Alexis ----------
I seriously was so happy when I rode Beast I kept almost crying.
I know this horse well enough to know her warm up fences would not be so good, because she would be expecting it to feel uncomfortable. I kept telling Sharon before we started that she would do that. I think I was saying it more to myself. Thank god Sharon knows me well enough to NOT wonder why I keep mumbling the same insane things over and over.
So Beast warmed up on the flat pretty damn well, started out jumping not so phenomenal. And then....
It was great. So great.
She did a trot exercise a zillion and five times over a vertical leg yielding one way and then the other. I looked up at Sharon at the end and mirrored what her body was doing. It dawned on me, my horse is making up for any little mistakes I am making.
Then when we cantered fences, I had my horse back. I don't really know when she started slipping away, but she seems to have returned. Sharon historically has really had to get after me about "getting Beast going". Yesterday she kept saying "not faster, not faster!". I wasn't doing it, she just wanted to take off with me! It was great. Never have I been so happy to get run off with!
The star gets her hocks done on the 28th. She ends the doxy with her tetracycline shots, she will continue to have her chiro-acupuncture, and she will continue her ulcer treatment.
High maintenance much?
Depending on what my dates are for my visit to good friend Joce, I will be boarding a horse, a month with Vanessa Swartz this winter.
Then in February, Beast goes to Kelley Williams farm (it's like 10 minutes from my house).
I am going to try to convince Kim to clip her for me. Kim doesn't know this yet, but she will when she reads this. Kim is the best.
I have my stalls reserved in Aiken. A condo booked. A Dave planning a vacay, and a Rizzo and an Ossi on board. I will be stalking Sir Stephen Bradley for the month of March at Full Gallop. Stephen does not know this yet. I will break the news to him on Tuesday at the clinic.
I am lucky enough to have Fiesta coming with my two mares and I have room for one more.
There is a certain gelding that keeps calling me and asking to go. I have to work on his momma.
Maggie Mack makes the flying by the seat of your pants thing impossible. Planning is a must. She can't wait to go south!
Back to yesterday and Sharon Whites amazingness.....
Callie was in a Training group with a nice lady and Rumsey Keefe.
That was a blast! It is always neat to ride with people of Rumsey's level. (I really do miss riding with Kim, Katie and Kelley)
I could really watch Rumsey, who is already a good rider, change things so subtlety and watch the horse change. I could also stare at her stupid lower leg/ foot that NEVER moved (thanks for pointing it out Sharon ). I gotta work on that. My feet seem to think that the stirrup is merely home base, to periodically check in with. I am so going to the tack store tomorrow and buying the black things I have on my other stirrups.
Callie was a rock star. She is so funny.
Sharon had me switch to a smaller crop (I call them nose pickers) I will be damned if she didn't go better!
The little things horses try to tell us, if we choose to listen!
I have such a love for this horse. she is such a beautiful mix of Bitch, and pure kindness, willingness all wrapped in a beautiful package.
Fiesta. What can I say.
I am so happy to have the ride on this horse. I am not going to lie, I pant like a fat kid running up a hill when I ride her.....but a happy fat kid....on a horse that jumps really REALLY BIG.
I wish I had video of her from yesterday. Even the stone hearted would shed a tear.
She was so good, so amazing, what progress this funny little mare has made.
She also is apparently a sister to the horse "Wundermaske" of Sharon Whites. A horse that I have always loved.
So today I am resting after a big day at the dentist. Round 1 of 3.
My advice, don't wait long periods of time between visits.
Tomorrow is a day full of lessons and riding.
Saturday we have the Susan G White clinic. Both girls and the big WILL are going.
Then Sunday is the Jumper show at Taylor Made!
We have a big group of students and Fiesta going, and it should be fun!
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