Any time I start to get complacent, a lesson with Mr. Bradley can slap me back into reality.
Things to remember for next time.....
*Do not do the 1 hour advanced yoga work out the day before SB clinic.
*Do not think you have grown out of the "Back on Track" products for Callie's cold back issues because it is Spring. The 50 degrees and raining thing kinda makes the flowers and green disappear.
Beasty was a total star, all though she did remind me at the very end to ride for straightness. She jumped perfectly, and we were able to really get, and stay in a rhythm.
Even when the canter required for the exercise changed, we were able to do it within the rhythm.
And then there is Callie. Callie did a lot of jumping. We jumped and soared. Often when a fence was nowhere near us! The good news? Callie is very brave. She did not bat an eye at any of the exercises, however I can't say we jumped them up to our usual standard.
My god my thighs were burning. I was trying so hard to find the beautiful canter that we have.....not so much.
All in all the little fire cracker held it together. She will be going back in her roller ball bit, as I discovered yesterday, she attempts to twist and grind even more in a snaffle!
I raced back (at a slow and safe pace with my girls in the trailer :) to teach Heather-awesome job, and my advanced girls-also Awesome! Hannah S looked amazing on Harmony, really developed the canter and had an amazing jump by the end of the lesson.
Then we (Katie C and I) headed to the indoor at Serra Valley to have our Wed night ladies lesson.
We had a blast!!!!
We again practiced the perfect canters, and did some "cross country" exercises in the ring. (We set up a fake half coffin using a plank on the ground)
Everyone looked great.
Julia really is getting Princess's canter stronger and stronger.
Taylors horse looks nothing like the mare I saw the first time she came last winter!
She is really starting to relax in the exercises.
Laney and Patsy had a series of break through moments- and continued to remember the courses!!!
Katie and Riley looked picture perfect.
Mags and I are catching up on some chores, then tonight brings some trot sets and a few lessons! Have a beautiful Thursday!!!!
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