Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Just an update

Maggie has a fun day planned for her.
The Fire department is driving to Miss Dina's today to show off their trucks and outfits!

Dave has a fun day of work planned.

Mary just had the best acupuncture session ever. Next I will be going to ride the mares, teach Sharon, then Hannah, Hunter, Ameriah, then Julia, Taylor, and Katie!

Katie's horse Willis continues to amaze me. I really look forward to my training rides on him as he always picks up right where we left off. He is a super good mover, and oh so naturally balanced!

Lord Knickerbocker has been a little depressed since Kari is moving on to her grey mare better watch out for these two at Rubicon and next spring. They are going to kick a$$
Fortunately for our Highness Knick, Julia and Elizabeth have been taking excellent care of him. Paula gave him a little back rub and it sure made a difference!
Alison and Julia will be splitting his Royal Highness starting in November. Lord Knickerbocker will be receiving stifle injections on Thursday. All hail.

The Beast cantered up a new hill at our farm. It was perfect. It made me have flashbacks to all the cantering we used to do on Stephens horses.
She currently has a few bug bites that I am loosing sleep over. No joke. Any time there is a new lump or bump, the panic takes over....I sweat.....I get really hot and angry.....then I call every person I know to talk about it and poke at the bump or lump.
This ritual also applies to Callie and Summer.
The best part is that I am a hypocritic jerk and make so much fun of my friends and or students for such behavior.

Poor Dave.
I have become acutely aware of my actions, and their level of crazy, by the reaction on Daves face.....

Mary ---------------------------------------Dave
  • Phase one, mild anxiety--- Dave is pretty happy still. Still has happy face

  • Phase two, medium anxiety-- Dave gets irritable. No longer happy face, perhaps even irritable face

  • Phase three, full blown crazy (I loose touch with reality at this point)---
  • Dave freezes, he gets a fearful, but kind of waiting expression on his face. Kind of like a cornered domestic animal with a feral one coming at it. Like "should I run or bite? Run? Or Bite?"

Anyways, at least I know I'm crazy. It's cool, it's a cool crazy to have. I poke at bumps, pretty harmless.
At least I am not that stupid guy who drives all over Mt Airy in his stupid Grey truck.
Have you seen him?
He's got those ridiculous smoke stack exhaust things in the bed of his truck?
Ugh, and a stupid confederate flag sticker?
He is a tailgating, engine revving, high beam driving jerk.
Him and the old guy that drives the grey car with the "show dogs" bumper sticker.
Mmmm Hmm.
Things could be worse. Kari knows who I am talking about.
So does any cop I can get to listen in Mt. Airy.

Ok, I gotta get out of my mom jeans and into some riding pant's.
I am just kidding, I will never wear mom jeans. If I do, please tell me to stop.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO....... mom jeanes..... I will disown you as my sister in law if you start... so don't worry... I won't let you. This will require you to post what jeans you're wearing daily now. :-)))))) HILARIOUS post......
