Both my mares were little stars. I started with the Calsters, and it took about 10 minutes to work into the dressage frame of mind. She lunged the day prior, and before that had her jump school. It always seems to take a day for her to settle back from a jump school.
Beast had some amazing break through moments, its so exciting! We are working on the "next level" of her dressage, and I can't believe how great she feels!
We went back to Darenth and I rode the Little Big star, Summer. She was fabulous as always!
My lessons last night were great! Rowan is a blast to teach! Such a little sponge!
Katie C had a dressage lesson, followed by the ladies group at 7!
They all looked FANTASTIC! Alison continues to make strides with Buck. Alexis rode the Millipede. I got on her to do a demonstration..... Damn this little mare has a big trot!
She may be small but sure rides like a big horse. She was very willing and easy to do working versus medium trots on. Alexis will have her as a back up, and she could clean up on that mare! (As Julia has!!!)
Katie looked great on Riley. Tan from Aruba!
Julia looked amazing and speaking of amazing trots, you should have seen these two!
Today Sharon and I went to Morgan run, her and Harmony accompanied us on our 20 minute trot and our three four minute canters. Harmony was totally able to hold her own! She has maintained her fitness from hunting season and is a good partner for my little Beasty. We had such a nice time, it was like a breath of fresh air.
Speaking of the air, it smelt like Necco Wafers. There were little white floral trees all around us and the weather was just perfect!

I will be going back on Tuesday for trot sets. Hopefully I can meet up with Kristen there soon also!
For those of you that need a PERFECT place to do trot and Canter sets, MORGAN RUN IS PERFECT!!!!!
We came back and took care of the chestnut stars, and then it was on to Callie.
She did a quick dress school, and then a bath.
The bath had a few dicey moments with a leg in the hose, a rear or two, an obsessive owner trotting her to check for soundness in the ring, prompting another rear or two. 45 minutes later and me just as soapy as her, we were done and she was just as sweet as can be. Like nothing had just happened.
Callie is worth it all. Any time I get irritated with her, I remind myself, it is these quirks that make her so special. It is these quirks that will assist her as she excels as an athlete.
This is where the chicken comes into play........
We had a hay delivery today and with it, on top of the hay was a chicken! She is now running around Darenth (much to Beasts dismay).
Anyways, she kept appearing when ever I was feeling stressed and it made me laugh.
Whats even funnier is I think she is following Nick around. He was home today to do work around the farm. When he was dragging the top field she was running around up there.
When he went down to level spots in the driveway, I saw her dart across the field after him.
So now Maggie is napping and I am preparing to tackle the tack, then on to the "weekend cleaning".
I have to have it done by Friday night so it lasts until Sunday night when I have time again.
Thats all for now!
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