Every ones lessons have been fantastic!
I got to teach the wonderful Alexa Easton again this week! She does an amazing job on Buckshot. The two of them really click well! They worked on the same jumping exercises that my advanced jumping students (Hunter, Hannah, Elizabeth this week).
All looked amazing here is a clip from one lesson of Hunter and Fance pants!
I also taught the fabulous, amazing Courtney Swartz this week. What a COOL little rider and what a COOL little horse!!! Here is a little clip of them over a few at their XC school. Courtney is relatively new to the eventing world, and if she decides to start competing a lot, those junior divisions better make room for a new leader on the score board!
I am so excited to have the opportunity to teach such promising students! Hunter is planning his first event, and before we know it, we will be in full swing!!!
Callie and Beast are well, both received chiropractic and acupuncture yesterday.
I am amazed by this process and will continue to do this regularly for both mares.
On Wed, we (me, Beast, and Callie) had dressage lessons with the amazing Vanessa Swartz (Courtney's mom). It worked out so well because we rode at Serra Valley. Both girls were EXACTLY as they are the day of a show. Vanessa helped me work through it and told me to cut it out when I prepared to act like a 9 year old. (Beast was a drama mama, which was making my blood boil). Amazing how when I listened to V, Beast magically got better. A very sensitive girl this Beast.
Callie was in a mood where she wanted to give ME some chiropractic (kicking out) but we pushed through and got some nice moments.
I will stick to "plan a" at Redland, Callie will get lunged prior to her dressage. Then we will hope Callie is feeling like a good girl!
I rode the KING Knickerbocker yesterday, he was great!!!! Kari is doing an amazing job with the ridiculous amount of walking that he requires, and man is it paying off!!!
All my other students had a great week and I will be sure to high light them in upcoming blogs!
Today Mags and I snuck in some yard work before the sprinkles started. Soon it will be nap time for her and Yoga and tack cleaning for me. I am hoping to ride, Bathe and braid (Callie) tonight. Beasty wont stand for overnight braids, so she will get her hair done tomorrow morning.
I got my new Navy dressage helmet finally!!!!! I will test it out tomorrow! My Navy Jacket has not come in yet but team KP lent me one of her jackets to use for this weekend. THANKS KP and HAVE THE BEST WEEKEND EVER at Fair Hill!!!!
I am hoping my new lucky helmet will help Beast break her dressage score slump. This weekend is all about a relaxing positive prep for Beasty to get back in the swing of things. Here are two more pictures from this week......

I love matchy match. The best part? Her hair has pink highlights also!!!!

Can you get any cuter? Piper is showing Mags the ropes!!!
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