Finally Wed brought us some more stable weather!
Breanna had a really great lesson. She is becoming much stronger in her position, both on the flat and over fences!
Elizabeth had a great lunge lesson on her horse Wrangler (after Wrangler carried Maggie around for an hour). Elizabeth really has a great core and base, both physically and mentally.This make her easy to teach and fine tune. The private lesson also helped me figure out better what language to teach her with.
My ladies, Annie, Hannah, and Julia all had a really great lesson. Annie looks like she has been practicing all the right things (I haven't seen her since Christmas time).
Rae was really jumping well, especially as Annie really held in her core muscles.
Julia did really well on Millie. We worked through some old demons that rose their heads. Julia Pushed through, and tolerated the pressure I put on her. I am so proud of her! There was clear and definite success by the end of the lesson!
Hannah really did well on Buckshot. She is on the path to the perfect release, which is causing her position to all fall into place!
Thursday was busy, busy, busy!!!
I started in Walkersville bright and early.
Fred's horse jumped beautifully. This is probably due to two things.....
1. The horse IS ridiculously beautiful, and athletic
2. Fred is an insanely good rider.
I can't wait to hopefully sit on this horse!
Jo had her best lesson to date. She did a little grid work, followed by some canter fences. Perfect position on a happy little mare.
Then I went and got my two mares and took them to "A Bit Better" for lessons with Sharon. Riding with Sharon is no joke. She has very high expectations, and a very clear way of explaining things.
Callie was feeling a bit blase faire. She cracks me up.
We started out trotting over a low oxer, that built to an oxer bounce. I need to keep working on not ducking, and not over doing my aids. Its like static to Callie, and she can't hear what I am saying through all of it.
Straightness is not really her issue, it's mine.
As I worked on being more clear (I had no choice at the tiny skinny) it all really came together.
We ended with courses of barrel oxers, a liverpool in a triple with two strides between, the skinny, and a tight angeled one stride. Callie is a star.
Beasty did all the same exercises, just at a higher height. We warmed up counter cantering to our first fence, and Beasty was on Board. Thanks Vanessa!
I am constantly aware of every step that this mare takes, every breath, every flinch, itch, etc. I told Sharon of my obsession with Beasts shoulder tightness, and got the same blank stare I always get. ...... .
I thought the same thing I always do, uh oh here it comes. They are going to tell me they see it also. Get the vet, do the scintigraphy , panic, PANIC, ITS ALL OVER.
Not so much. She said to stop pulling on my inside rein. The horse is fine. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm isn't that exactly what Vanessa said?
I have paranoid delusions that if I relax, and enjoy the process, I will be shot down. It will all get taken away.
I have realized two things, well four things....the list is ever increasing
1. Thats weird, but common
2. If it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen.
3. I can do a lot to prevent alot
4. Nothing can ever take away all that I have done with this mare, and all I have learned.
Lessons with Sharon always make me want to cry (and often do) because I get it. Beast gets it, Callie gets it, so most importantly, WE get it together. I am so very grateful for this opportunity, for this life.
Anyways, Beast was great, her jumping continues to strengthen. With that I have no choice but to strengthen.
I am really looking forward to a lesson with Vanessa soon. I also really need to catch up with Stephen!
I drove back to Darenth and taught Katie and Alison. Both had breakthrough lessons. With the non-blocking on the inside rein freshly in my head, I was a real stickler. It worked! Buckshot had such a balanced canter! He was jumping beautifully, and Alisons position looked tight, and balanced.
Katie and Freckles had their best canter work to date. Her position looked strong and correct also. Freckles is getting so much stronger! I just realized as I write this, how easily he canters through the short sides!
Alexis then had a great lesson on Packer. We got his fitness plan down for the next few weeks. Alexis was still able to ride in very correct position, so it does not look like her fitness has been lost at all.
So Mags and I are hanging out and being domestic until our busy teaching afternoon!
Remember, don't walk towards your goals, RRRUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!! And enjoy the view!
FYI Stephen is coming to ABBF on June 22nd. Let me know if you'd like a slot or two. :-)