Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I got this sent to me from my friend Kim..
She wrote that it's
"basically Beasts Motto"

Now, I wish so badly that I could post the photo I sent to her.....but it is so inappropriate for my blog.
I really do have to try to hold myself to some kind of professional standard.
I would be more then happy to share it with anyone through email, but you may need a change of pants after you laugh so hard when you see it. Unless you have no sense of humor, then you wouldn't get it.

I wonder if people with no sense of humor know that they have no sense of humor?

I am really grateful for the people I have in my life.
The little things that people do mean so much, and I hope that they all know.

Thank you for the little things.

Helping me measure out my mares grain while I stare blankly and pretend to help by "holding" the feed bag up with my foot.

Carrying the giant container of grain to my trailer.

Calling me just to say hello.

Sharing your Miso-noodle soup.
Your tea from your fancy tea making machine.

Loaning me your stuff or your ring.

Helping me with Maggie.

Watching my dogs.

Owning an awesome horse that I get to ride.

Living with me....and redoing the bathtub caulk at ten o clock at night because I peel it all away from obsessive scrubbing.

Being the best two year old little bear that says MOMMY! And hugs my leg, or kisses my forehead, or says "I love you" in toddler talk.

Reading my Blog.
Posting your Blogs so even if you are miles away, I can still know what's going on (cause I am a busy body)
You guys are all so special.
If you are in my life and you read this, then you are special and I thank you.

It may be just a little email to you, but it still can make a girl cry.
With the pressure of competing and keeping it all together, it is so nice to know that no matter what I do or how I do, you still will be there.

You are all bad asses.

1 comment:

  1. We all love you too girl...and love to read your blog and keep up with you and your life... and the lives of those special people that are lucky enough to be in your family..... hugs to you!
