Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Monday, October 31, 2011

Mary Mack

Beast update

Good old Dr. Scullin came out to check on my star.
I told him all about everything Beasty has done/ acted like in the past two weeks.

There was a red flag concerning Beasts acupuncture session last week and the inability to get needles in her.
(Dr. Laura Reick had expressed a bit of concern in this area as well.....Dr. Laura Reick is the best.)

Beast also acted like her skin was on fire a few other times in the last 15 days when I tried to brush her/ touch her.
But she is Beast.
Beast is a weirdo. Weirdo's make it hard to develop a base line for normal because the definition of normal is .....not a weirdo.

Anyways, Beast didn't really have the much of skin sensitivity test because well, her skin was so sensitive she flipped out. Dermal hypersensitivity.
She had a bunch of blood drawn, received a shot of tetracycline, and is on doxycycline for at least a month.
I suppose the direction we are heading with this is possibly Lymes.

(In which case Katie Wherley is not only an awesome course walker, but also a spot on Lymes detective)
I will not be able to ride Beasty for at least a week (or more) while we get a handle on what is going on.
We are checking a bunch of stuff with the blood drawn and should have results within a day or two.

My poor girl.

That horse gave me everything she had at Virginia.
I can not imagine how miserable that whole experience must have been for her.

I myself was miserable on Saturday at 4:30 in the morning after using up all my grownup-ness the day before.
I woke up in my hotel room, with little Ossi and Kim sound asleep. I felt trapped and claustrophobic.
I wanted to go home.
I was at the emotional level of a five year old.
I realized the reality of it. The logic.
I am not so far gone in my selfish horsey land that I don't know whats up.

What I mean is this.....I will code it.
My World ...............Reality

I had to pull my mare up cross country. Devastation, worry, frustration.

I am lucky to own a horse.
My family is healthy.
I have a family.
I am lucky to have a family.

My mare was acting very strange and I couldn't sleep trapped in a hotel room.
I had to lay there, in the dark and do the alphabet gratitude list until sleep blessed me again.
I was feeling sorry for my self.

I own an awesome mare that is very happy I had the common sense to pull her up.
I learned to listen to the signs, and will be more proactive as my career continues, I will listen sooner.
Poor me nothing, I had a roof over my head, a blanket, heat, a mini fridge stocked with yummy food, and two good friends with me.
I need to get over myself.

This sport is like a drug.
It will try to seduce you into thinking that only one thing matters, you.
It will try to put its self above husbands, friends, sanity.
It will easily put its self above manicures, dinners out, vacations.
It will make you forget your birthday.
But let me tell you what brings you right back to reality, at least my reality.
The minute long hug that Maggie gave me when I walked through the door last night.
The other thing that brings me right back where I want to be is the very horses that enable me to do this sport.

Beasts world..........Reality

I feel like horribleness. I am staying in a stall with three concrete walls, and a metal grate as a door. I can see no other horses. My momma is asking me to do something and I will give her everything I have in my giant red horsie heart until I simply have nothing left. I will ask nothing in return. I will not complain.

I feel like horribleness. I am staying in a stall with three concrete walls, and a metal grate as a door. I can see no other horses. My momma is asking me to do something and I will give her everything I have in my giant red horsie heart until I simply have nothing left. I will ask nothing in return. I will not complain.

In other less dramatic news, I have to say how unbelievable Callie is.
She realized the atmosphere at Va, and strutted her stuff! She also got the nickname "hoover" for her constant eating. I really feel like Callie has all the ingredients to be a star.

Another star is Mr. Dave Macklin.
Dave had a work emergency on Friday afternoon (preventing him from coming to Va).
Then the hot water heater broke.
So he drove with Maggie to Home Depot, rented a truck, bought a hot water heater, took it home, installed it while Maggie napped, then returned the truck.
I came home to hot water, fence posts going in, and a clean house!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Mary and Fiesta course (10/26 Stephen Bradley Clinic)

I had to re-post this.
I just watched it for the first time on my home computer.
How freaking AMAZING is this horse????
Go on with your bad owner self Melissa.

Mary Mack

Saturday, October 29, 2011

What a day

Beast has been not feeling well all day. Poor girl.
I had to give her some banamine, then ulcer gaurd.
She perked up finally after the ulcer gaurd.
She scared me a bit with her colicy symptoms.
I'm definitely having her checked thoroughly when I get home.
Pull a lymes test and full body exam.

During all this, I had to do dressage and show jumping on callie.
Dressage was great for her.
I'm not gonna lie, I kinda thought I might die in the snow/sleet/40° weather on my cold backed 5 year old.
She was a good girl! And jumped CLEAN in the coliseum! What a focused smart love bug!
She was one of few to go clean so her placing is quite good as we prep for xc tom.
Check back!
This is all from my phone so sorry if it wrote any wierd words!

Mary Mack

Are we having fun yet?

Mary Mack

Friday, October 28, 2011

Well that didn't go to plan....

Beasty was pretty good in dressage. She felt funny in xc warm up and it carried out on course.
I elected to pull her up and call it a day after the cross country machine had a stop at the water.
I'm super bummed, and will have dr scullin look at her when I get back.
Me and Beast are bad asses though so we will be back at it in the spring!
Send great thoughts our way as callie and little ossi go in the nor-easter!

Mary Mack

A beautiful morning

This was around 8 am, before all the hustle and bustle began.
All the horses are behaving and happy and eating well!
I can't wait for dave and maggie to get here!
Next is a ride on callie, braiding beast then her dressage test!

Mary Mack

Thursday, October 27, 2011

We have arrived!

We had a beautiful drive!
Arrived, unpacked, checked in, settled the horses, hacked, lunged, grazed, checked in the hotel, shopped (we have a microwave and fridge in the hotel room), grazed the horses! Whew!
It all went smoothly, Kim is a great help and so is little ossi! Can't wait to see Dave and Mags tom, I miss them so much.
I will post photos tom!

Mary Mack

Watch "Mary and Fiesta course (10/26 Stephen Bradley Clinic)" on YouTube

Mary Mack

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I got this sent to me from my friend Kim..
She wrote that it's
"basically Beasts Motto"

Now, I wish so badly that I could post the photo I sent to her.....but it is so inappropriate for my blog.
I really do have to try to hold myself to some kind of professional standard.
I would be more then happy to share it with anyone through email, but you may need a change of pants after you laugh so hard when you see it. Unless you have no sense of humor, then you wouldn't get it.

I wonder if people with no sense of humor know that they have no sense of humor?

I am really grateful for the people I have in my life.
The little things that people do mean so much, and I hope that they all know.

Thank you for the little things.

Helping me measure out my mares grain while I stare blankly and pretend to help by "holding" the feed bag up with my foot.

Carrying the giant container of grain to my trailer.

Calling me just to say hello.

Sharing your Miso-noodle soup.
Your tea from your fancy tea making machine.

Loaning me your stuff or your ring.

Helping me with Maggie.

Watching my dogs.

Owning an awesome horse that I get to ride.

Living with me....and redoing the bathtub caulk at ten o clock at night because I peel it all away from obsessive scrubbing.

Being the best two year old little bear that says MOMMY! And hugs my leg, or kisses my forehead, or says "I love you" in toddler talk.

Reading my Blog.
Posting your Blogs so even if you are miles away, I can still know what's going on (cause I am a busy body)
You guys are all so special.
If you are in my life and you read this, then you are special and I thank you.

It may be just a little email to you, but it still can make a girl cry.
With the pressure of competing and keeping it all together, it is so nice to know that no matter what I do or how I do, you still will be there.

You are all bad asses.

Mary and Fiesta

All the mares rocked it this afternoon with Mr.Stephen Bradley.
Fiesta has come a long way in a short amount of time. She was AMAZING over the oxers as they went up as well!

I had such a great day, and am so proud of the three girls!
I can't wait until November when I get to bring Summer also!!!!!
I miss riding with Kim and Kelley. Soon though.

Beasty Bear and Callie are resting in their field, munchin on some grass.
They have a big couple days ahead of them.
Check back for updates......

I learned a lot today and it was a great tune up for Virginia.

Monday, October 24, 2011

moments of funny

Not only do I have bad a$$ mares.....

I have bad a$$ students!!!!!
Team Red Hawke went to Loch Moy yesterday for a little XC school.

Alexis and Packer looked perfect. Literally perfect. It was a great school to prep them for Waredaca.
I think I am more upset about not being with Alexis at Waredaca then Alexis is! Her and Packer looking that good though, made me know they will be amazing competing this weekend.

Willis lived up to every hope and expectation I had. He and Katie had a blast and jumped all of the Intro/Elementary XC with a smile on their faces (yes Willis smiled also)!
Willis is super brave, smart, and LOVES water and jumping!

Alison and Buckshot could have been making a video of the ideal way to look while schooling XC. No joke.

And then there was Kari, the biggest bad ass of them all.

So when I read my sports psychology books, it talks of mental toughness. How you can learn it. How it is training yourself that when the going gets tough, the winners keep going and the losers quit.
Now normally you won't find my blog posts so aggressive and I try to avoid words like "ass" by cleverly camouflaging the word with symbols like $'s (I bet you hadn't noticed), but sometimes you need a little swear word, a little oomf, a shot of tequila.
Kari's lesson started out great.
Kaliente is an AMAZING horse. She is a super good jumper and likes to be on a soft loose the show jumping........... XC not so much.
This is one of those mares that you can tell grew up with a trainer/rider and loved the way that person rode her, and wanted to be ridden THE EXACT SAME WAY.
So when Kari presented missy mick mickerson Kaliente to a bank two stride log question and got there on two and a half (lack of straightness) and Kari floated the reins and closed her leg, Kaliente turned her face into a question mark and stopped.
Kari fell off, and fell hard.
She didn't let go, she didn't get emotional, she didn't get crazy, she didn't get (outwardly) pissed. She got up.
She got back on, we talked about it, she rode Kaliente with the steady heavy connection that she wanted, and those two bitches rocked it.

It was the coolest thing to watch.
I know that that mare loves Laney. She clearly loved Sally (her old rider) and after yesterday, she loves and respects Kari.
Kari is as tough as they come. She is a sports psychology book all wrapped into muscle and skin and funny randomness, and signing her checks as Snooki.
She is a real horse person and gained more respect from me and that horse then words can express.

It was a great thing for me and the other three ladies to see.
Sometimes I truly know what the saying
"If you love your job, you won't work a day in your life"

Another exciting ride yesterday was the one I took on Fiesta!
She came over in the morning to jump with me. I love this mare. I love this mares saddle.
I jumped missy over all the verticals, hogs back (my current obsession) and liverpool perfectly on the first go.
Fiesta did angled lines, shortened, lengthened, and focused.
It was great.

Our ring is great. Thanks again to the Dawson's for that. The best farm owners ever.

Beasty and Callie are doing really well.
Both are having a spa day. They did their chiro-acupuncture this morning and will be getting baths and basking in "back on trackness" this afternoon.

Summer can't wait til it is her turn.

Maggie is running wildly with her little friends Erin and Aiden. So I am going to take some time for a little yoga now.

Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. And don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines. -Leroy Satchel Paige

A problem is a chance for you to do your best. – Duke Ellington

If you aren’t in over your head, how do you know how tall you are? - Unknown

Make your face hurt.

Two more things to clarify what a bad ass is...


And this

Friday, October 21, 2011

Oh busy busy busy!!!!!!!!!

It has been a busy week for us!
All my students are doing AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Alison and Buckshot had an amazing jump lesson. Man this horse can jump! He was cracking his back so much, Alison had to work to keep her really classic position! (She did!)
Katie and Willis did their first jump school together. It was wonderfully awesomely perfect!
I can not believe this horse jumps as well as he moves!
Julia rode his highness Knickerbocker. They were on the same page and it was heart warming to watch. At the end Julia said "This is everything I dreamed jumping could be!"
Julia and Knick will make quite the team as will Alison and Knick.
One lucky man that guy. Two girls to fawn all over him!
He also got his stifle done and is feeling sassy.
T-Gordon had a great lesson on her very own Violet. These two have made so much progress, it's insane!
Hunter reminds me of a genetic split between Boyd Martin and William Fox Pitt more and more every day.

He is super amazing. Courtney and the Professor (his name is Professor Pronto) will soon be kicking rear end at an event near you.

My favorite 3 year old an her owner both did some awesome jumping this week!
That's right, Summer is officially one step closer to kicking a$$ at her spring 2012 Beginner Novice debut.
She is also like Willis, jumps as awesome as she moves. Can this be for real?

Sharon and Harmony looked awesome. It's hard not to look awesome when you are Sharon and Harmony.

My favorite 5 year old had a great XC school at Loch Moy today.
She is solidly schooling all the Training level questions.
I love her.
She acts like such a pro off the farm now. She acts like such a pro when I don't put studs in her and she slips behind and keeps jumping like nothing is out of the ordinary and it's cool that her right hind hock is almost on the ground. She is so super athletic, so level headed, and just so brave. ( I will however always school Callie in studs now.)
I have big bad ass mares.

I am glad this week has gone so well. Beasty has a clean bill of health, the little bump (not my imagination) was checked out by my awesome vet and explained to me. Not a big deal, just another bump to ignore.....AKA stare and poke at in private.

As my birthday approaches, I do find myself sad at times. I suppose after you loose a family member all holidays are a little different.
I miss my mom and wish she could be here with us. But more importantly, I know she would be so proud of my happy for all my wonderful students, and so proud of me.

My little girl has had such a good week with me. I can not believe how fast she is growing, and how cool she is.

OK just wanted to get a quick post up before I stuff my face.
It's a bit all over the place, but so am I.
Make your face hurt this weekend. (Smile)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Maggies first french braid!!!

Ok now we are going shopping then the barn!!!!
Later I will write about my students AMAZING jump lessons!
Mary Mack

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Just an update

Maggie has a fun day planned for her.
The Fire department is driving to Miss Dina's today to show off their trucks and outfits!

Dave has a fun day of work planned.

Mary just had the best acupuncture session ever. Next I will be going to ride the mares, teach Sharon, then Hannah, Hunter, Ameriah, then Julia, Taylor, and Katie!

Katie's horse Willis continues to amaze me. I really look forward to my training rides on him as he always picks up right where we left off. He is a super good mover, and oh so naturally balanced!

Lord Knickerbocker has been a little depressed since Kari is moving on to her grey mare better watch out for these two at Rubicon and next spring. They are going to kick a$$
Fortunately for our Highness Knick, Julia and Elizabeth have been taking excellent care of him. Paula gave him a little back rub and it sure made a difference!
Alison and Julia will be splitting his Royal Highness starting in November. Lord Knickerbocker will be receiving stifle injections on Thursday. All hail.

The Beast cantered up a new hill at our farm. It was perfect. It made me have flashbacks to all the cantering we used to do on Stephens horses.
She currently has a few bug bites that I am loosing sleep over. No joke. Any time there is a new lump or bump, the panic takes over....I sweat.....I get really hot and angry.....then I call every person I know to talk about it and poke at the bump or lump.
This ritual also applies to Callie and Summer.
The best part is that I am a hypocritic jerk and make so much fun of my friends and or students for such behavior.

Poor Dave.
I have become acutely aware of my actions, and their level of crazy, by the reaction on Daves face.....

Mary ---------------------------------------Dave
  • Phase one, mild anxiety--- Dave is pretty happy still. Still has happy face

  • Phase two, medium anxiety-- Dave gets irritable. No longer happy face, perhaps even irritable face

  • Phase three, full blown crazy (I loose touch with reality at this point)---
  • Dave freezes, he gets a fearful, but kind of waiting expression on his face. Kind of like a cornered domestic animal with a feral one coming at it. Like "should I run or bite? Run? Or Bite?"

Anyways, at least I know I'm crazy. It's cool, it's a cool crazy to have. I poke at bumps, pretty harmless.
At least I am not that stupid guy who drives all over Mt Airy in his stupid Grey truck.
Have you seen him?
He's got those ridiculous smoke stack exhaust things in the bed of his truck?
Ugh, and a stupid confederate flag sticker?
He is a tailgating, engine revving, high beam driving jerk.
Him and the old guy that drives the grey car with the "show dogs" bumper sticker.
Mmmm Hmm.
Things could be worse. Kari knows who I am talking about.
So does any cop I can get to listen in Mt. Airy.

Ok, I gotta get out of my mom jeans and into some riding pant's.
I am just kidding, I will never wear mom jeans. If I do, please tell me to stop.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Family update!

Aunty Kim teaches Maggie about touchdowns and team spirit!

The Macklins had a good weekend!
Especially Maggie Macklin!!!

Those family members of Dave will get a kick out of how he spent his Friday night and Saturday....
We had a load of stone delivered for our driveway. A TRUCK load.
When Dave told me he was going to hand spread it, I thought he was nuts.
He actually did it!

Dave, Maggie, and Mary's pumpkins!!!!
We went to Sharps nursery on Sunday to pick pumpkins!
Or as Dave calls them, punkins. I hate that word. Almost as much as the word "milk", "moist", and "ointment".
Maggie likes all words. She also liked the piggies, chickens, cows, and goats!
We went for a hay ride!

Later in the day we planted the new mums in their hanging baskets, and I started getting stuff ready for Virginia Horse Trials.
Dave and I watched "The American" with George Clooney.
Um it was awful. What's up?

We did eat a lot of brownies though.
I felt gross.

I can't feel too gross with my hair recently done though and looking good!!!!
A big shout out to best hair dresser Alexa Henry!!! Just shoot me an email if you want her info, it's super convenient in your own home!!!

Other super exciting news on the Macklin home front...
We are getting our yard fenced in!
YaYYYYYY! We are also getting a door installed in the kitchen. So our life is going to become better, almost as much as the dogs and the Maggie!!!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Callie and myself at Sharon White lesson!

My mares were both perfect. I have been reading a number of sports psychology books that have really helped me both in the show ring but also in training.
I no longer beat myself up for making mistakes. I realize now that every mistake is a golden opportunity to learn. To become better.
I have no desire to be perfect.
That is not possible. That is a recipe for misery.
I wish to be THE BEST THAT I CAN BE.

I also realize some other things.

In order to compete well, I have to be prepared, over prepared.
If I am, and I realize it, I am relaxed at a show.

I may not have a better mover or a cleaner jumper, but I CAN TRY HARDER.

"We all choke. Winners know how to handle choking better then losers."
John McEnroe

"Be decisive. A wrong decision is generally less disastorus than indecision."
Bernhard Langer

"Motivation get's you going. Discipline keeps you going."
Jim Ryan

I have found personally that accupuncture does WONDERS for me.
I have spent my last two competitions with a smile on my face, and no pit in my throat.
I have found the program that works for me, once I became objective and looked at myself like I do my horses.

Now for my favorite email I have been sent in a LONG time.
Thank you Kim...

October 12, 2011 7:38 PM

Here is a little snippet of Callie at her jump lesson!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

good lessons

My girls had a slumber party again. They are tucked into their stalls at "A Bit Better"
Both mares were fantastic for Susan G White yesterday!

Now I am off to ride with the amazing Sharon White!

Thank god Kelley has a super indoor!
My dogs talked me into napping with them today. Nothing like good nap on a rainy day.
Too bad life and work make us so busy all the time.

SLEEP FIRST, feel guilty later.

Monday, October 10, 2011

A Shout OUT

Just wanted to express again how awesome Vanessa Swartz is.
This little lady has turned Beast's dressage around.
Beast couldn't canter well this spring let alone counter canter!
She is now competing at the Intermediate level and holding her own!!!!

It's people like Vanessa that are willing to help a hot mess and stand by it, that make such a difference!
Beasts scores will be in the 30's in the spring, that's not a goal, that's a promise.

(I also vow not do exactly the opposite of what Stephen said and take a tug at a skinny, thus telling Beast to knock the rail. Poor Beast she must wonder why every now and then I tell her to hit rails down?)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Schooling at the schooling show!

Callie really struggled in the deep footing.
She try's so hard for me!
I got some very helpful pointers from Donna Ruth!!!!!!!!

Summers first show!!!!!

Welcome to her house.

It is the house of amazingness!

I like girls.

Girl horses...
Summers first show was a success!!!!
(a bit of an understatement!!!)
Summer won both of her divisions and Callie got a second and third in hers!!!
I guess the grab strap wasn't necessary :)
The girls sunbathed and munched on hay.
I am so proud of both these mares!
They handled the day so well.
Callie was the 5 year old pro, showing the 3 year old the the ropes.

This has been a great weekend.
Its weekends like this that make me feel like it is all worth it.

A huge congrats to Summers owners Sharon and Nick Dawson.
You guys have one hell of a horse and I am honored, truly honored to ride her.

A thanks to Mr. Dave Macklin and Mags for coming today.
Maggie has two skinned knees and an exhausted happy little toddler body to show for it.

Dave and I have some eating and movie watching to do now!

Sharon cappy 2

Sharon on her way to WINNING her open training division!!!! Go on with your bad blue and white self!!!!

Sharon on cappy

success at Loch Moy!!!

Stephen on his way to a top placing on In The Fog

Emily on Jazz who was first after dressage
My Star Beasty
Em on Jazz again
My Beasty over the Trakhener
I am on my way out the door to Summer and Callies dressage show, but here are a few photos and videos!!!
What an amazing horse I have!!! She ate up that XC!!! She was a star in show jumping, a little impressed by the atmosphere.....but not the height! She cleared everything with two feet or more to spare! (Now we have to keep her focus and my body still)
A huge thanks to Grand Prix V (Vanessa Swartz) for coming to warm me up.
For those who don't follow my blog, this judge HATES the way Beast and I go.
We got a score 7 points less then last time!!!!!! This is HUGE!!!
I love my chestnut and her freakish spring legs.
I am so proud of her for holding her own in a super competitive division.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Check it out!

Check out photos of student ALEXIS LEVY!!!

Check out photos of student COURTNEY SWARTZ!!!!!!!

Check out photos of my horse Callie at Morven!!!!!!

All three girls are looking AMAZING!!! So proud!

Check back to hear about my awesome lessons and interesting evening walking across roads and standing in fields with Julia!
Just kidding, nothing dramatic with Julia but looking at her potential new horse was FUN!!!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Product reviews

Item 1- KABOOM
4 stars out of 4!
This stuff is awesome! I have an old farm house that is on well water. We went through a phase where we had a lot of iron in our water. This product just made my life a little better.
My bathtub looks awesome!
I am going to put Maggie down and take a bath in my "Lavender Epsom Salts!!!"
I tried to buy Epsom salt for the horses and ended with the Lavender kind?!?! It was one of those days.
We also have like 17 boxes of rice-a-roni.

Item 2- FITS breeches.
I love these damn things.
I went through a phase (in the summer when they felt like they were painted on my flesh with that paint that killed the wizard of oz person) where I wanted to hate them.
Maybe it's the monkey butt.
I wore them at Morven and god they stick you to that saddle.
They were COVERED in dirt and muck from the sloppy show jumping.
I just washed them and they look BRAND NEW!
Oh FITS breeches, I hate to love you, but I love what you do for me.

So I have to get back to my list of chores.
Show clothes-ready for this weekend
Maggie-covered in chocolate (organic cliff bar chocolate though so it's ok)
Maggie--also successfully rode in her car seat from the house to Loch Moy and back with a helmet on.
I-dropped off the check for Beasts last minute entry to one of my top two favorite horse trials.
Dogs-not dead
toilets (ew)-scrubbed
acupuncture appointment-set up
lessons for this week-all scheduled
laundry in machiene

left to do

wipe down appliances
refreeze beasts ice boots for tomorrows jump lesson
continue to not kill the dogs
come up with a good dinner using rice-a-roni
wipe down furniture
put laundry away
Pick up Hunter
Ride Beast
Lunge Summer
Teach Ameriah, Hunter, Hannah
ride Packer

Philip Dutton, you've got nothing on me......
Other then like 500 points....

Oh mannnnnnnnn, I just researched him to see what else I could say. He has 3 kids, and like a zillion other things.

Buck Davidson, you have nothing on me.
AND I am not going to research you and depress my self.


If they can do it, so can you.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Here is my little star in the making. Dave was able to work the camera today since a certain two year old daughter was a little less cranky!

Callie had a 32 in dressage, no wait....a 39?
Either way SHE WAS AN ANGEL.....She was an ANGEL in the cold rain!
(For those of you that don't remember her this spring and all the bucking fits, that's ok, I don't either. . . . they say that's natures way. Like child birth ;)

It's kind of weird when you ask the secretary why your score was changed, and have her walk away, then push you in a room with the head of scoring and the dressage judge.

The dressage judge was SUPER nice, but did say "I don't actually know if this is your test."
There were a few tests that got mixed up.

Hmm, quite the conundrum.

I took it as a lesson to learn about judging myself and my progress minus scores (since I was withdrawing from XC anyway). ...... But come on!
It's a bit frustrating, I would have really liked some feedback, but my test did not seem to be Callie's.

This is the second time Morven has had some issues with there scoring, and it seems odd at such a large venue.

Morven did have awesome volunteers, and lots of other positive things to write about.
Like the awesome riders that attended....

The landing of one of the advanced jumps.
The people that did run in the advanced divisions were a sight to behold....The best of the best.

In other news.....
Student Hunter had an amazing go at his first Novice!!!!
He had a 39 in dressage and had two double clear jump rounds (although jumped the wrong number three).
Way to go HUNTER!!!!!!

(At Iron bridge)
She was second behind professional rider (and best friend) Katherine Rizzo!!!
Hopefully there are pics coming soon!

I would write more but it will have to wait.....
I have Eggplant Parmesan, a fire, the movie "Bambi", and two awesome peeps waiting for me.
My girls are sound, safe, and warm at Darenth.
I love those mares!

Hopefully Beast can sneak into Loch Moy and Callie and Summer will have a dressage show on Sunday funday!
PS, A big shout out to Dave, Maggie, little Ossi. You guys are the best!
Also Kim and Katherine who put up with my obsessive phone calls.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Beasty snippet 2 from Morven

Beasty snippet from Morven

Beast had a shortened warm up due to her lack of being caught in the am.
Her lack of being caught included a lot of running, and me crying on the ground.

Anyways, Beast put on her big girl pants today. She was super brave in the indoor, well behaved in the hammering rain, and did not rear or buck me off like so many horses in the outside warm up areas.

BEAST SHAVED 9 and 1/2 POINTS OFF HER DRESSAGE SCORE.(For the non-horse people readers, this is a good thing!!!!)
This situation seems vaguely familiar.
I finally accept that we will just have to aim for the high 40's and then I get a glimpse of amazingness.
(Just like when I wrote her off at prelim)
I was so happy with my girl (after I lost the desire to kill her from the hour and a half catching/torture session this morning). I think this spring we will be in the high 30's.
Then Vanessa and Katherine will say "I told you!"

Tomorrow is a no go for Beasty XC.
I don't see much point in taking my other little princess either.
I will decide in the am, but assuming it will be a scratch for the Calsters.

In other news, I tried acupuncture on myself.(I don't mean I did it....just clarifying that I don't mean my horses ;)
If any one is interested, please shoot me an email/talk to me and let me recommend the person I went to.
I am not exaggerating when I say it was one of the top 5 coolest experiences of my life.

Team Red Hawke makes the News again!!!

Check out reports on Mary (Beast and Callie)
and Kari on Knickerbocker!!!!