The last few days have been busy, busy, BUSY!!!!
Both of my little mares were perfect in their lessons with Sharon. I had breakthroughs on both horses. I continue to be amazed by the amount of knowledge, and application that I have been fortunate enough to gain and benefit from in the last months.
I love the combination of Jimmy, Stephen, and Sharon. Its just the most amazing mix for me!
I briefly chatted with Sharon about my goals, and she had a lot of great, and REALLY helpful and exciting (with a capital E)feed back!
She also was very impressed with my "big beautiful mare!" (Callie)
Summer has been A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.
Friday was busy, last minute supplies for Beasty, a few lessons, and working the girls.
Here is a picture of Hannah Youngblood and her pony Marley. Marley is for sale at a steal of a deal.

Saturday started EARLY.
Emily and I did our first course walks at 7. She then went out and slapped those courses in the face with a dose of PERFECT riding.
Emily did a really good job on both horses. She had to make a transition from horse at home to horse at warm up (and throw into the mix the deep footing in warm up). Then right when she got it down, both Charlie and Jazz went in the show ring and acted totally different again!!!!! She rode perfectly and got a ribbon on both!
She (of course) had amazing dressage- as always. Both horses show jumped well, especially for their first move up.
Jazz looked perfect XC and I have never seen Em ride so well.
Charlie was not totally focused in cross country. This is interesting to me, I would have thought he would have been sharp considering the jumps were all bigger and there was more technical stuff. Not so much.
He just skipped around. He did have a "run past" a dumb log thing, but no biggie, just a green mistake.
Katie had her best dressage to date. Her score reflected this, earning her a 33.1.
She received a few 8's, and they were all on things we have been working on!!!It is especially rewarding when the hard work pays off. She show jumped CLEAN and XC CLEAN to finish on her dressage score. Last we saw, she was in third out of a large division, but final places had not been posted.

Both Julia and Taylor had AMAZING dressage tests. There has been so much improvement!!!!
Unfortunately both ladies had the same dressage judge. She was more then a bit off base.... This was all day, not just for their divisions.
I assumed any one who would be judging a dressage test would at least be familiar with a gaited horse (Julia's Princess), and not discriminate. Unfortunately, neither were the case. Maryland horse trials, being the classy and lovely event that they are, both recognized, and did their best to rectify the situation.
I do care about all of my students fiercely, and often feel more outraged then them at things. Some things and people aren't worth the time or energy however.
I was amazed by both Julia and Taylor and give them all 8's!!!!

This early am my girls and I headed over to see the amazing Vanessa Swartz.
Breakthroughs again!!!!!!!!!! Callie was a gem. We were working on haunches in and counter canters. Vanessa started laughing and I could feel the reason for laughter. It's like Callie is startled by her movable body parts and how her haunches appear out of nowhere up by her side.
Beast had the most amazing work to date. I can't believe how much improvement Beast has made, how much stronger she has become.
I am so grateful for Vanessa and all of the work she has put into us. It is paying off, and any day now, all the pieces will come together in the show ring. They have in my head, my practice, and they carry through to my show jumping, XC, and my students.
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