Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Monday, April 25, 2011
Number one STUNNERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!
Here is what Callie pulled out of her A** after literally having a meltdown the ENTIRE dressage warm up. We never did canter more then 1 to 6 strides with out bucking commencing. The steward really wanted us to go 10 minutes early, and when I said no she proceeded to count down minute by minute. Fortunately I had Vanessa's voice in my head...."There will be no freaking out".
I must say, I never get rattled on Callie. I suppose I know ultimately she is perfect so much of the time, the ATTITUDE is the edge she may need to be an upper level star.
I could not be more proud of my girls.
Callie was a STAR cross country. I told her so also. Oh yes, I seem to aim to be the female Peter Atkins saying "Callie!" when she is especially good.She loves it.
She was a gem in the show jumping, while it was raining! One unfortunate rail, which startled her! Callie is a very sure footed girl in the slick mud with no stud holes.
Beasty was also an ANGEL. I was not able to ride the way I have been practicing in show jumping. This was due to the MUCK that we were jumping in. I decided to ride a bit more forward and to take my time in the turns and approaches (thus the stupid time penalties). Beast was so great! Totally relaxed, and totally professional. In the past I would have to really ride (yet alone in the crappy footing) her to the fences. This would sometimes cause the flatter tense long, or buried distances. But as of late she is just there, IT is just there. Such a cool feeling. Even when I misread my line to a related distance in the show jumping, she took care of it for me. And carefully.
The hard work is paying off.
All I have learned can never be taken away. I am so fortunate to have such an amazing husband. He not only puts up with, but also supports and encourages me to chase this dream. I could not do any of this with out him. In return, I try to exist for him and Maggie first.
I love this sport, the work, the pay off when it happens. It is very important to try to keep it all in perspective though, whatever your perspective may be.
None of this would be worth it, I suppose none of ANYTHING would be worth it, If you don't have friends, family, or friends AS your family to share it with.
Speaking of hard work paying off, good friend Kristen Parris WON the 1* at Fair Hill International!!!!!!!!! She deserves that win, and has earned that win. Briley also has that "edge" at times and KP with all of her hard work and dedication has figured out a way to use it to their advantage. I hear her students had a pretty great weekend also!!!!!!
Em looked AMAZING on both her grey's. I can not believe how far Emily has come in the last year. She works her rear end off for it and again, it has paid off. Do I see some move ups in the near future?
Alexa made me so proud this weekend. Josie girl definitely has that "edge" about her. Alexa also has worked hard to get to where she is, and never complains a peep about any of the other things that may come her way. Josie seems to be much happier at Training level, I think it gives her a bit more to focus on. Show jumping clean on this talented mare is not a task many could achieve.
Em, Alexa, and team KP...Go on with your bad selves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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