Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Mary and (the perfect) Beast

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


It dawns on me that it's slightly odd to sleep in a camper for a month, eat cheap microwave meals, dress in excessively riding clothes, miss my husband and daughter so much that I cry and my three year old comforts me, and have a dog be my main companion.
But then I have days like the last few and I know I'm on the right track.
I'm sure this lifestyle isn't for most and it is hard. But the amount my five horses here have grown is astonishing.
One of my owners came this weekend and had the best rides on her mare Fiesta. Fiesta was perfect and it made me so happy.
She is acting so brave, excited to jump....anything, and less lazy on the flat.;)
Duncan is strong, delighted, and going really well. His ADD is satiated by the constant activity here. I have given up on trying to cure duncan of his need to sniff,snortle, shake, flap, paw, roll, pee on,  or pull down. He is relentless. He is so relentless that it went from cute to slightly annoying and is now hilarious.
Duncan can untie himself in the time it takes me to walk from his stall to the tack area. He has a NEED to know what is going on.
He has become polite and obedient under saddle and that's a compromise I'm willing to take!
Beasty is feeling Amazing! She had a massage by Sabrina Morris and holy crap! She is all tuned up and ready for Pine Top!
Callie has been on her best behavior. She is jumping in a new bit and it's freaking phenomenal. We will see if it helps me have better brakes xc this weekend!
Ava is a little star. She is sweet, happy, snugly, and definitely into this eventing thing. She will have a quiet week to come down from the intensity of last week. Being at Full Gallop is like being at a horse show every day, and her first event at Paradise was BUSY. She was perfect though!

I have watched tv twice since I have been here. I have no computer and my phone reception can be moody.

I do however have a resupply of jelly beans and chocolate which are a night time must!

Mary Mack

1 comment:

  1. Great post! It sounds like so much work but worth it for those "payback" moments when things go right! Looking forward to getting down there and seeing what a great place it is.
