Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Check this out

My sister just emailed this to me....

It is freakin amazing.

In other news......
Alexis had a good go at Waredaca starter trials.
She had a solid dressage test, a smooth show jumping with one blonde moment, and a clean and awesome XC.
I am not sure how she ended up because they haven't posted the scores yet.
Friends Kim and Katie both went and looked amazing as well.
I am definitely down with the white vet wrap around Kim's horses XC boots. I am going to get the Beast Porter boots and copy her idea.
How is Beast you ask?
Well that just happens to be my favorite thing to talk about so here is an update.
She is

I can not believe how good she feels!
She has started using herself so much better. She is really able to sit down behind. (Way better then she ever did before)
Around the time that Beast gets her Tetracycline shots (by Dr. Scullin), we are going to do her hocks also.
I don't want her stressing anything with her new found sitting abilities. I am also aware that Doxy has it's own anti-inflammatory agents, so if there was inflammation in her hocks (for whatever reason) I want to slap it in it's face.
Beasty is also less spooky, and my god I can curry her! I can even brush her legs with out promoting a Beasty dance.
I can't help but wonder how long my tough little mare may have been dealing with this lymes thing.
I will also be having Laura Reick come out and continue to do the chiro/acupuncture.

Beasty and Callie will take turns living at the amazing Vanessa Swartz in December and January. We are going to make these months the months that kick my dressage into high gear.
Summer will continue to make her field trips to Grand Prix V's.
All three girls and Fiesta (the off site girl) will continue clinics with Stephen, Sharon, and my two with Susan G White.
I am sure Big Willis will also be attending a few clinics with myself and Katie.
Speaking of Biggie W, I jumped him last night and he was AWESOME. I really do like this horse.
He is happily doing courses now.

Next week is the Sharon White and Susan G White clinics.
Then Steve-o in the following week.

In yet other news.....
Our fence is almost completed!!!!
I will have to post a picture when it is!
I CAN NOT WAIT. As I type, Scruffy Nuffy Macklin is tied to the tree. She "ran away" this morning (she always goes to the neighbors house, through the corn field).

KV Contracting will also be putting a french slider in the kitchen.
I will definitely post pictures for out of town family.

Maggie and Dave go over all the family photos and talk about every friend and family member (same thing).
I better start showing Mags pictures of Jocelyn's son Aiden......Cause we are going to California in December to visit!!!!!!!!!!!!I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Ok, back to the present....Maggie has bed head, my dog is tied to a tree, and the farrier is coming in a few hours. I better get on.

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