30 to the dog, then 3:30 to the Maggie, then again at 4:15. I hoped the lack of sleep would make me very relaxed for dressage!
Beast warmed up BEAUTIFULLY! She was even cooperating with me in the very small space provided attached to the indoor at Morven. We held our counter canters as we dodged fellow competitors. I didn't feel any nerves, and if they threatened to come, I peaked at Dave, Maggie and Kristen, and it went away. Kristen was especially good to have there because of two things.
A. She has a great eye
B. She had Titan with her (Rottweiler) and he kept trying to take her for a walk.
In fact most of the time I would peek up at my support crew, Kristen was getting yanked off to one side while maintaining a very serious expression. It reminded me of the Saturday night live skit "Night at the Roxbury".
Poor Dave meanwhile was in the background trying to keep a very vocal and happy Maggie in check as she tried to chase dogs or make a beeline for the centerline.
Its even funnier to me now as I write this.
So it was Beasts turn and the crowd parted for us, and we went in to the ring feeling good.
I dont know how to type the noise, you know the one that goes
Anyways her head went up and her back came down. I took her down past the judge a few times. Her favorite thing to do in the past is to fear the "C" area, and not want to go near it. Thus historically causing a front swap in my right counter canter and some drunken center lines. (All though Kristen did point out I was left of center during the test. Sometimes I like to stare at the scribe and aim for her apparently.)
I tried to get her in front of my leg best I could and went in.
I was pretty sad as I left the ring, I was really excited for it "to all come together".
You know what? In a way it did! Our video shows a less then stellar test, but that little Beasty tried. She did her counter canters, did her leg yields, was obedient in her transitions and didn't flip her little red head all over the place. I mean damn, we have come a long way since last fall. Our worst test really wasn't all that bad!
Plus the real goal is not a Prelim at Morven, so the opportunity to do a test in a strange indoor, and keep it together was a positive step towards the ever increasing end goal.

So I ran out to walk the XC course, made some new friends and came back for show jumping.
Dave had Beasty off the trailer, her studs in and had Maggie safely busy.
He even had started tacking her up. Dave's the best.
I saw Stephen in warm up, asked him about two XC fences and received a lucky girth tightening.
I warmed up the little Mare and she felt great!

Stephen sought me out after and had a huge smile on his face and two thumbs up!

Change of bridle, boots, and an addition of a vest, and off to cross country!!I was curious to see how my horse was fitness wise. She was fine at Redland, but thats a much different course and terrain then this was. I started a tad slow, I didn't want to be pushing a tired horse at the end.
My friend and fellow trainer Katherine Rizzo had said a good piece of advice, choose a few spots on course to loop your reins. If she slows up, go easy if she goes on, go on with her. Let me tell you, I chose two times, and both, I went on with her. Holy cow.
I was even wondering if I may have to change bits soon!

Kari standing on the take off side of jump 10 on the Prelim course. We had to jump a hanging log first, up the bank Kari is standing in front of to a skinny.

Beast ended 8th out of 19 starters!

Maggie was so happy for Mommy, she ran with the ribbon!

I give a lot of my jumping credit to Vanessa and the Canter she has helped me develop on the last few months.
Next for Beast is Virginia, I just remembered to book the hotel, with a pool for my little tadpole Maggie!!
But first i have a busy couple weeks!
Tuesday, I have a lesson with Stephen at "A Bit Better Farm"
Thursday I get to ride with Vanessa.
And all the other days I will be teaching my amazing students.

Poor Kari had a tough break. Knick came up lame on Sat. So far we think he tweaked his stifle. Fortunately, Kari has been working her @$$ off with all the obsessive walking and fitness prep that this big guy requires. This should have given him a strong base, and a little time is probably all he needs.
All though Knick is a Drama Mama about pain, I am hoping he will have a speedy recovery. I worry about the big guy, and also Kari deserves a shot at show casing her talent.

We went on Sunday and watched Stephen, and the other Intermediate riders.
That is how we roll.
Kaelyn kept us all in line.

In other news, how about Rolex?
Colleen Rutledge, go on with your bad self!!!! Way to hop around that course and look like you could go do it again! I am so happy for her and know that she has earned this for herself.