Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


OK I am finally starting to breathe.
I have bounced around emotionally the last couple of days between stable, unstable, angry, driven and sleepy.
I am still mad at the world that my amazing horse fell after doing what I told her to do.
It's too late for anything to change though, it is what it is.

Beast continues to amaze me by already appearing basically SOUND.

I love my vet, he came out first thing on Monday. We put the Beast on some stronger antibiotics and he told me not to freak out if ........(insert all possibilities here-such as her body filling with an air pocket, which it did).
I find my reactions to the whole experience fairly child like. I do feel sorry for my self. I feel like a toddler that was handed a lollipop and then got it ripped from her hand.
I don't want to feel immature so maybe I need to go through situations like this (all though ideally situations that don't involve one of my mares being injured.)
Growing pains.

The thing I can keep pulling from is HOW AMAZING my girl felt over all the fences we got to jump.
Anyways back to the Beast update, she is turned out with her herd already. She does not seem to be interested in much other then eating the GREEN grass and sticking her rear in Fance's face. Beast either doesn't realize or care that Fance is a girl and can't help her out in the getting pregnant department.
This is a rare time where my mare being in heat is a tremendous help. I hope her obsession with Fance will keep down any urge to run too much.

My other girl Callie continues to thrive on the Regumate and peppermints.
I can not believe the ease with which Callie handled her first training. I am very excited about this year with my Comet.

Summer has done a flat school and a jump school since I have returned. I forgot what it feels like to ride the nicest horse on the planet. Oh and she is four and stays focused while her herd is getting turned out.

It is a good thing that I have Callie, Summer and my students to keep me busy. I have far too much invested emotionally in my little chestnut mare. Thank god I am older and able to use the tools I have learned over the years to not live in a state of sheer panic that my horse will not get better. I only visit that state every 30 seconds ;).

My students all seem to have not only survived with out me for five weeks, but they actually appear to have improved!

My new dog rocks. She is so much fun to have around and cracks us up.
Maggie is a happy girl with her pack of animals. Dave continues to tolerate everything with the calmness that only a doozies is capable of.

Our yard needs some serious attention this weekend. I just mowed and planted some spring time bulbs.
Hopefully we can get some stuff done between a day of XC schooling and Morven.

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