Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne
Yesterday was busy, busy, busy!!!!
Three lessons in Walkersville, and a run in with an old coach and mentor.
Two lessons at Darenth .
A monster lesson with my ladies at Serra Valley.
I think every single student did amazing!!
I am really getting tough on Em now. She is ready for it. Her horses look great! Charlie has so much scope, he often jumps her out of the tack. It's a dance we have all danced. We get tousled, they buck, we anticipate, we get tousled, sit up early, they buck bigger.
What comes first? The chicken or the egg?
We continue to work on Charlie, not over jumping, and continue working on (convincing) Em to go with him in the air.
Jazzy jumps big also sometimes, but hers is different. This is more of a strength issue (for Em that is).
As Emily continues to practice, she will become stronger and be more able to stay over top of her in the air!
Its a common issue, but not one to become obsessed with.
A good rider rides the horse to the best of that horses ability.
Charlie likes to buck.....a lot. So we are also working on preventing the buck, rather then just riding it and waiting for it to end.
I am always amazed by Emily's ability to be able to switch from one horse to another, and adjust her riding accordingly. She holds up to the pressure and intensity that I often throw at her.
Another tough student of mine.
Jo looked amazing on her little mare Misty. I can tell Misty's mouth is feeling good from getting her teeth worked on!
Callie and Harmony enjoyed a hack at Serra Valley. We played in the water and I said to Sharon "I'm a little nervous that..."
"YOU SHOULD BE" she interrupted!
Callie was at that point "wiping" her face sideways on the water and buckling her knees.
She bit me earlier in the day.
Bad Girl.
Anyways, we had a blast! Callie loves to play in the water, and that makes me so happy!!!
Alison C and Riley were FAB. Working on some flat work and steering with our leg aids. Next week will bring some jumping.
My advanced group did exercises reminiscent of my Jimmy and Stephen lessons. They rocked out! All the ladies looked like a million dollars as we played musical horses.
We had "Happy",Hunters pony as one of our horses, HOLY COW. I had no idea how talented this pony is!
Kari rode Summer Reign. It was lovely.
We hustled our tussles over to SV and showed 27 (the road that the ring is near) how to kick a$$ in the show jumping.
Every one did great.
I have successfully snuck in ridiculously hard exercises with out any ones knowledge.
They were doing bending lines, angled lines, liverpools, and some other funky things.
I do have a method to my madness.
While I was talking about the canter and the balance, I was having everyone do courses with HARD turns, and HARD visuals that are as much or more important than going for a easy course with height. (Getting everyone prepped for this weekend or the future)
We have been working on height all winter.
I did however have Alison jump some good sized fences on her third ride on Buck.
Kari looked amazing.
I am always very hard and sarcastic with Kari. I do this because she is such a good rider, sometimes I don't think that her concerns are even realistic. She rarely voices her concerns, but I see them.
I would like everyone to know, Knick is not easy. Especially in his older age, he needs a lot of help with his balance. It looks easy because Kari is riding her patootie off.
Show case rider of this blog entry-----Kari Archambault.
Kari is like Dave, works their rear off quietly and doesn't get enough thanks or affirmation.
Thank you Kari-consider yourself affirmed. You have arrived. Waredaca 3 day-if the soundness gods smile on us-WATCH OUT!!!!
Rider I didn't give enough attention to last night- Taylor.
Taylor is also quiet, and very self sufficient.
She will be sorry that I realized I didn't give her enough attention next week when I make up for it ;)
I love my students and their personalities. I continue to learn from them, and enjoy everyone that I currently teach.
Continue to have faith in me, and trust me. I won't let you down.
Lanesters tried out a Prelim horse for herself. What a great match!!!!This horse really showcases her riding!!
Julia continues to improve her canter work and her jump. Getting those heels down, and trying to tame her "Devil".
(She has a little devil that sits on her shoulder that tells her it was not good. Try harder-Canter-Canter-Canter!!!It quietly chants "intensity...intensity...intensity...")
She did especially well last night, considering I was intense trying to beat that sun from falling below the horizin.
Katie and Linda did well.
Bear was at the Kentucky derby at one point. Never did I know a Bear Behind could move so fast, and with so much bounce!
Katie is overly prepared for this weekend. Keep those hands down and that leg on!!!
Off to do some Yoga while the Magsters naps, then making Amish frienship bread and cleaning with my favorite.......Pledge!
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