It has been an amazing couple of days!
I just received some photos from Morven....Me talking about Alexa's dressage test with her, and her jumping her mare "Josie". The other two are of Be Be and Callie during their travels.
Monday morning brought two AMAZING lessons from Vanessa! I thought about calling my dressage blog entries "The V Diaries", but decided not everyone would think it was as funny as I do.
I had break through moments on both the girls. Callie was all about the warm weather and after she got her "kick outs" out of the way, it was all business. What a dream!
Beasty was impressed with the outdoor. It was the first time both girls were ridden in the outdoor, but Callie is not concerned about such things.
It worked in my favor, Vanessa got to see how Beast is in show warm ups. Much to my surprise, Vanessa thought we looked great! I started to have my breakthroughs then......
and it just kept going! The more I relaxed and heard affirmation that we were doing well, the better it got. I think I tend to do the opposite in the tests. I warm up great, then as I feel Beast tense around the outside of the ring, I react by trying to shove her together, thus making it worse. I need to allow Beast a moment. I need to appreciate her for who she is, and adjust my plans. I can't expect all my horses to fit in the same mold.
Last night my students rode well. The weather stayed beautiful all afternoon!
Today was the Jimmy Wofford lesson. Another AMAZING lesson. Beast did not touch a single rail, and she did some complicated exercises!
As the fences got higher, I anticipated the inevitable back cracking I was about to endure. I am really focusing on staying over top Beast in the air. I got some extra tips from Colleen Rutledge, who was in my group on one of her many horses. It was great!
I only felt like I had taken off for the moon once!
It's just so amazing how much this man knows, and can teach. Between Jimmy and Stephen, my horses and I are reaching whole new levels.
Did I mention the Jimmy lesson was in the outdoor? In the rain?
I love my horses so much.
They will be having a few easy days, Callie had today off and will hack at Serra Valley tomorrow, splashing through the water. Both girls will do dressage prior to Loch Moy this Sat. (Beast is going also to do a few dressage tests)
I learned over the winter, I have to be careful not to over do it with the traveling. It can wear on their tummy's and their minds.
Beast seems to be really growing, and learning how to deal with the mental strain of a green horse on her way to being an upper level horse.
Summer continues to BLOW MY MIND.
She will start soon with little field trips. Mostly trail rides, and little visits to other farms rings.
Tomorrow brings a super busy day of lessons, and I hear the weather will be great!
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