My ladies Kari an Alison had an AMAZING lesson on Buckshot and Knick. My little student Rowan had a fantastic trail ride, and all three mares were GREAT!
Beasty got a pre-bath, then went out Friday night.
Saturday, I woke up at 4:15. Actually I woke at 2:30 to the dog, then 3:30 to the Maggie, then again at 4:15. I hoped the lack of sleep would make me very relaxed for dressage!
Beast warmed up BEAUTIFULLY! She was even cooperating with me in the very small space provided attached to the indoor at Morven. We held our counter canters as we dodged fellow competitors. I didn't feel any nerves, and if they threatened to come, I peaked at Dave, Maggie and Kristen, and it went away. Kristen was especially good to have there because of two things.
A. She has a great eye
B. She had Titan with her (Rottweiler) and he kept trying to take her for a walk.
In fact most of the time I would peek up at my support crew, Kristen was getting yanked off to one side while maintaining a very serious expression. It reminded me of the Saturday night live skit "Night at the Roxbury".
Poor Dave meanwhile was in the background trying to keep a very vocal and happy Maggie in check as she tried to chase dogs or make a beeline for the centerline.
Its even funnier to me now as I write this.
So it was Beasts turn and the crowd parted for us, and we went in to the ring feeling good.
I dont know how to type the noise, you know the one that goes
Anyways her head went up and her back came down. I took her down past the judge a few times. Her favorite thing to do in the past is to fear the "C" area, and not want to go near it. Thus historically causing a front swap in my right counter canter and some drunken center lines. (All though Kristen did point out I was left of center during the test. Sometimes I like to stare at the scribe and aim for her apparently.)
I tried to get her in front of my leg best I could and went in.
I was pretty sad as I left the ring, I was really excited for it "to all come together".
You know what? In a way it did! Our video shows a less then stellar test, but that little Beasty tried. She did her counter canters, did her leg yields, was obedient in her transitions and didn't flip her little red head all over the place. I mean damn, we have come a long way since last fall. Our worst test really wasn't all that bad!
Plus the real goal is not a Prelim at Morven, so the opportunity to do a test in a strange indoor, and keep it together was a positive step towards the ever increasing end goal.
So I ran out to walk the XC course, made some new friends and came back for show jumping.
Dave had Beasty off the trailer, her studs in and had Maggie safely busy.
He even had started tacking her up. Dave's the best.
I saw Stephen in warm up, asked him about two XC fences and received a lucky girth tightening.
I warmed up the little Mare and she felt great!
Stephen sought me out after and had a huge smile on his face and two thumbs up!
Change of bridle, boots, and an addition of a vest, and off to cross country!!I was curious to see how my horse was fitness wise. She was fine at Redland, but thats a much different course and terrain then this was. I started a tad slow, I didn't want to be pushing a tired horse at the end.
My friend and fellow trainer Katherine Rizzo had said a good piece of advice, choose a few spots on course to loop your reins. If she slows up, go easy if she goes on, go on with her. Let me tell you, I chose two times, and both, I went on with her. Holy cow.
I was even wondering if I may have to change bits soon!

Kari standing on the take off side of jump 10 on the Prelim course. We had to jump a hanging log first, up the bank Kari is standing in front of to a skinny.
Beast ended 8th out of 19 starters!

Maggie was so happy for Mommy, she ran with the ribbon!
I give a lot of my jumping credit to Vanessa and the Canter she has helped me develop on the last few months.
Next for Beast is Virginia, I just remembered to book the hotel, with a pool for my little tadpole Maggie!!
But first i have a busy couple weeks!
Tuesday, I have a lesson with Stephen at "A Bit Better Farm"
Thursday I get to ride with Vanessa.
And all the other days I will be teaching my amazing students.
Poor Kari had a tough break. Knick came up lame on Sat. So far we think he tweaked his stifle. Fortunately, Kari has been working her @$$ off with all the obsessive walking and fitness prep that this big guy requires. This should have given him a strong base, and a little time is probably all he needs.
All though Knick is a Drama Mama about pain, I am hoping he will have a speedy recovery. I worry about the big guy, and also Kari deserves a shot at show casing her talent.

We went on Sunday and watched Stephen, and the other Intermediate riders.
That is how we roll.
Kaelyn kept us all in line.
In other news, how about Rolex?
Colleen Rutledge, go on with your bad self!!!! Way to hop around that course and look like you could go do it again! I am so happy for her and know that she has earned this for herself.
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