Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Mary Mack

Hollywood sign!

Mary Mack

Where am I

On six hours of sleep in two days and a slap happy two year old, I find myself deliriously shopping and watching mario lopez walk by.

Mary Mack

Mary Mack

Monday, November 28, 2011

Sharon and Harmony looking sharp!

Mary Mack

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Mary Macklin" <>
Date: Nov 28, 2011 6:56 PM
Subject: Fwd: Pic $3
To: "Sharon L" <>

Mary Mack

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From: "" <>
Date: Nov 28, 2011 7:55 AM
Subject: Pic $3
To: <>, <>

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

Dumb and dumber

Mary Mack

Maggie & Aiden in San Diego

Mary Mack

Rafferty and I at the hunter pace!!!!

I enjoyed riding him!

Mary Mack

air port 5 am!

Mary Mack

Friday, November 25, 2011


I am thankful for you.....
Because if you are reading this blog, you mean something to me.
I am with my family this weekend. The kids are playing together and Robin (my sister) is obsessively taking photos (thank god since I am not as good at it).

I won't write too much, as I am in a "artsy" mood.
Thats what Kim calls it, Hunters mom.
She says whenever she reads a blog that is detailed, or personal, or just odd on some level, that is what she thinks...."oh Mary is in an artsy mood".
I am thankful for Kim.

I am thankful for everyone who stood by me in the last..................however long you stood by me.
I am experiencing my bi-yearly wanderlust, and fortunately for me and Mags, we can go visit my best friend Joce in California.
I am beyond excited for this trip.
This will be my third trip to Ca.
My first one was a bust due to my own poor atitude while I was going through a less then intolerable phase in life.
My second trip was a brilliant blur filled with amazing friends and a wedding, but way too short of a trip.
This trip will be good.
I am going to EXPLORE!

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for you.

I am thankful for me, that I have made it to where I am now.
I am thankful for happiness.
I am accepting of my restless nature, which is the fuel and the outlet that will get me to places like Rolex.

I am thankful for Yoga, acupuncture, and all things healthy that give me a quiet mind.
I am thankful for growing up.

I am thankful for the most amazing students a person could possibly ask for.
I am thankful for the most amazing farm owners I could ever hope for.
I am thankful for a husband that accepts me 100% for who I am, who I was, and who I will be.

I am thankful for the most amazing Majella Elizabeth Macklin on the planet (who just got super cool new shoes from Aunty Robin).

I am thankful for more stuff and people then I could ever list.

I also would like to promise to all of you, I will continue to try my hardest.
I will try my hardest to be the best person I can be for you.

Because if you are reading this blog, you deserve nothing less then that.

Now because this post was so serious,

Funny British Animal Voiceovers

It just gets better.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Summer and Mary!

I can't believe she is only 3!
What a blast all three mares were.
Kari looked AWESOME on Kaliente!
I am stalking Margret for the video she was kind enough to take as we speak.
A big thanks to Margret and Mythic Landing Events for all her amazing clinics!!!!
A big thank you to "A Bit Better" farm for their awesome facilities, and letting us use it!
It was so great to ride with Kelley again! Bomber and Kelley looked great!
I suppose Kelley fits into that Bad A$$ category I always talk about. (For those of you that don't know, she just healed from a broken neck.....but looks amazing!)

Callie has changed so much. Stephen kept saying my little girl was growing up! It is so true and what a great feeling.
I had great company with Sharon and Kari. A great day all around.

Amazing Summer

This mare is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mary on Fance

It was my pleasure to ride Fance today in the Stephen Bradley clinic!

Mary with Callie

Stephen Bradley clinic!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Fall seven times, stand up eight. - Japanese proverb

The Six W's: Work will win when wishing won't. -- Todd Blackledge

Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. -- Satchel Paige

Things that hurt, instruct. -- Benjamin Franklin

"Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man - and I will show you a failure." - Thomas Alva Edison

Only those who risk going to far can possibly find out how far one can go. - T.S. Eliot

99 PROBLEMS.........................

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fiesta and myself

Fiesta round two (the jump off)
Fiesta won at her first show!
She also got a second, and a qualifying round.
Way to go super mare!!!!!!!!!!
(In case you have the volume down, the music says SUPER FAST SUPER FAST over and over)

Mary Mack

Ameriah getting her ribbon!

Court on City Kitty

Ameriah on Bandit

Ameriah again


Mary Mack



Alexis the speed demon

Ameriah and Mom (Joanne)



Annie on Rae


Mary Mack

Red Hawke/Darenth results from Taylor Made jumper show

Me and Fiesta-1st and 2nd
Ameriah and Bandit-3rd and 6th
Hunter and Fance-1st and 3rd
Courtney Swartz-3rd and 4th
Julia Fitzgerald- awesome for her first show with Knick!!!!!!! I don't know if she got any ribbons
Alexis and Packer-6th
also awesome. Packer had an allergy flare so he took it nice and slow but had all clean rounds.
Annie and Rae- I don't know about placing, but they looked amazing!!!!
Piper and Taylor also looked awesome on those little ponies of theirs!!!!!!!!
All the classes were super big, like 20 people or more. Way to go guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Way to go!!!!!!

Ameriah and Bandit!!!!!!
Julia and Knick!!!!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Susan G White in the house.

Summer took Beasty's spot today due to Beasts skin being on fire.
Summer was her perfect self. Susan is just in love with this horse, as am I.

Callie was a bit lazy today. She was very agreeable to work so hard. I am really pleased with how she is behaving despite the fact that it is late November.
Callie has a hard time with the winter months, and the transition to it.
Callie will have a mini vacay after her lesson with Stephen on Tuesday, and three weeks off in January.
She has worked her rear end off for me this year.
Special little horse.
I don't know if Katie had a chance to take pictures of Big Will today, so here is one just in case.
Susan is also really excited about this horse.
He is turning out to be ridiculously nice.
He really wants to go to Aiken.

Just on the off chance that Beast gets on the Internet, I don't want her to feel left out.

OK. There is a hottie in the kitchen making me dinner so I better go.
We are going to watch a scary movie and rest up for tomorrow.


Friday, November 18, 2011

FYI ...I mean we may as well be educated experts, right?


  • Lyme disease can affect the skin, joints, nervous system and other organ systems. About 10-20% of untreated patients will develop chronic arthritis that lasts a lifetime.
  • Not all deer ticks are infected with the bacteria that cause the disease. They are called deer ticks because they usually feed and mate on deer.
  • Lyme disease is most common among people who live in Northeastern, Pacific Northwest and Northern Midwestern states.
  • Ticks are generally found in areas where there is leafy material or other ground cover; lawns that border woods or fields, typically along pathways waiting for low lying vegetation.
  • If you don't notice the "hallmark" bull's eye rash, you could still be infected; less than half have of people infected actually have it.
  • Ticks can be the size of a poppy seed—so most people don't notice or remember getting bitten.
  • More likely to get bitten April through November, although with climate changes the tick population appears to be changing, so this may be becoming a year-round health threat.

Herxheimer reaction

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Herxheimer reaction
Classification and external resources

The Herxheimer reaction occurs when large quantities of toxins are released into the body as bacteria (typically spirochetes) die during antibiotic treatment. The same can be true for candida die-off when toxins from the dying candida are released. Typically the death of these bacteria and the associated release of endotoxins occurs faster than the body can remove the toxins. It is manifested by fever, chills, headache, myalgia (muscle pain), and exacerbation of skin lesions. The intensity of the reaction reflects the intensity of inflammation present.

It is classically associated with syphilis. Duration in syphilis is normally only a few hours. The reaction is also seen in other diseases caused by spirochetes, such as borreliosis (Lyme disease and tick-borne relapsing fever) and leptospirosis, and in Q fever.[1] Similar reactions have also been reported to occur in bartonellosis (including cat scratch disease),[2][3] brucellosis,[4] typhoid fever,[5] and trichinosis.[6]


The Herxheimer reaction has shown an increase in inflammatory cytokines during the period of exacerbation, including tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-6 and interleukin-8.[7][8]


Both Adolf Jarisch,[9] an Austrian dermatologist, and Karl Herxheimer,[10] a German dermatologist, are credited with the discovery of the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction. Both Jarisch and Herxheimer observed reactions in patients with syphilis treated with mercury. The reaction was first seen following treatment in early and later stages of syphilis treated with Salvarsan, mercury, or antibiotics. It is seen in 50% of patients with primary syphilis and about 90% of patients with secondary syphilis.[1]


These are all symptoms to expect while being treated for lymes.

Afew annoyances you may encounter along the way, and should be made aware of if you're the worrying sort:

1. Confusion/Disorientation. Your short-term memory will probably be taking a nice long vacation. You may find yourself confused about where you are and what you're doing every time the scenery changes. Like when walking from one room to another, or driving (DON'T!). Sometimes even when just sitting or lying around doing nothing. It could also be even more intense, with temporary bouts of amnesia. But it's a fact of life that vacations do end. This one tends to be about the most disconcerting psychological symptom for most people. Again though, it's caused by the toxin release from the dying bacteria. It will get better and eventually go away!
2. Numbness. Various parts of your body, both those you knew were infected and those you didn't, may go numb for a period of time. Quite often it's just for a day or so, but can also last for many weeks, until enough of the bacteria in that location have been killed that the toxin level finally drops. Don't panic! They all come back! (The numb body parts, that is!) They'll eventually switch from numb to painful, and then finally to normal.
3. Pain. Same as 2), but may be sporadic pains instead of numbness.
4. It's in more places than you know. While you are on effective antibiotics the bacteria are NOT spreading. Never had a problem with your back, but now it hurts? Forearms maybe? Wrists? They hurt now because the bacteria were there all along, and now that they're dying they're releasing toxins. It's the toxin from the dying bacteria that causes the numbness and pain. Dead bacteria is a good thing!
5. Insomnia. And not just at night either. You may find it impossible to nap during the day at all. You may get to enjoy every last minute of the worst part. As the toxin levels fall though, you'll be able to sleep better and better.
6. Hallucinations and voices. These can occur during times when your mind and body are exhuasted but the toxins won't let you sleep. You may be trying to rest, but your brain gets stuck halfway between sleep and awake, dreams and reality mix. Better sleep at night, along with less activity during the day, should help these symptoms disappear. Ask your Doctor about sleeping aids you can use if necessary. However, if you get these symtpoms while you're wide awake and have gotten reasonable sleep, consult your doctor immediately.
7. Tremors, shakes, and spasms. Can occur in various places to varying degrees. The length of time they last varies as well. These may be caused by bacteria dying near, and hence irritating, a nerve which controls motion.
8. Sweats, hot, cold, day and night. Get used to them. You might consider adding just a bit of extra salt to your diet so that you don't becaome salt/sodium defficient.
9. Fireworks, popcorn, or pin-cushion pains. These tend to feel like someone has picked a part of your body and decided to jab it with a pin a few times. Then they go and pick another spot. These are probably just irritations of pain nerves, or perhaps bacteria dying inside a nerve itself. You might notice that they tend to occure in your most affected areas, and that more effective antibiotics cause more of them.
10. Heart palpitations or irregularities. Notify your doctor immediately so that they can determine if the irregularities are severe enough to be dangerous. In some extreme cases, people have been put on a temporary pace maker until the worst of the symptoms have disappeared.
11. Dizziness and Vertigo. It's everywhere else, why be surprised that it's in your ears? Symptoms here can range from a feeling of "walking through jello" to complete loss of orientation.
12. Temporary Amnesia. Really this is just an extension of memory loss symptoms, except that instead of just losing your short-term memory, mid and sometimes long-term memory can go for a hike as well. These symtpoms can last anywhere from just a few minutes, to a few weeks, and will probably only occur during the first month or so of treatment.
13. Aliens Under My Skin. usually felt in the forearms or shins, but can occure anywhere, this feels for all the world like little turtle-shaped aliens crawling around in the affected area. These are actually associated with an attack by your own immune system against the bacteria, and are probably the result of localized swelling and toxin releases from the bacteria dying under the attack.
14. Sudden bouts of weakness and symptoms flares. Your body is fighting the bacteria alongside the antibiotics. But your body isn't always a nice steady predictable stream. Occasionally, and even frequently during the first cycle or two, your body will attack. Sometimes with an all-out-vengeance that will literally leave your knees weak and you panting for breath. In extreme cases, this can actually cause fainting. This can be very disconcerting if your're not expecting it. As long as your heart rate and blood pressure are OK, then youre' probably fine. Go over your drug allergy checklist and consult your doctor if you think it might be a delayed reaction to antibiotics. Normally, this feeling will drop in intensity within a few minutes.
15. Headaches. Can range from not at all if you're really lucky, to some really intense head-splitters. Do whatever you can to survive them.
16. Disconnection. Close your eyes, now where is your arm? OK, look at it now. Doesn't really feel like it looks where it is, does it? The extreme of this symptom is a complete out-of-body experience. As toxin levels fall, you should become more and more re-connected to your body again. And there you were thinking that you were just getting really good at your Yoga exercises.......
17. Panic Attacks. You don't want to get these, really, you don't. It's a feeling of "Oh my God, I'm going to be like this forever, I can't take it please, somebody just kill me and get it over with..." The only possible good thing about this symptom is that it goes away.
18. Bright Colors. Your pupils may dilate a bit. Indeed, you may find yourself wearing sunglasses, inside!
19. Hypersensitive Hearing. Your ears may become hypersensitive to sound. In extreme cases, sound, even very quiet ones, can become painful.
20. Mood Swings, Irritability/Short Temper, Erratic Behavior. Again, all due to the toxin's effect on your mind. These will all clear up as you get well. These symptoms can be especially difficult for those around you to deal with.
21. Yo-Yo. You'll be feeling like one. Up one minute, down the next. You might wake up feeling great one day, only to find that a couple hours later you're back feeling horrible again. UP, down, up, down, all around. Slowly, month after month, the downs will stop being quite so low, and eventually go away.
22. Whatever Else. Everyone is different, and the disease is quite well known these days for just how differently it affects different people. Any other significant symptoms that you are concerned about should be discussed with your doctor.


WTF. Lymes is awful.
Beast had massive skin sensitivity today. She had a little freak out at Callie that almost left me unconscious in the field.
Sweet Callie had no idea what was going on.
So I am now retreating to my happy place.

If you know someone with lymes, blow them a kiss for me.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Callie and I with the amazing Sharon White

First off, check out these awesome photos of amazing students Hunter and Alexis!

Alexis ----------

Yesterday was a blast.
I seriously was so happy when I rode Beast I kept almost crying.
I know this horse well enough to know her warm up fences would not be so good, because she would be expecting it to feel uncomfortable. I kept telling Sharon before we started that she would do that. I think I was saying it more to myself. Thank god Sharon knows me well enough to NOT wonder why I keep mumbling the same insane things over and over.
So Beast warmed up on the flat pretty damn well, started out jumping not so phenomenal. And then....
It was great. So great.
She did a trot exercise a zillion and five times over a vertical leg yielding one way and then the other. I looked up at Sharon at the end and mirrored what her body was doing. It dawned on me, my horse is making up for any little mistakes I am making.
Then when we cantered fences, I had my horse back. I don't really know when she started slipping away, but she seems to have returned. Sharon historically has really had to get after me about "getting Beast going". Yesterday she kept saying "not faster, not faster!". I wasn't doing it, she just wanted to take off with me! It was great. Never have I been so happy to get run off with!
The star gets her hocks done on the 28th. She ends the doxy with her tetracycline shots, she will continue to have her chiro-acupuncture, and she will continue her ulcer treatment.
High maintenance much?

Depending on what my dates are for my visit to good friend Joce, I will be boarding a horse, a month with Vanessa Swartz this winter.
Then in February, Beast goes to Kelley Williams farm (it's like 10 minutes from my house).
I am going to try to convince Kim to clip her for me. Kim doesn't know this yet, but she will when she reads this. Kim is the best.
I have my stalls reserved in Aiken. A condo booked. A Dave planning a vacay, and a Rizzo and an Ossi on board. I will be stalking Sir Stephen Bradley for the month of March at Full Gallop. Stephen does not know this yet. I will break the news to him on Tuesday at the clinic.
I am lucky enough to have Fiesta coming with my two mares and I have room for one more.
There is a certain gelding that keeps calling me and asking to go. I have to work on his momma.
Maggie Mack makes the flying by the seat of your pants thing impossible. Planning is a must. She can't wait to go south!

Back to yesterday and Sharon Whites amazingness.....
Callie was in a Training group with a nice lady and Rumsey Keefe.
That was a blast! It is always neat to ride with people of Rumsey's level. (I really do miss riding with Kim, Katie and Kelley)
I could really watch Rumsey, who is already a good rider, change things so subtlety and watch the horse change. I could also stare at her stupid lower leg/ foot that NEVER moved (thanks for pointing it out Sharon ). I gotta work on that. My feet seem to think that the stirrup is merely home base, to periodically check in with. I am so going to the tack store tomorrow and buying the black things I have on my other stirrups.
Callie was a rock star. She is so funny.
Sharon had me switch to a smaller crop (I call them nose pickers) I will be damned if she didn't go better!
The little things horses try to tell us, if we choose to listen!
I have such a love for this horse. she is such a beautiful mix of Bitch, and pure kindness, willingness all wrapped in a beautiful package.

Fiesta. What can I say.
I am so happy to have the ride on this horse. I am not going to lie, I pant like a fat kid running up a hill when I ride her.....but a happy fat kid....on a horse that jumps really REALLY BIG.
I wish I had video of her from yesterday. Even the stone hearted would shed a tear.
She was so good, so amazing, what progress this funny little mare has made.
She also is apparently a sister to the horse "Wundermaske" of Sharon Whites. A horse that I have always loved.

So today I am resting after a big day at the dentist. Round 1 of 3.
My advice, don't wait long periods of time between visits.

Tomorrow is a day full of lessons and riding.
Saturday we have the Susan G White clinic. Both girls and the big WILL are going.
Then Sunday is the Jumper show at Taylor Made!
We have a big group of students and Fiesta going, and it should be fun!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Real quick....

Monday was a continuation of the busy weekend!
I had a dressage lesson on Fiesta, rode the three girls and Willis.
All are doing well!
Julia looked amazing on his royal self Knick.
All my other students looked great.
Janet had some amazing work on Buckshot.

Tuesday Hunt and Ameriah looked awesome in their "circle of death" exercise....

Beast and Fance both had awesome chiro/acupuncture from her amazing self, Dr. Laura Reick.
Beast looked very happy as she sat still with needles in her Yayyyyy!

Just hooked up the truck and trailer, then off to Kelley's for lessons with Sharon White on Beasty, Callie, and Fiesta!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Also....Hannah Shipley......

Crazy Weekend!

What a great weekend!

Sat am started bright and early.
I went out to Darenth to get Callie. Of course Beasty saw me coming and kept trying to herd the horses away from me. That was fun. Good times.
I took Callie over to Vanessa's and had an awesome lesson.
I also had the special treat of doing a flat lesson on Vanessa's mare!
It was so great. I rode V's horse first, then Callie. Then I applied a lot of what I felt on Vanessa's horse to Callie.
What a dream. I did think I was going to throw up from the sitting trot a few times though!
Court had a lesson on her gelding. They looked perfect as always. Courtney is so much fun to teach and definitely falls into the same category that Kari falls into, if you know what I mean!

Dave and I had the best date ever. We went to Isabella's in Frederick for Tapas. Then we headed over to the movie theater and saw
I actually really liked this movie give it two thumbs up!

Sunday A.M. I got to go back to Vanessa's to ride Miss Fiesta.
Fiesta was a little star.

Then I got Maggie Mack and headed over to Loch Moy.
The XC was a bit on the stiff side again for an unrecognized.
Hunter had his horse there to do her first Novice.
Her dressage was relaxed and solid.
Fance was a bit tired all day. Hunter had to work on sending her forward to the bridle with out over doing it (mares). He did a great job!
Her warm up for show jumping was brilliant. She couldn't have cared less about the deep footing, so we just did a few to play it safe.
They had a perfect round.
Fancy barely ticked a rail and it fell, but the round itself was just perfect. I was so proud of Hunt and Fance!
As we walked over to XC, Fancy definitely looked tired, I wonder if she wasn't feeling good.
I told him to pat her so much.
I swear if you tell mares they are doing a good job, they will dig deep and try extra hard.

Hunter and Fance stepped around their first novice clean.
Fance did randomly stop in the middle of the course, nowhere near any jumps. Hunter had ridden so quietly the rest of the time, when he gave her a little tappy she was back to business.
So Fance did the trakehner, a log four strides to the water, lattice to the bank.....mound, a few rather large tables and roll tops, dodged some trees, jumped some regular jumps, and looked amazing through it all.

Back to Darenth!
Alexis had a great lesson! She had to work very hard.
Katie and Willis worked on stretching and balance, and had a very positive lesson.
Beasty was a dream. We talked alot.
Alison tried out a new saddle on Knickerbocker and had a good ride. Knick is feeling really good.

The fence is done out the house! The dogs are happy, the Dave started taking out the old deck, and the door goes in today. Gotta love a Dave.

OK time to get going.

Saturday, November 12, 2011